Source code for pytext.utils.documentation

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

from enum import Enum
from inspect import getmembers, isclass, isfunction
from sys import modules
from typing import Union

import torch
from pytext.config.component import Component, get_component_name
from pytext.config.pytext_config import ConfigBase
from pytext.models.module import Module

ROOT_CONFIG = "PyTextConfig"

[docs]def get_class_members_recursive(obj): """Find all the field names for a given class and their default value.""" ret = dict(vars(obj.Config if hasattr(obj, "Config") else obj)) for b in getattr(obj, "__bases__", []): # Only pytext configs. # Exclude Module because it adds load_path and save_path. if b.__module__.startswith("pytext") and b is not Module: for k, v in get_class_members_recursive(b).items(): # Add missing members, don't override subclass with super if k not in ret: ret[k] = v return ret
[docs]def get_config_fields(obj): """ Return a dict of config help for this object, where: - key: config name - value: (default, type, options) - default: default value for this key if not specified - type: type for this config value, as a string - options: possible values for this config, only if type = Union If the type is "Union", the options give the lists of class names that are possible, and the default is one of those class names. """ ret = {} members = get_class_members_recursive(obj) # Add fields with type by no default value typed_members = [k for k in members.get("__annotations__", {})] for k in typed_members: if k not in members: members[k] = None if issubclass(obj.__class__, Enum): opt = members.get("_member_names_") if opt is not None: typing = obj.__name__ ret[typing] = (opt[0], typing, set(opt)) return ret else: return obj for k, v in sorted(members.items()): if k.startswith("_"): continue typing = members.get("__annotations__", {}).get(k) if issubclass(type(v), Enum): ret[k] = (v._name_, typing, set(type(v)._member_names_)) elif not typing: if not isfunction(v): ret[k] = (v, None, None) # type(Union) changed from Py3.6 to 3.7 elif hasattr(typing, "__origin__") and typing.__origin__ == Union: options = set() for t in typing.__args__: options.add(get_component_name(t)) ret[k] = (v, None, options) else: ret[k] = (v, get_component_name(typing), None) return ret
[docs]def pretty_print_config_class(obj): """Pretty-print the fields of one object.""" parent_class_name = "" if hasattr(obj, "__bases__"): parent_classes = (b.__name__ for b in obj.__bases__) parent_class_name = ", ".join(parent_classes) print(f"=== {obj.__module__}.{obj.__name__} ({parent_class_name}) ===") else: print(f"=== {obj.__module__}.{obj.__name__} ===") if obj.__doc__: print(f'"""\n{obj.__doc__.strip()}\n"""') config_help = get_config_fields(obj) if issubclass(obj, Enum): for k, v in config_help.items(): default, typing, options = v print(f" {k}: ({typing})") for o in options: print(f" {o}") return for k, v in config_help.items(): default, typing, options = v if hasattr(default, "__module__"): default_value = get_component_name(default) else: default_value = default if typing and options: # Enum print(f" {k}: ({typing.__name__})") for o in options: if o == default_value: print(f" {o} (default)") else: print(f" {o}") elif options: # Union print(f" {k}: (one of)") for o in options: if o == default_value: print(f" {o} (default)") else: print(f" {o}") elif default and typing: print(f" {k}: {typing} = {default_value}") elif default: print(f" {k} = {default_value}") elif typing: print(f" {k}: {typing}") else: print(f" {k} = null")
[docs]def get_subclasses( klass, stop_classes=(Module, Component, torch.nn.modules.module.Module) ): ret = set() def add_subclasses(k): for b in k.__bases__: if b not in stop_classes: ret.add(b) add_subclasses(b) add_subclasses(klass) return ret
[docs]def find_config_class(class_name): """ Return the set of PyText classes matching that name. Handles fully-qualified `class_name` including module. """ module_part = None if "." in class_name: m = class_name.split(".") class_name = m[-1] module_part = ".".join(m[:-1]) ret = set() for _, mod in list(modules.items()): try: for name, obj in getmembers(mod, isclass): if name == class_name and any( base.__module__.startswith("pytext.") for base in get_subclasses(obj, (object,)) ): if not module_part or obj.__module__ == module_part: ret.add(obj) except (ModuleNotFoundError, TypeError): continue return ret
[docs]def replace_components(root, component, base_class): """ Recursively look at all fields in config to find where `component` would fit. This is used to change configs so that they don't use default values. Return the chain of field names, from child to parent. """ for k, v in get_config_fields(root).items(): default, _, options = v if options and component in options: return [k] else: v_comp_name = get_component_name(default) v_comp_obj = next(iter(find_config_class(v_comp_name)), None) if v_comp_obj: found = replace_components(v_comp_obj, component, base_class) if found: found.append(k) return found # Not found in options, try to match base classes bases = get_subclasses(v_comp_obj) bases.add(v_comp_obj) if base_class & set(bases): return [k]