Source code for pytext.models.seq_models.projection_layers

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from pytext.models.seq_models.utils import Linear
from torch import Tensor, nn

from .attention import DecoupledMultiheadAttention
from .utils import verify_encoder_out

[docs]class DecoderWithLinearOutputProjection(nn.Module): """Simple linear projection from the hidden vector to vocab. """ def __init__(self, src_dict, dst_dict, out_embed_dim=512, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.linear_projection = Linear(out_embed_dim, len(dst_dict)) self.reset_parameters()
[docs] def reset_parameters(self): nn.init.uniform_(self.linear_projection.weight, -0.1, 0.1) nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_projection.bias)
[docs] def forward( self, encoder_out: Dict[str, Tensor], decoder_out: Tuple[Tensor, Dict[str, Tensor]], incremental_state: Optional[Dict[str, Tensor]] = None, ): x, others = decoder_out logits = self.linear_projection(x) return logits, others
[docs] @torch.jit.export def get_probs( self, decoder_out: Tuple[Tensor, Dict[str, Tensor]] ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: logits, output_dict = decoder_out # Any large reductions such as softmax should occur in # 32 bits probs = F.softmax(logits.float(), dim=-1).to(logits.dtype) max_probs, idx = probs.max(dim=-1) return idx, max_probs, probs
[docs]class DecoupledDecoderHead(nn.Module): fixed_generation_vocab_expanded = torch.jit.Final[Tensor] def __init__( self, src_dict, dst_dict, out_embed_dim=512, encoder_hidden_dim=None, pointer_attention_heads=1, fixed_generation_vocab=None, attention_dropout=0.2, model_output_logprob=True, ): super().__init__() self.linear_projection = nn.Linear( out_embed_dim, len(fixed_generation_vocab) if fixed_generation_vocab else len(dst_dict), ) self.num_embeddings = len(dst_dict) self.pointer_projection = nn.Linear(encoder_hidden_dim, out_embed_dim) self.pointer_prob_map = nn.Linear(out_embed_dim + out_embed_dim, 1) self.pointer_attention = DecoupledMultiheadAttention( out_embed_dim, out_embed_dim, pointer_attention_heads, src_length_mask=False, dropout=attention_dropout, ) self.fixed_vocab = not (fixed_generation_vocab is None) if self.fixed_vocab: assert isinstance( fixed_generation_vocab, list ), "List of indices is what is expected for fixed_generation_vocab" self.fixed_generation_vocab_expanded: Tensor = ( torch.tensor(fixed_generation_vocab, dtype=torch.long) .unsqueeze(0) .unsqueeze(0) ) else: # make TorchScript happy self.fixed_generation_vocab_expanded: Tensor = torch.zeros([1]) self.register_buffer( "fixed_generation_vocab_expanded_buffer", self.fixed_generation_vocab_expanded, ) self.model_output_logprob = model_output_logprob
[docs] def forward( self, encoder_out: Dict[str, Tensor], decoder_out: Tuple[Tensor, Dict[str, Tensor]], incremental_state: Optional[Dict[str, Tensor]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Dict[str, Tensor]]: """ Variables for Shape comments ---------------------------------- B: Batch T_src: Length of source sequence T_trg: Length of target seuqence C: hidden dimension V_ont: Size of ontology vocabulary V_trg: Size of full target vocabulary """ self.verify_encoder_out(encoder_out) # `encoder_outs`: T_src x B x C encoder_outs = encoder_out["encoder_out"] encoder_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None if "encoder_mask" in encoder_out: # `encoder_mask`: B x T_src encoder_mask = encoder_out["encoder_mask"] # `src_tokens`: B x T_src src_tokens = self.get_pointer_src_tokens(encoder_out) # The line below will have to be uncommented once ELMo/dictfeat is supported # src_tokens = pytorch_translate_utils.get_source_tokens_tensor(src_tokens) # `x`: