Source code for pytext.utils.model

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

from typing import Iterable, Optional

import torch

from .cuda import Variable, zerovar

[docs]def to_onehot(feat: Variable, size: int) -> Variable: """ Transform features into one-hot vectors """ dim = [d for d in feat.size()] vec_ = torch.unsqueeze(feat, len(dim)) dim.append(size) one_hot = zerovar(dim) - 1,, 1) return one_hot
[docs]def get_mismatched_param( models: Iterable[torch.nn.Module], rel_epsilon: Optional[float] = None, abs_epsilon: Optional[float] = None, ) -> str: """ Return the name of the first mismatched parameter. Return an empty string if all the parameters of the modules are identical. """ if rel_epsilon is None and abs_epsilon is not None: print("WARNING: rel_epsilon is not specified, abs_epsilon is ignored.") if len(models) <= 1: return True # Verify all models have the same params. for model in models[1:]: for name, param in models[0].state_dict().items(): param_here = model.state_dict()[name] # If epsilon is specified, do approx comparison. if rel_epsilon is not None: if abs_epsilon is not None: if not torch.allclose( param, param_here, rtol=rel_epsilon, atol=abs_epsilon ): return name else: if not torch.allclose(param, param_here, rtol=rel_epsilon): return name else: if not torch.equal(param, param_here): return name return ""