
PyText requires Python 3.6+

PyText is available in the Python Package Index via

$ pip install pytext-nlp

The easiest way to get started on most systems is to create a virtualenv

$ python3 -m venv pytext_venv
$ source pytext_venv/bin/activate
(pytext_venv) $ pip install pytext-nlp

This will install a version of PyTorch depending on your system. See PyTorch for more information. If you are using MacOS or Windows, this likely will not include GPU support by default; if you are using Linux, you should automatically get a version of PyTorch compatible with CUDA 9.0.

If you need a different version of PyTorch, follow the instructions on the PyTorch website to install the appropriate version of PyTorch before installing PyText

OS Dependencies

if you’re having issues getting things to run, these guides might help

On MacOS

Install brew, then run the command:

$ brew install cmake protobuf

On Windows

Coming Soon!

On Linux

For Ubuntu/Debian distros, you might need to run the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler libprotoc-dev

For rpm-based distros, you might need to run the following command:

$ sudo yum install protobuf-devel

Install From Source

$ git clone
$ cd pytext
$ source activation_venv
(pytext_venv) $ pip install torch # go to for platform specific installs
(pytext_venv) $ ./install_deps

Once that is installed, you can run the unit tests. We recommend using pytest as a runner.

(pytext_venv) $ pip install -U pytest
(pytext_venv) $ pytest
# If you want to measure test coverage, we recommend `pytest-cov`
(pytext_venv) $ pip install -U pytest-cov
(pytext_venv) $ pytest --cov=pytext

To resume development in an already checked-out repo:

$ cd pytext
$ source activation_venv

To exit the virtual environment:

(pytext_venv) $ deactivate

Cloud VM Setup

This guide will cover all the setup work you have to do in order to be able to easily install PyText on a cloud VM . Note that while these instructions worked when they were written, they may become incorrect or out of date. If they do, please send us a Pull Request!

After following these instructions, you should be good to either follow the Installation instructions or the Install From Source instructions

Amazon Web Services

Coming Soon

Google Cloud Engine

If you have problems launching your VM, make sure you have a non-zero gpu quota, click here to learn about quotas

This guide uses Google’s Deep Learning VM as a base.

Setting Up Your VM

  • Click “Launch on Compute Engine”
  • Configure the VM:
    • The default 2CPU K80 setup is fine for most tutorials, if you need more, change it here.
    • For Framework, select one of the Base images, rather than one with a framework pre-installed. Note which version of CUDA you choose for later.
    • When you’re ready, click “Deploy”
    • When your VM is done loading, you can SSH into it from the GCE Console
  • Install Python 3.6 (based on this RoseHosting blog post ):
    • $ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
    • add deb testing main to the list
    • $ echo 'APT::Default-Release "stable";' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00local
    • $ sudo apt-get update
    • $ sudo apt-get -t testing install python3.6
    • $ sudo apt-get install python3.6-venv protobuf-compiler libprotoc-dev

Microsoft Azure

This guide uses the Azure Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS image as a base

Setting Up Your VM

  • From the Azure Dashboard, select “Virtual Machines” and then click “add”
  • Give your VM a name and select the region you want it in, keeping in mind that GPU servers are not present in all regions
  • For this tutorial, you should select “Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS” as your image
  • Click “Change size” in order to select a GPU server.
    • Note that the default filters won’t show GPU servers, we recommend clearing all filters except “family” and setting “family” to GPU
    • For this tutorial, we will use the NC6 VM Size, but this should work on the larger and faster VMs as well
  • Make sure you set up SSH access, we recommend using a public key rather than a password. * don’t forget to “allow selected ports” and select SSH
  • install Nvidia driver and CUDA, (based on
    • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
    • sudo apt update
    • sudo apt-get install ubuntu-drivers-common
    • sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
    • reboot: sudo shutdown -r now
    • sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit gcc-6
  • install OS dependencies: sudo apt-get install python3-venv protobuf-compiler libprotoc-dev