Source code for pytext.utils.embeddings

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
import os
import time
from typing import Dict, List  # noqa: F401

import numpy as np
import torch
from pytext.common.constants import PackageFileName
from pytext.config.field_config import EmbedInitStrategy
from pytext.utils.file_io import PathManager
from pytext.utils.path import get_absolute_path

[docs]class PretrainedEmbedding(object): """ Utility class for loading/caching/initializing word embeddings """ def __init__( self, embeddings_path: str = None, lowercase_tokens: bool = True, skip_header: bool = True, delimiter: str = " ", ) -> None: self.lowercase_tokens = lowercase_tokens if embeddings_path: embeddings_path = get_absolute_path(embeddings_path) if PathManager.isdir(embeddings_path): serialized_embed_path = os.path.join( embeddings_path, PackageFileName.SERIALIZED_EMBED ) raw_embeddings_path = os.path.join( embeddings_path, PackageFileName.RAW_EMBED ) elif PathManager.isfile(embeddings_path): serialized_embed_path = "" raw_embeddings_path = embeddings_path else: raise FileNotFoundError( f"{embeddings_path} not found. Can't load pretrained embeddings." ) if PathManager.isfile(serialized_embed_path): try: self.load_cached_embeddings(serialized_embed_path) except Exception: print("Failed to load cached embeddings, loading the raw file.") self.load_pretrained_embeddings( raw_embeddings_path, lowercase_tokens=lowercase_tokens, skip_header=skip_header, delimiter=delimiter, ) else: self.load_pretrained_embeddings( raw_embeddings_path, lowercase_tokens=lowercase_tokens, skip_header=skip_header, delimiter=delimiter, ) else: self.embed_vocab = [] # type: List[str] self.stoi = {} # type: Dict[str, int] self.embedding_vectors = None # type: torch.Tensor
[docs] def filter_criteria(self, token: str) -> bool: return True
[docs] def normalize_token(self, token: str) -> str: """ Apply normalizations to the input token for the embedding space """ if self.lowercase_tokens: # lowercase here so that returned matrix doesn't contain # the same token twice (lower and upper cases). return token.lower() else: return token
[docs] def load_pretrained_embeddings( self, raw_embeddings_path: str, append: bool = False, dialect: str = None, lowercase_tokens: bool = True, skip_header: bool = True, delimiter: str = " ", ) -> None: """ Loading raw embeddings vectors from file in the format: num_words dim word_i v0, v1, v2, ...., v_dim word_2 v0, v1, v2, ...., v_dim .... Optionally appends _dialect to every token in the vocabulary (for XLU embeddings). """ chunk_vocab = [] def iter_parser( skip_header: int = 0, delimiter: str = " ", dtype: type = np.float32 ): """Iterator to load numpy 1-d array from multi-row text file, where format is assumed to be: word_i v0, v1, v2, ...., v_dim word_2 v0, v1, v2, ...., v_dim The iterator will omit the first column (vocabulary) and via closure store values into the 'chunk_vocab' list. """ tokens = set() # PathManager doesn't support errors="backslashreplace" # if there are encoding errors, it has to be handled explicitly # with, "r") as txtfile: for _ in range(skip_header): next(txtfile) for line in txtfile: split_line = line.rstrip("\r\n ").split(delimiter) token = split_line[0] token = self.normalize_token(token) if token not in tokens and self.filter_criteria(token): chunk_vocab.append(token) for item in split_line[1:]: yield dtype(item) t = time.time() skip_header = 1 if skip_header else 0 embed_array = np.fromiter( iter_parser(skip_header=skip_header, delimiter=delimiter), dtype=np.float32 ) embed_matrix = embed_array.reshape((len(chunk_vocab), -1)) print("Rows loaded: ", embed_matrix.shape[0], "; Time: ", time.time() - t, "s.") if not append: self.embed_vocab = [] self.stoi = {} if dialect is not None: chunk_vocab = [append_dialect(word, dialect) for word in chunk_vocab] self.embed_vocab.extend(chunk_vocab) self.stoi = {word: i for i, word in enumerate(chunk_vocab)} if append and self.embedding_vectors is not None: self.embedding_vectors = (self.embedding_vectors, torch.Tensor(embed_matrix)) ) else: self.embedding_vectors = torch.Tensor(embed_matrix)
[docs] def cache_pretrained_embeddings(self, cache_path: str) -> None: """ Cache the processed embedding vectors and vocab to a file for faster loading """ t = time.time() print("loading cached pretrained embedding") with, "wb") as f:, self.stoi, self.embedding_vectors), f) print( f"Embedding loaded: {self.embedding_vectors.size()} in {time.time() - t} s." )
[docs] def load_cached_embeddings(self, cache_path: str) -> None: """ Load cached embeddings from file """ with, "rb") as f: self.embed_vocab, self.stoi, self.embedding_vectors = torch.load(f)
[docs] def initialize_embeddings_weights( self, str_to_idx: Dict[str, int], unk: str, embed_dim: int, init_strategy: EmbedInitStrategy, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Initialize embeddings weights of shape (len(str_to_idx), embed_dim) from the pretrained embeddings vectors. Words that are not in the pretrained embeddings list will be initialized according to `init_strategy`. :param str_to_idx: a dict that maps words to indices that the model expects :param unk: unknown token :param embed_dim: the embeddings dimension :param init_strategy: method of initializing new tokens :returns: a float tensor of dimension (vocab_size, embed_dim) """ pretrained_embeds_weight = torch.Tensor(len(str_to_idx), embed_dim) if init_strategy == EmbedInitStrategy.RANDOM: pretrained_embeds_weight.normal_(0, 1) elif init_strategy == EmbedInitStrategy.ZERO: pretrained_embeds_weight.fill_(0.0) else: raise ValueError( "Unknown embedding initialization strategy '{}'".format(init_strategy) ) if self.embedding_vectors is not None and self.embed_vocab is not None: assert ( pretrained_embeds_weight.shape[-1] == self.embedding_vectors.shape[-1] ), f"shape of pretrained_embeds_weight {pretrained_embeds_weight.shape[-1]} \ and embedding_vectors {self.embedding_vectors.shape[-1]} doesn't match!" unk_idx = str_to_idx[unk] oov_count = 0 for word, idx in str_to_idx.items(): if word in self.stoi and idx != unk_idx: pretrained_embeds_weight[idx] = self.embedding_vectors[self.stoi[word]] else: oov_count += 1 print( f"{oov_count}/{len(str_to_idx)} tokens were found out of " f"pretrained embedding vocabulary" ) return pretrained_embeds_weight
[docs]def append_dialect(word: str, dialect: str) -> str: if word.endswith("-{}".format(dialect)): return word else: return f"{word}-{dialect}"