Source code for pytext.utils.lazy

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

import functools
from typing import Tuple

import torch
from torch import nn

[docs]class lazy_property(object): """ More or less copy-pasta: Meant to be used for lazy evaluation of an object attribute. property should represent non-mutable data, as it replaces itself. """ def __init__(self, fget): self._fget = fget self.__doc__ = fget.__doc__ self.__name__ = fget.__name__ def __get__(self, obj, obj_cls_type): if obj is None: return None value = self._fget(obj) setattr(obj, self.__name__, value) return value
[docs]class UninitializedLazyModuleError(Exception): """A lazy module was used improperly."""
[docs]class Infer: """A value which can be inferred from a forward pass. Infer objects should be passed as arguments or keyword arguments to Lazy objects; see Lazy documentation for more details. """ def __init__(self, resolve_fn): """resolve_fn is called by Lazy on the arguments of the first forward pass to the Lazy module, and the Infer object will be replaced in the call by the output of this function. It should have the same signature as the Lazy-wrapped Module's forward function.""" self.resolve = resolve_fn
[docs] @classmethod def dimension(cls, dim): """A helper for creating Infer arguments looking at specific dimensions.""" return cls(lambda input: input.size()[dim])
[docs]class Lazy(nn.Module): """ A module which is able to infer some of its parameters from the inputs to its first forward pass. Lazy wraps any other nn.Module, and arguments can be passed that will be used to construct that wrapped Module after the first forward pass. If any of these arguments are Infer objects, those arguments will be replaced by calling the callback of the Infer object on the forward pass input. For instance, >>> Lazy(nn.Linear, Infer(lambda input: input.size(-1)), 4) Lazy() takes its in_features dimension from the last dimension of the input to its forward pass. This can be simplified to >>> Lazy(nn.Linear, Infer.dimension(-1), 4) or a partial can be created, for instance >>> LazyLinear = Lazy.partial(nn.Linear, Infer.dimension(-1)) >>> LazyLinear(4) Lazy() Finally, these Lazy objects explicitly forbid treating themselves normally; they must instead be replaced by calling `init_lazy_modules` on your model before training. For instance, >>> ll = lazy.Linear(4) >>> seq = nn.Sequential(ll) >>> seq Sequential( 0: Lazy(), ) >>> init_lazy_modules(seq, torch.rand(1, 2) Sequential( 0: Linear(in_features=2, out_features=4, bias=True) ) """ def __init__(self, module_class, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__() self._module = None self._module_class = module_class self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs
[docs] @classmethod def partial(cls, module_class, *args, **kwargs): return functools.partial(cls, module_class, *args, **kwargs)
@property def _parameters(self): raise UninitializedLazyModuleError( "Must call init_lazy_modules before getting parameters" ) @_parameters.setter def _parameters(self, value): return None def __setattr__(self, name, value): return object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
[docs] def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self._module: constructor_args = [ (arg if not isinstance(arg, Infer) else arg.resolve(*args, **kwargs)) for arg in self._args ] constructor_kwargs = { key: arg if not isinstance(arg, Infer) else arg.resolve(*args, **kwargs) for key, arg in self._kwargs.items() } self._module = self._module_class(*constructor_args, **constructor_kwargs) return self._module(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def resolve(self): """Must make a call to forward before calling this function; returns the full nn.Module object constructed using inferred arguments/dimensions.""" if not self._module: raise UninitializedLazyModuleError( "Must call forward before calling resolve on a lazy module" ) return self._module
[docs]def replace_lazy_modules(module): if isinstance(module, Lazy): module = module.resolve() children = list(module.named_children()) for name, child in children: module.add_module(name, replace_lazy_modules(child)) return module
[docs]def init_lazy_modules( module: nn.Module, dummy_input: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] ) -> nn.Module: """Finalize an nn.Module which has Lazy components. This will both mutate internal modules which have Lazy elements, and return a new non-lazy nn.Module (in case the top-level module itself is Lazy). Args: module: An nn.Module which may be lazy or contain Lazy subcomponents dummy_input: module is called with this input to ensure that Lazy subcomponents have been able to infer any parameters they need Returns: The full nn.Module object constructed using inferred arguments/dimensions. """ module(*dummy_input) return replace_lazy_modules(module)
Linear = Lazy.partial(nn.Linear, Infer.dimension(-1)) LayerNorm = Lazy.partial(nn.LayerNorm, Infer.dimension(-1)) Conv1d = Lazy.partial(nn.Conv1d, Infer.dimension(-2))