Source code for pytext.utils.config_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

import json
import os
from importlib import import_module

from pytext.config import PyTextConfig, config_to_json
from pytext.config.config_adapter import upgrade_to_latest
from pytext.config.serialize import pytext_config_from_json
from pytext.utils.file_io import PathManager

[docs]class MockConfigLoader: def __init__( self, config_base_path: str, reset_paths: {str: str} = None, replace_paths: {str: str} = None, ): self.config_base_path = config_base_path self.reset_paths = reset_paths or {} self.replace_paths = replace_paths or {}
[docs] def make_config(self, config_filename, disable_tensorboard=True): with os.path.join(self.config_base_path, config_filename) ) as config_file: # load config json file into dict config_dict = json.load(config_file) if "config" in config_dict: config_dict = config_dict["config"] return self.make_config_from_dict(config_dict, disable_tensorboard)
[docs] def make_config_from_dict(self, config, disable_tensorboard): # config is the path module name of the actual PyText config if isinstance(config, str): config = config_to_json(PyTextConfig, import_module(config).config) config = upgrade_to_latest(config) # Disable TensorBoard for integration tests if disable_tensorboard: config["use_tensorboard"] = False return self.disable_cuda(self.fix_paths(config))
[docs] def disable_cuda(self, config): config["use_cuda_if_available"] = False if "distributed_world_size" in config: del config["distributed_world_size"] return config
[docs] def fix_paths(self, config): if isinstance(config, str): for src, dest in self.replace_paths.items(): config = config.replace(src, dest) return config elif isinstance(config, dict): return {key: self.fix_paths(value) for key, value in config.items()} elif isinstance(config, list): return [self.fix_paths(element) for element in config] else: return config