Source code for pytext.torchscript.batchutils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import torch
from pytext.torchscript.tensorizer.tensorizer import ScriptTensorizer

[docs]def max_tokens(per_sentence_tokens: List[List[Tuple[str, int, int]]]) -> int: """receive the tokenize output for a batch per_sentence_tokens, return the max token length of any sentence""" if len(per_sentence_tokens) == 0: return 0 sentence_lengths = [len(sentence) for sentence in per_sentence_tokens] return max(sentence_lengths)
[docs]def input_size( texts: Optional[List[str]] = None, multi_texts: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None, tokens: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None, ) -> int: texts_: List[str] = [] multi_texts_: List[List[str]] = [] tokens_: List[List[str]] = [] if texts is not None: texts_ = texts if multi_texts is not None: multi_texts_ = multi_texts if tokens is not None: tokens_ = tokens input_len = max([len(texts_), len(multi_texts_), len(tokens_)]) return input_len
######################################################################## # # utility functions to limit a list to a specified batch size and # clip a list by removing a batch size worth of work #
[docs]def limit_list(input: Optional[List[str]], max_batch: int) -> Optional[List[str]]: if input is not None: return input[:max_batch] return None
[docs]def clip_list(input: Optional[List[str]], max_batch: int) -> Optional[List[str]]: if input is not None: return input[max_batch:] return None
[docs]def limit_listlist( input: Optional[List[List[str]]], max_batch: int ) -> Optional[List[List[str]]]: if input is not None: return input[:max_batch] return None
[docs]def clip_listlist( input: Optional[List[List[str]]], max_batch: int ) -> Optional[List[List[str]]]: if input is not None: return input[max_batch:] return None
[docs]def limit_listlist_float( input: Optional[List[List[float]]], max_batch: int ) -> Optional[List[List[float]]]: if input is not None: return input[:max_batch] return None
[docs]def clip_listlist_float( input: Optional[List[List[float]]], max_batch: int ) -> Optional[List[List[float]]]: if input is not None: return input[max_batch:] return None
[docs]def validate_dense_feat( batch_element_dense_feat: Optional[List[List[float]]], length: int, uses_dense_feat: bool, ) -> List[List[float]]: if batch_element_dense_feat is not None: if not uses_dense_feat: raise RuntimeError( "Dense feature (dense_feat) not allowed for this model type" ) if len(batch_element_dense_feat) != length: raise RuntimeError( "Malformed request. Length of client-batch dense_feat argument does not match length of text argument." ) return batch_element_dense_feat elif uses_dense_feat: raise RuntimeError( "Dense feature (dense_feat) is required for this model type, but not present (received dense_feat=None) in this request." ) else: return []
[docs]def nonify_listlist_float(input: List[List[float]]) -> Optional[List[List[float]]]: if len(input) == 0: return None return input
[docs]def validate_make_prediction_batch_element( be: Tuple[ Optional[List[str]], # texts Optional[List[List[str]]], # multi_texts Optional[List[List[str]]], # tokens Optional[List[str]], # languages Optional[List[List[float]]], # dense_feat must be None ] ): if be[0] is not None: if (be[1] is not None) or (be[2] is not None): raise RuntimeError( "only one of texts, multi_texts, tokens can be not None." ) elif be[1] is not None: if be[2] is not None: raise RuntimeError( "only one of texts, multi_texts, tokens can be not None." ) if be[3] is not None: raise RuntimeError("currently, languages != None is not supported.")
