Source code for pytext.optimizer.fairseq_fp16_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

from itertools import chain

import torch
from fairseq import utils
from fairseq.optim.fp16_optimizer import DynamicLossScaler as Fairseq_DynamicLossScaler

[docs]class Fairseq_FP16OptimizerMixin(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # forward __init__ call to the next class in mro(method resolution order) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def build_fp32_params(cls, params): # create FP32 copy of parameters and grads total_param_size = sum( for p in params) fp32_params = params[0].new(0).float().new(total_param_size) offset = 0 for p in params: numel = fp32_params[offset : offset + numel].copy_( offset += numel fp32_params = torch.nn.Parameter(fp32_params) fp32_params.grad = return fp32_params
[docs] def state_dict(self): """Return the optimizer's state dict.""" state_dict = self.fp32_optimizer.state_dict() state_dict["loss_scale"] = self.scaler.loss_scale return state_dict
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict, optimizer_overrides=None): """Load an optimizer state dict. In general we should prefer the configuration of the existing optimizer instance (e.g., learning rate) over that found in the state_dict. This allows us to resume training from a checkpoint using a new set of optimizer args. """ if "loss_scale" in state_dict: self.scaler.loss_scale = state_dict["loss_scale"] self.fp32_optimizer.load_state_dict(state_dict, optimizer_overrides)
[docs] def backward(self, loss): """Computes the sum of gradients of the given tensor w.r.t. graph leaves. Compared to :func:`fairseq.optim.FairseqOptimizer.backward`, this function additionally dynamically scales the loss to avoid gradient underflow. """ loss = loss * self.scaler.loss_scale loss.backward() self._needs_sync = True
def _sync_fp16_grads_to_fp32(self, multiply_grads=1.0): if self._needs_sync: # copy FP16 grads to FP32 offset = 0 for p in self.fp16_params: if not p.requires_grad: continue grad_data = ( if p.grad is not None else ) numel = grad_data.numel()[offset : offset + numel].copy_( grad_data.view(-1) ) offset += numel # correct for dynamic loss scaler / self.scaler.loss_scale) self._needs_sync = False
[docs] def multiply_grads(self, c): """Multiplies grads by a constant ``c``.""" if self._needs_sync: self._sync_fp16_grads_to_fp32(c) else:
[docs] def clip_grad_norm(self, max_norm): """Clips gradient norm and updates dynamic loss scaler.""" self._sync_fp16_grads_to_fp32() grad_norm = utils.clip_grad_norm_(, max_norm) # detect overflow and adjust loss scale overflow = Fairseq_DynamicLossScaler.has_overflow(grad_norm) self.scaler.update_scale(overflow) if overflow: if self.scaler.loss_scale <= self.min_loss_scale: # Use FloatingPointError as an uncommon error that parent # functions can safely catch to stop training. raise FloatingPointError( ( "Minimum loss scale reached ({}). Your loss is probably exploding. " "Try lowering the learning rate, using gradient clipping or " "increasing the batch size." ).format(self.min_loss_scale) ) raise OverflowError("setting loss scale to: " + str(self.scaler.loss_scale)) return grad_norm
[docs] def step(self, closure=None): """Performs a single optimization step.""" self._sync_fp16_grads_to_fp32() self.fp32_optimizer.step(closure) # copy FP32 params back into FP16 model offset = 0 for p in self.fp16_params: if not p.requires_grad: continue numel =[offset : offset + numel].view_as( offset += numel
[docs] def zero_grad(self): """Clears the gradients of all optimized parameters.""" for p in self.fp16_params: p.grad = None self._needs_sync = False
[docs]class Fairseq_MemoryEfficientFP16OptimizerMixin(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # forward __init__ call to the next class in mro(method resolution order) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def state_dict(self): """Return the optimizer's state dict.""" state_dict = self.wrapped_optimizer.state_dict() state_dict["loss_scale"] = self.scaler.loss_scale return state_dict
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict, optimizer_overrides=None): """Load an optimizer state dict. In general we should prefer the configuration of the existing optimizer instance (e.g., learning rate) over that found in the state_dict. This allows us to resume training from a checkpoint using a new set of optimizer args. """ if "loss_scale" in state_dict: self.scaler.loss_scale = state_dict["loss_scale"] self.wrapped_optimizer.load_state_dict(state_dict, optimizer_overrides) # Hack: PyTorch automatically casts the optimizer state to match the # type of the current parameters. But with --memory-efficient-fp16 the # params are FP16 while the optimizer state is FP32 and we don't want # to cast. A workaround is to manually copy back the original state # after the optimizer has been loaded. groups = self.optimizer.param_groups saved_groups = state_dict["param_groups"] id_map = { old_id: p for old_id, p in zip( chain(*(g["params"] for g in saved_groups)), chain(*(g["params"] for g in groups)), ) } for k, v in state_dict["state"].items(): if k in id_map: param = id_map[k] self.optimizer.state[param] = v
[docs] def backward(self, loss): """Computes the sum of gradients of the given tensor w.r.t. graph leaves. Compared to :func:`fairseq.optim.FairseqOptimizer.backward`, this function additionally dynamically scales the loss to avoid gradient underflow. """ loss = loss * self.scaler.loss_scale loss.backward() self._grads_are_scaled = True
def _unscale_grads(self, multiply_grads=1.0): if self._grads_are_scaled: self._grads_are_scaled = False # correct for dynamic loss scaler self.wrapped_optimizer.multiply_grads( multiply_grads / self.scaler.loss_scale ) else: assert multiply_grads == 1.0
[docs] def multiply_grads(self, c): """Multiplies grads by a constant *c*.""" if self._grads_are_scaled: self._unscale_grads(c) else: self.wrapped_optimizer.multiply_grads(c)
[docs] def clip_grad_norm(self, max_norm): """Clips gradient norm and updates dynamic loss scaler.""" self._unscale_grads() grad_norm = self.wrapped_optimizer.clip_grad_norm(max_norm) # detect overflow and adjust loss scale overflow = Fairseq_DynamicLossScaler.has_overflow(grad_norm) self.scaler.update_scale(overflow) if overflow: if self.scaler.loss_scale <= self.args.min_loss_scale: # Use FloatingPointError as an uncommon error that parent # functions can safely catch to stop training. raise FloatingPointError( ( "Minimum loss scale reached ({}). Your loss is probably exploding. " "Try lowering the learning rate, using gradient clipping or " "increasing the batch size." ).format(self.args.min_loss_scale) ) raise OverflowError("setting loss scale to: " + str(self.scaler.loss_scale)) return grad_norm
[docs] def step(self, closure=None): """Performs a single optimization step.""" self._unscale_grads() self.wrapped_optimizer.step(closure)
[docs] def zero_grad(self): """Clears the gradients of all optimized parameters.""" self.wrapped_optimizer.zero_grad() self._grads_are_scaled = False