B x T_trg x C x, output_dict = decoder_out # `logits`: B x T_trg x V_ontology logits = self.linear_projection(x) # B x T_trg x V_ontology # compute softmax generation probability over the fixed vocabulary # softmax in 32 bits # `optional_fixed_logits` B x T_trg x V_ontology optional_fixed_logits = F.softmax(logits.float(), dim=2).to(logits.dtype) if self.fixed_vocab: # we know have to project to the full vocab size in order # to get the mixture of probability distributions right. # create the a zero matrix over the full vocabulary # `optional_fixed_logits_1`: B x T_trg x V_trg optional_fixed_logits_1 = torch.zeros( (logits.size(0), logits.size(1), self.num_embeddings), device=logits.device, dtype=logits.dtype, ) # Expand the fixed vocabulary over the sequence # `fixed_expanded`: B x T_trg x V_ontology fixed_expanded = self.fixed_generation_vocab_expanded_buffer.repeat( logits.size(0), logits.size(1), 1 ) # Expand ontology scores to the zero matrix over the full vocabulary optional_fixed_logits_1.scatter_add_( 2, fixed_expanded, optional_fixed_logits ) optional_fixed_logits = optional_fixed_logits_1 # `encoder_outs`: T_src x B x C encoder_outs = self.pointer_projection(encoder_outs) # `cur_src_attn`: T_trg x B x C # `calc_src_attn_scores`: T_src, T_trg, B cur_src_attn, calc_src_attn_scores = self.pointer_attention( x, encoder_outs, encoder_mask, False ) # `cur_src_attn`: B x T_trg x C cur_src_attn = cur_src_attn.transpose(0, 1) # `calc_src_attn_scores`: B x T_trg x T_src calc_src_attn_scores = calc_src_attn_scores.transpose(0, 2) # compute generation probability per token # `prob`: B x T_trg x C prob = torch.sigmoid(self.pointer_prob_map([cur_src_attn, x], dim=2))) # create zero matrix over the full vocabulary for # the copy scores # `vocab_attn_scores`: B x T_trg x V_trg vocab_attn_scores = torch.zeros( optional_fixed_logits.size(0), optional_fixed_logits.size(1), optional_fixed_logits.size(2), device=optional_fixed_logits.device, dtype=optional_fixed_logits.dtype, ) # expand source tokens over the target sequence # `src_tokens_expanded`: B x T_trg x T_src src_tokens_expanded = src_tokens.unsqueeze(1).repeat( 1, logits.size(1), 1 ) # B x T_trg x T_src # calc_src_attn_scores are already probabilities # add copy probabilities to appropriate vocab indexes # in `vocab_attn_scores` matrix # `vocab_attn_scores`: B x T_trg x V_trg vocab_attn_scores.scatter_add_(2, src_tokens_expanded, calc_src_attn_scores) # Mix probabilities for copying tokens and generating tokens # `explicit_copy_probs`: B x T_trg x V_trg explicit_copy_probs = ( prob * optional_fixed_logits + (1 - prob) * vocab_attn_scores ) # full support occurs if not self.fixed_vocab otherwise not. # Taking log(0) = -inf which should not be an issue as long as the loss # does not touch it, which it shoudln't. If loss is nan then it's not a # straightforward copy task if self.model_output_logprob: model_out = (explicit_copy_probs + 1e-7).log() else: model_out = explicit_copy_probs + 1e-7 return model_out, output_dict
[docs] @torch.jit.export def get_probs( self, decoder_out: Tuple[Tensor, Dict[str, Tensor]] ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: model_out, output_dict = decoder_out if self.model_output_logprob: probs = model_out.exp() max_probs, idx = probs.max(dim=-1) else: max_probs, idx = model_out.max(dim=-1) return idx, max_probs, model_out
[docs] def get_pointer_src_tokens(self, encoder_out: Dict[str, Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor: return encoder_out["src_tokens"]
[docs] def verify_encoder_out(self, encoder_out: Dict[str, Tensor]): verify_encoder_out(encoder_out, ["encoder_out", "src_tokens"])