######################################################################## # # utility functions to destructure flat result tensor combining # cross-request batches and client side # batches into a cross-request list of # client-side batch tensors #
[docs]def destructure_tensor( client_batch: List[int], result_tensor: torch.Tensor, ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: start = 0 res_list: List[torch.Tensor] = [] for elems in client_batch: end = start + elems res_list.append(result_tensor.narrow(0, start, elems)) start = end return res_list
[docs]def destructure_any_list( client_batch: List[int], result_any_list: List[Any] ): # -> List[List[Any]]: res_list: List[List[Any]] = [] # torch.jit.annotate(List[List[Any]], []) start = 0 for elems in client_batch: torch._assert(elems > 0, "zero or negative range error") end = start + elems res_list.append(result_any_list[start:end]) start = end return res_list
[docs]def destructure_tensor_list( client_batch: List[int], result_tensor_list: List[torch.Tensor], ) -> List[List[torch.Tensor]]: res_list: List[List[torch.Tensor]] = [] start = 0 for elems in client_batch: end = start + elems res_list.append(result_tensor_list[start:end]) start = end return res_list
[docs]def destructure_dict_list( client_batch: List[int], result_input_list: List[Dict[str, float]], ) -> List[List[Dict[str, float]]]: res_list: List[List[Dict[str, float]]] = [] start = 0 for elems in client_batch: end = start + elems res_list.append(result_input_list[start:end]) start = end return res_list
[docs]def destructure_dictlist_list( client_batch: List[int], result_input_list: List[List[Dict[str, float]]], ) -> List[List[List[Dict[str, float]]]]: res_list: List[List[List[Dict[str, float]]]] = [] start = 0 for elems in client_batch: end = start + elems res_list.append(result_input_list[start:end]) start = end return res_list
[docs]def zip_batch_tensor_list( zip_batch_list: List[int], result_list_1: List[torch.Tensor], result_list_2: List[torch.Tensor], ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: res_list: List[torch.Tensor] = torch.jit.annotate(List[torch.Tensor], []) elem1 = 0 elem2 = 0 for zipper in zip_batch_list: if zipper > 0: res_list.append(result_list_1[elem1]) elem1 = elem1 + 1 else: res_list.append(result_list_1[elem2]) elem2 = elem2 + 1 return res_list
[docs]def zip_batch_any_list_list( zip_batch_list: List[int], result_list_1: List[List[Any]], result_list_2: List[List[Any]], ) -> List[List[Any]]: res_list: List[List[Any]] = torch.jit.annotate(List[List[Any]], []) elem1 = 0 elem2 = 0 for zipper in zip_batch_list: if zipper > 0: res_list.append(result_list_1[elem1]) elem1 = elem1 + 1 else: res_list.append(result_list_1[elem2]) elem2 = elem2 + 1 return res_list
[docs]def validate_batch_element( e: Tuple[ Optional[List[str]], # texts Optional[List[List[str]]], # multi_texts Optional[List[List[str]]], # tokens Optional[List[str]], # languages Optional[List[List[float]]], # dense_feat must be None ] ): bad = False if len(e[0]) > 0: if (len(e[1]) > 0) or (len(e[2]) > 0): bad = True if (e[4] is not None) and (len(e[4]) != len(e[0])): bad = True if len(e[1]) > 0: raise RuntimeError("multi_texts not supported for batching") if len(e[2]) > 0: if (len(e[0]) > 0) or (len(e[1]) > 0): bad = True if (e[4] is not None) and (len(e[4]) != len(e[2])): bad = True if bad: raise RuntimeError("Malformed request")
############################################################################ # # make_prediction_* () # utility functions to collect inputs from multiple batch elements into a # a single cross request batch # # make_batch_* () # utility functions for batch optimizations # # # The inputs and outputs for make_prediction are described in this post: # # # The inputs and outputs for make_batch are described in this post: #
