Source code for pytext.utils.precision

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
from contextlib import contextmanager

from . import cuda

FP16_ENABLED = False

[docs]@contextmanager def delay_unscale(): global DELAY_UNSCALE # delay_unscale is required for gradients accumulation, model accumulate # gradient on FP16 parameters when set to True and using the same loss_scale old_delay_unscale = DELAY_UNSCALE DELAY_UNSCALE = True try: yield finally: DELAY_UNSCALE = old_delay_unscale
[docs]def set_fp16(fp16_enabled: bool): global FP16_ENABLED if fp16_enabled: if not cuda.CUDA_ENABLED: raise RuntimeError("Cuda is not available, should not running fp16...") FP16_ENABLED = fp16_enabled
[docs]def maybe_float(tensor): if FP16_ENABLED and tensor.type().split(".")[-1] == "HalfTensor": return tensor.float() else: return tensor
[docs]def maybe_half(tensor): if FP16_ENABLED and tensor.type().split(".")[-1] == "FloatTensor": return tensor.half() else: return tensor
[docs]def pad_length(n): if FP16_ENABLED: # To take advantage of tensor core, length should be multiple of 8 remainder = n % 8 if remainder > 0: n = n + 8 - remainder return n