
Component: PairwiseModel

class PairwiseModel.Config[source]

Bases: BasePairwiseModel.Config


if false, return the concatenation of the two representations; if true, also concatenate their pairwise absolute difference and pairwise elementwise product (à la arXiv:1705.02364). Default: true.


whether to use the same representation, with tied weights, for all the input subrepresentations. Default: true.

All Attributes (including base classes)

  • QueryDocPairwiseRankingModel.Config

Default JSON

    "inputs": {
        "tokens1": {
            "is_input": true,
            "column": "text1",
            "tokenizer": {
                "Tokenizer": {
                    "split_regex": "\\s+",
                    "lowercase": true,
                    "use_byte_offsets": false
            "add_bos_token": false,
            "add_eos_token": false,
            "use_eos_token_for_bos": false,
            "max_seq_len": null,
            "vocab": {
                "build_from_data": true,
                "size_from_data": 0,
                "min_counts": 0,
                "vocab_files": []
            "vocab_file_delimiter": " "
        "tokens2": {
            "is_input": true,
            "column": "text2",
            "tokenizer": {
                "Tokenizer": {
                    "split_regex": "\\s+",
                    "lowercase": true,
                    "use_byte_offsets": false
            "add_bos_token": false,
            "add_eos_token": false,
            "use_eos_token_for_bos": false,
            "max_seq_len": null,
            "vocab": {
                "build_from_data": true,
                "size_from_data": 0,
                "min_counts": 0,
                "vocab_files": []
            "vocab_file_delimiter": " "
        "labels": {
            "LabelTensorizer": {
                "is_input": false,
                "column": "label",
                "allow_unknown": false,
                "pad_in_vocab": false,
                "label_vocab": null,
                "label_vocab_file": null,
                "add_labels": null
    "decoder": {
        "load_path": null,
        "save_path": null,
        "freeze": false,
        "shared_module_key": null,
        "hidden_dims": [],
        "out_dim": null,
        "layer_norm": false,
        "dropout": 0.0,
        "bias": true,
        "activation": "relu",
        "temperature": 1.0,
        "spectral_normalization": false
    "output_layer": {
        "ClassificationOutputLayer": {
            "load_path": null,
            "save_path": null,
            "freeze": false,
            "shared_module_key": null,
            "loss": {
                "CrossEntropyLoss": {}
            "label_weights": null
    "encode_relations": true,
    "embedding": {
        "load_path": null,
        "save_path": null,
        "freeze": false,
        "shared_module_key": null,
        "embed_dim": 100,
        "embedding_init_strategy": "random",
        "embedding_init_range": null,
        "embeddding_init_std": 0.02,
        "export_input_names": [
        "pretrained_embeddings_path": "",
        "vocab_file": "",
        "vocab_size": 0,
        "vocab_from_train_data": true,
        "vocab_from_all_data": false,
        "vocab_from_pretrained_embeddings": false,
        "lowercase_tokens": true,
        "min_freq": 1,
        "mlp_layer_dims": [],
        "padding_idx": null,
        "cpu_only": false,
        "skip_header": true,
        "delimiter": " "
    "representation": {
        "BiLSTMDocAttention": {
            "load_path": null,
            "save_path": null,
            "freeze": false,
            "shared_module_key": null,
            "dropout": 0.4,
            "lstm": {
                "load_path": null,
                "save_path": null,
                "freeze": false,
                "shared_module_key": null,
                "dropout": 0.4,
                "lstm_dim": 32,
                "num_layers": 1,
                "bidirectional": true,
                "pack_sequence": true,
                "disable_sort_in_jit": false
            "pooling": {
                "SelfAttention": {
                    "attn_dimension": 64,
                    "dropout": 0.4
            "mlp_decoder": null
    "shared_representations": true