Source code for pytext.task.task

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
from typing import List, Optional

from pytext.common.constants import BatchContext
from pytext.config import ConfigBase
from pytext.config.component import (
from pytext.config.field_config import FeatureConfig
from import DataHandler
from import Featurizer, SimpleFeaturizer
from pytext.exporters import ModelExporter
from pytext.loss import KLDivergenceBCELoss, KLDivergenceCELoss
from pytext.metric_reporters import MetricReporter
from pytext.models import Model
from pytext.trainers import Trainer
from pytext.utils import cuda
from pytext.utils.usage import log_class_usage

[docs]def create_task( task_config, metadata=None, model_state=None, tensorizers=None, rank=0, world_size=1 ): """ Create a task by finding task class in registry and invoking the from_config function of the class, see :meth:`~Task.from_config` for more details """ return create_component( ComponentType.TASK, task_config, metadata, model_state, tensorizers=tensorizers, rank=rank, world_size=world_size, )
[docs]class TaskBase(Component): """ Task is the central place to define and wire up components for data processing, model training, metric reporting, etc. Task class has a Config class containing the config of each component in a descriptive way. """ __COMPONENT_TYPE__ = ComponentType.TASK
[docs] class Config(ConfigBase): features: FeatureConfig = FeatureConfig() featurizer: Featurizer.Config = SimpleFeaturizer.Config() data_handler: DataHandler.Config trainer: Trainer.Config = Trainer.Config() exporter: Optional[ModelExporter.Config] = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_config( cls, task_config, metadata=None, model_state=None, tensorizers=None, rank=1, world_size=0, ): """ Create the task from config, and optionally load metadata/model_state This function will create components including :class:`~DataHandler`, :class:`~Trainer`, :class:`~MetricReporter`, :class:`~Exporter`, and wire them up. Args: task_config (Task.Config): the config of the current task metadata: saved global context of this task, e.g: vocabulary, will be generated by :class:`~DataHandler` if it's None model_state: saved model parameters, will be loaded into model when given """ if hasattr(task_config.labels, "target_prob"): assert task_config.labels.target_prob == isinstance( task_config.model.output_layer.loss, (KLDivergenceBCELoss.Config, KLDivergenceCELoss.Config), ), "target_prob must be set to True for KD losses" featurizer = create_featurizer(task_config.featurizer, task_config.features) # load data data_handler = create_data_handler( task_config.data_handler, task_config.features, task_config.labels, featurizer=featurizer, ) print("\nLoading data...") if metadata: data_handler.load_metadata(metadata) else: data_handler.init_metadata() metadata = data_handler.metadata model = create_model(task_config.model, task_config.features, metadata) if model_state: model.load_state_dict(model_state) if cuda.CUDA_ENABLED: model = model.cuda() metric_reporter = create_metric_reporter(task_config.metric_reporter, metadata) exporter = ( create_exporter( task_config.exporter, task_config.features, task_config.labels, data_handler.metadata, task_config.model, task_config.featurizer, ) if task_config.exporter else None ) return cls( trainer=create_trainer(task_config.trainer, model), data_handler=data_handler, model=model, metric_reporter=metric_reporter, exporter=exporter, )
def __init__( self, trainer: Trainer, data_handler: DataHandler, model: Model, metric_reporter: MetricReporter, exporter: Optional[ModelExporter], ) -> None: self.trainer: Trainer = trainer self.data_handler: DataHandler = data_handler self.model: Model = model self.metric_reporter: MetricReporter = metric_reporter self.exporter = exporter log_class_usage(__class__)
[docs] def train(self, train_config, rank=0, world_size=1, training_state=None): """ Wrapper method to train the model using :class:`~Trainer` object. Args: train_config (PyTextConfig): config for training rank (int): for distributed training only, rank of the gpu, default is 0 world_size (int): for distributed training only, total gpu to use, default is 1 """ if training_state: result = self.trainer.train_from_state( training_state, self.data_handler.get_train_iter(rank, world_size), self.data_handler.get_eval_iter(), self.metric_reporter, train_config, ) else: result = self.trainer.train( self.data_handler.get_train_iter(rank, world_size), self.data_handler.get_eval_iter(), self.model, self.metric_reporter, train_config, rank=rank, ) return result
[docs] def test(self, test_path): """ Wrapper method to compute test metrics on holdout blind test dataset. Args: test_path (str): test data file path """ self.data_handler.test_path = test_path test_iter = self.data_handler.get_test_iter() return self.trainer.test(test_iter, self.model, self.metric_reporter)
[docs] def export(self, model, export_path, metric_channels=None, export_onnx_path=None): """ Wrapper method to export PyTorch model to Caffe2 model using :class:`~Exporter`. Args: export_path (str): file path of exported caffe2 model metric_channels (List[Channel]): outputs of model's execution graph export_onnx_path (str):file path of exported onnx model """ # Make sure to put the model on CPU and disable CUDA before exporting to # ONNX to disable any data_parallel pieces cuda.CUDA_ENABLED = False model = model.cpu() optimizer = self.trainer.optimizer optimizer.pre_export(model) if self.exporter: if metric_channels: print("Exporting metrics") self.exporter.export_to_metrics(model, metric_channels) print("Saving caffe2 model to: " + export_path) self.exporter.export_to_caffe2(model, export_path, export_onnx_path)
[docs] @classmethod def format_prediction(cls, predictions, scores, context, target_meta): """ Format the prediction and score from model output, by default just return them in a dict """ for prediction, score in zip(predictions, scores): yield {"prediction": prediction, "score": score}
[docs] def predict(self, examples): """ Generates predictions using PyTorch model. The difference with `test()` is that this should be used when the the examples do not have any true label/target. Args: examples: json format examples, input names should match the names specified in this task's features config """ self.model.eval() model_inputs, context = self.data_handler.get_predict_iter(examples) predictions, scores = self.model.get_pred(self.model(*model_inputs)) results: List = [None] * len(predictions) # rearrange to orignal order for idx, result in zip( context[BatchContext.INDEX], self.format_prediction( predictions, scores, context, ), ): results[idx] = result return results
[docs]class Task_Deprecated(TaskBase): __EXPANSIBLE__ = True