Source code for pytext.task.accelerator_lowering

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

from typing import Iterable, List, Tuple

import torch

accelerator_lowering_supported = True
    from accelerators.pytorch.lib.glow_decorator import accelerator
except ImportError:
    accelerator_lowering_supported = False

    from .nop_decorator import accelerator

    print("Accelerator Lowering not supported!")

from pytext.config import ExportConfig
from pytext.models.representations.bilstm import BiLSTM
from pytext.models.roberta import RoBERTaEncoder
from pytext.utils.usage import log_accelerator_feature_usage
from torch import nn

[docs]def accelerator_transformerLayers_inputs( model: nn.Module, trace: torch.jit.ScriptFunction, export_options: ExportConfig, dataset_iterable: Iterable, module_path, ): import torch_glow # we use the padding control from the Export Config: if export_options is None: export_options = ExportConfig() if export_options.seq_padding_control is None: raise RuntimeError("seq padding control not specified") if export_options.batch_padding_control is None: raise RuntimeError("batch padding control not specified") batch_padding_control = export_options.batch_padding_control # Restrict seq_padding_control to valid ranges seq_padding_control = [] max_seq_len = trace.get_max_seq_len() for pad in export_options.seq_padding_control: if pad < max_seq_len: seq_padding_control.append(pad) seq_padding_control.append(max_seq_len) # this should use a method, or module_path, instead of being hardcoded # embedding_dim = model.encoder.encoder.transformer.token_embedding.embedding_dim embedding_dim = accelerator.get_embedding_module_from_path(model, module_path) input_examples = [] for seq_len in seq_padding_control: if seq_len <= 0: continue for batch_size in batch_padding_control: if batch_size <= 0: continue # Todo: We directly generate data input instead of using dataset_iterable, enhance later input1 = torch.randn( [seq_len, batch_size, embedding_dim], dtype=torch.float32 ) input2 = torch.randn([batch_size, seq_len]).bool() input_specs = torch_glow.input_specs_from_tensors([input1, input2]) input_examples.append(input_specs) return input_examples
[docs]class AcceleratorTransformerLayersInternal(nn.Module): def __init__(self, layers): super().__init__() self.layers = layers
[docs] def forward( self, encoded: torch.Tensor, padding_mask: torch.Tensor ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: states = [encoded] for layer in self.layers: encoded = layer(encoded, padding_mask) states.append(encoded) return states
# accelerator imported from .nop_decorator to avoid ImportError when glow_decorator is not available @accelerator( [ ( "NNPI", { "NNPI_IceCores": "12", "NNPINumParallelChunks": "12", "NNPIUseGeluLUT": "true", }, ) ], inputs_function=accelerator_transformerLayers_inputs, ) class AcceleratorTransformerLayers(nn.Module): def __init__(self, layers): super().__init__() self.layers = AcceleratorTransformerLayersInternal(layers) def forward( self, encoded: torch.Tensor, padding_mask: torch.Tensor ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: return self.layers(encoded, padding_mask) # Special reimplementation of transformer which separates the # layers into a separate module for easy lowering to accelerator
[docs]class AcceleratorTransformer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, transformer): super().__init__() self.padding_idx = transformer.padding_idx self.token_embedding = transformer.token_embedding self.layers = AcceleratorTransformerLayers(transformer.layers) self.positional_embedding = transformer.positional_embedding self.embedding_layer_norm = transformer.embedding_layer_norm self.dropout = transformer.dropout
[docs] def forward(self, tokens: torch.Tensor) -> List[torch.Tensor]: # compute padding mask. This is needed for multi-head attention padding_mask = tokens.eq(self.padding_idx) embedded = self.token_embedding(tokens) embedded_positions = self.positional_embedding(tokens) normed = self.embedding_layer_norm(embedded + embedded_positions) normed = self.dropout(normed) # account for padding while computing the representation padded_normed = normed * (1 - padding_mask.unsqueeze(-1).type_as(normed)) # B x T x C -> T x B x C encoded = padded_normed.transpose(0, 1) states = self.layers(encoded, padding_mask) return states