[docs]def make_prediction_texts( batch: List[ Tuple[ List[str], # texts ] ], ) -> List[str]: batchsize = len(batch) if batchsize == 0: raise RuntimeError("Input batch must have at least 1 batch element") flat_texts: List[str] = [] for i in range(batchsize): batch_element = batch[i][0] flat_texts.extend(batch_element) if len(flat_texts) == 0: raise RuntimeError("This is not good. Empty request batch.") return flat_texts
[docs]def make_batch_texts( tensorizer: ScriptTensorizer, mega_batch: List[ Tuple[ List[str], # texts int, ] ], goals: Dict[str, str], ) -> List[List[Tuple[List[str], int,]]]: # texts batchsize = len(mega_batch) if batchsize == 0: raise RuntimeError("Input batch must have at least 1 batch element") # The next lines sort all cross-request batch elements by the token length. # Note that cross-request batch element can in turn be a client batch. mega_batch_key_list = [ (max_tokens(tensorizer.tokenize(x[0], None)), n) for (n, x) in enumerate(mega_batch) ] sorted_mega_batch_key_list = sorted(mega_batch_key_list) sorted_mega_batch = [mega_batch[n] for (_, n) in sorted_mega_batch_key_list] # TBD: allow model server to specify batch size in goals dictionary max_bs: int = 10 len_mb = len(mega_batch) num_batches = (len_mb + max_bs - 1) // max_bs batch_list: List[ List[ Tuple[ List[str], # texts int, # position ] ] ] = [] start = 0 for _i in range(num_batches): end = min(start + max_bs, len_mb) batch_list.append(sorted_mega_batch[start:end]) start = end return batch_list
[docs]def make_prediction_texts_dense( batch: List[ Tuple[ List[str], # texts List[List[float]], # dense ] ], ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[List[float]]]: batchsize = len(batch) if batchsize == 0: raise RuntimeError("Input batch must have at least 1 batch element") flat_texts: List[str] = [] flat_dense: List[List[float]] = [] for i in range(batchsize): texts_element = batch[i][0] flat_texts.extend(texts_element) dense_element = batch[i][1] flat_dense.extend(dense_element) if len(texts_element) != len(dense_element): raise RuntimeError( "This is not good. texts/dense client batch length mismatch" ) if len(flat_texts) == 0: raise RuntimeError("This is not good. Empty request batch.") return ( flat_texts, flat_dense, )
[docs]def make_batch_texts_dense( tensorizer: ScriptTensorizer, mega_batch: List[ Tuple[ List[str], # texts List[List[float]], # dense int, ] ], goals: Dict[str, str], ) -> List[List[Tuple[List[str], List[List[float]], int]]]: # texts, dense, ?? batchsize = len(mega_batch) if batchsize == 0: raise RuntimeError("Input batch must have at least 1 batch element") # The next lines sort all cross-request batch elements by the token length. # Note that cross-request batch element can in turn be a client batch. mega_batch_key_list = [ (max_tokens(tensorizer.tokenize(x[0], None)), n) for (n, x) in enumerate(mega_batch) ] sorted_mega_batch_key_list = sorted(mega_batch_key_list) sorted_mega_batch = [mega_batch[n] for (_, n) in sorted_mega_batch_key_list] # TBD: allow model server to specify batch size in goals dictionary max_bs: int = 10 len_mb = len(mega_batch) num_batches = (len_mb + max_bs - 1) // max_bs batch_list: List[ List[ Tuple[ List[str], # texts int, # position ] ] ] = [] start = 0 for _i in range(num_batches): end = min(start + max_bs, len_mb) batch_list.append(sorted_mega_batch[start:end]) start = end return batch_list
[docs]def make_prediction_tokens( batch: List[ Tuple[ List[List[str]], # tokens ] ], ) -> List[List[str]]: batchsize = len(batch) if batchsize == 0: raise RuntimeError("Input batch must have at least 1 batch element") flat_tokens: List[List[str]] = [] for i in range(batchsize): batch_element = batch[i][0] flat_tokens.extend(batch_element) if len(flat_tokens) == 0: raise RuntimeError("This is not good. Empty request batch.") return flat_tokens
# ########################################### # # listify(torch.Tensor): # turn tensor into a list #
[docs]def listify(t: torch.Tensor) -> List[torch.Tensor]: tlen = t.size()[0] res_list: List[torch.Tensor] = [] for i in range(tlen): res_list.append(t.narrow(0, i, 1)) return res_list