[docs]def accelerator_lstm_inputs( model: nn.Module, trace: torch.jit.ScriptFunction, export_options: ExportConfig, dataset_iterable: Iterable, module_path, ): import torch_glow # we use the padding control from the Export Config: if export_options is None: export_options = ExportConfig() if export_options.seq_padding_control is None: raise RuntimeError("seq padding control not specified") if export_options.batch_padding_control is None: raise RuntimeError("batch padding control not specified") batch_padding_control = export_options.batch_padding_control seq_padding_control = export_options.seq_padding_control embedding_dim = trace.embedding.word_embedding.embedding_dim * 2 lstm_num_layers = trace.lstm_num_layers lstm_dim = trace.lstm_dim input_examples = [] for seq_len in seq_padding_control: if seq_len <= 0: continue for batch_size in batch_padding_control: if batch_size <= 0: continue # Todo: We directly generate data input instead of using dataset_iterable, enhance later input_embedding = torch.randn( [batch_size, seq_len, embedding_dim], dtype=torch.float32 ) input_hidden = torch.randn( [batch_size, lstm_num_layers, lstm_dim], dtype=torch.float32 ) input_cell = torch.randn( [batch_size, lstm_num_layers, lstm_dim], dtype=torch.float32 ) input_specs = torch_glow.input_specs_from_tensors( [input_embedding, input_hidden, input_cell] ) input_examples.append(input_specs) return input_examples
@accelerator( [("NNPI", {"NNPI_IceCores": "1", "NNPINumParallelChunks": "12"})], inputs_function=accelerator_lstm_inputs, ) class AcceleratorLSTMLayers(nn.Module): def __init__(self, lstm): super().__init__() self.lstm = lstm self.num_layers = lstm.num_layers self.hidden_size = lstm.hidden_size self.lstm.batch_first = False # NNPI only support batch_first = false def forward( self, lstm_input: torch.Tensor, hidden: torch.Tensor, cell: torch.Tensor ): lstm_input = lstm_input.transpose(0, 1) hidden = hidden.transpose(0, 1) cell = cell.transpose(0, 1) rep, new_state = self.lstm(lstm_input, (hidden, cell)) return rep, new_state[0], new_state[1]
[docs]class AcceleratorBiLSTM(nn.Module): def __init__(self, biLSTM): super().__init__() self.dropout = biLSTM.dropout self.pack_sequence = biLSTM.pack_sequence self.disable_sort_in_jit = biLSTM.disable_sort_in_jit self.lstm = AcceleratorLSTMLayers(biLSTM.lstm) self.representation_dim = biLSTM.representation_dim self.padding_value = biLSTM.padding_value
[docs] def forward( self, embedded_tokens: torch.Tensor, seq_lengths: torch.Tensor, states: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]: rep, new_hidden, new_cell = self.lstm(embedded_tokens, states[0], states[1]) new_hidden = new_hidden.reshape( self.lstm.num_layers, rep.size(1), self.lstm.hidden_size ).transpose(0, 1) new_cell = new_cell.reshape( self.lstm.num_layers, rep.size(1), self.lstm.hidden_size ).transpose(0, 1) rep = rep.transpose(0, 1) return rep, (new_hidden, new_cell)
# Swap a transformer for only RoBERTaEncoder encoders
[docs]def swap_modules_for_accelerator(model): if hasattr(model, "encoder") and isinstance(model.encoder, RoBERTaEncoder): old_transformer = model.encoder.encoder.transformer model.encoder.encoder.transformer = AcceleratorTransformer(old_transformer) return model elif hasattr(model, "representation") and isinstance(model.representation, BiLSTM): old_biLSTM = model.representation model.representation = AcceleratorBiLSTM(old_biLSTM) return model else: return model
[docs]def lower_modules_to_accelerator( model: nn.Module, trace, export_options: ExportConfig, throughput_optimize=False ): # Raise error if accelerator could not be imported if not accelerator_lowering_supported: raise RuntimeError("Accelerator Lowering not supported!") import torch_glow log_accelerator_feature_usage("build.NNPI") if ( (hasattr(model, "encoder") and isinstance(model.encoder, RoBERTaEncoder)) or ( hasattr(model, "representation") and isinstance(model.representation, AcceleratorBiLSTM) ) or ( hasattr(model, "lower_module") # Internal CNN LM module to add accelerator support. and type(model.lower_module).__qualname__ == "CNNLowerModule" ) ): backend = "NNPI" ( submod_modelpath, compilation_spec_dict, inputs_function, ) = accelerator.get_modules(model, backend)[0] submod_tracepath = accelerator.model2trace_path(submod_modelpath) spec = torch_glow.CompilationSpec() spec.get_settings().set_glow_backend(backend) compilation_group = torch_glow.CompilationGroup() spec.compilation_groups_append(compilation_group) compilation_group_settings = compilation_group.get_settings() compilation_group_settings.set_convert_to_fp16(True) # Override the options for throughput-optimized case if throughput_optimize: compilation_spec_dict["NNPI_IceCores"] = "4" compilation_spec_dict["NNPINumParallelChunks"] = "4" compilation_group_settings.set_replication_count(3) for k, v in compilation_spec_dict.items(): compilation_group.get_settings().backend_specific_opts_insert(k, v) if inputs_function is not None: input_sets = inputs_function( model, trace, export_options, None, submod_modelpath ) else: raise RuntimeError( "inputs_function needs to be specified in accelerator decorator" ) compilation_group.set_input_sets(input_sets) trace = torch_glow.to_glow_selective( trace, {submod_tracepath: spec}, inplace=False, ) return trace else: return trace