Source code for pytext.models.r3f_models

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from pytext.common.constants import Stage
from pytext.config import ConfigBase
from pytext.utils.precision import maybe_float

[docs]class R3FNoiseType(Enum): UNIFORM = "uniform" NORMAL = "normal"
[docs]def build_noise_sampler(noise_type: R3FNoiseType, eps: float): """ Given a `noise_type` (`R3FNoiseType`): builds a `torch.distribution` capable of generating noise within the passed in `eps` (`float`). """ if noise_type == R3FNoiseType.UNIFORM: return torch.distributions.uniform.Uniform(low=-eps, high=eps) elif noise_type == R3FNoiseType.NORMAL: return torch.distributions.normal.Normal(loc=0.0, scale=eps) else: raise Exception(f"Unknown noise type: {noise_type}")
[docs]def compute_symmetric_kl(noised_logits, input_logits): """ Computes symmetric KL loss by taking the KL for both the input logits and the noised logits and comparing the two """ return F.kl_div( F.log_softmax(noised_logits, dim=-1, dtype=torch.float32), F.softmax(input_logits, dim=-1, dtype=torch.float32), None, None, "sum", ) + F.kl_div( F.log_softmax(input_logits, dim=-1, dtype=torch.float32), F.softmax(noised_logits, dim=-1, dtype=torch.float32), None, None, "sum", ) # / noised_logits.size(0)
[docs]class R3FConfigOptions(ConfigBase): """ Configuration options for models using R3F """ # for MTL purposes different lambda per loss r3f_lambda_by_loss: Dict[str, float] = {} r3f_default_lambda: float = 0.5 eps: float = 1e-5 noise_type: R3FNoiseType = R3FNoiseType.UNIFORM
[docs]class R3FNoiseContextManager(AbstractContextManager): """ Context manager that adds a forward hook to the embedding module, to insert noise into the model and detatch embedding when doing this pass """ def __init__(self, context): self.encoder_hook = None self.decoder_hook = None self.context = context self.hook = self.context.get_embedding_module().register_forward_hook( self._hook_implementation ) def __enter__(self): return self.context def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.hook.remove() self.hook = None def _hook_implementation(self, module, input, output): noise = self.context.noise_sampler.sample(sample_shape=output.shape).to(output) return output.clone().detach() + noise
[docs]class R3FPyTextMixin(object): """ Mixin class for applying the R3F method, to apply R3F with any model inherit the class and implement the abstract functions. For more details: """ def __init__(self, config: R3FConfigOptions): self.r3f_lambda_by_loss = config.r3f_lambda_by_loss self.r3f_default_lambda = config.r3f_default_lambda self.r3f_eps = config.eps self.noise_sampler = build_noise_sampler(config.noise_type, self.r3f_eps)
[docs] def get_embedding_module(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Given the core model outputs, this returns the embedding module that is used for the R3F loss, in particular noise will be injected to this module. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def forward_with_noise(self, *args, **kwargs): with R3FNoiseContextManager(self): return self.original_forward(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def original_forward(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Runs the traditional forward of this model """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_sample_size(self, model_inputs, targets): """ Gets the sample size of the model that is used as a regularization factor to the model itself """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_r3f_model_output(self, model_output): """ Extracts the output from the model.forward() call that is used for the r3f loss term """ return model_output
[docs] def forward(self, *args, use_r3f: bool = False, **kwargs): if use_r3f: # forward with the normal model model_output = self.original_forward( *args, **kwargs, ) # compute noised model outputs noise_model_outputs = self.forward_with_noise( *args, **kwargs, ) return model_output, noise_model_outputs else: return self.original_forward(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_r3f_loss_terms( self, model_outputs, noise_model_outputs, sample_size: int ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the auxillary loss for R3F, in particular computes a symmetric KL divergence between the result from the input embedding and the noise input embedding. """ label_symm_kl = compute_symmetric_kl( self.get_r3f_model_output(noise_model_outputs), self.get_r3f_model_output(model_outputs), ) label_symm_kl = label_symm_kl # * sample_size return ( self.r3f_lambda_by_loss.get("label", self.r3f_default_lambda) * label_symm_kl )
[docs] @classmethod def train_batch(cls, model, batch, state=None): """ Runs training over a batch with the R3F method, training will use R3F while eval and test do not. """ # Forward pass through the network. model_inputs = model.arrange_model_inputs(batch) model_context = model.arrange_model_context(batch) targets = model.arrange_targets(batch) sample_size = model.get_sample_size(model_inputs=model_inputs, targets=targets) # get embedding r3f_loss_term = torch.tensor(0) if state and state.stage == Stage.TRAIN: # during training run R3F forward calls model_outputs, noise_model_outputs = model(*model_inputs, use_r3f=True) r3f_loss_term = model.get_r3f_loss_terms( model_outputs, noise_model_outputs, sample_size=sample_size ) else: # during eval and test don't run R3F forward model_outputs = model(*model_inputs, use_r3f=False) # Add stage to context. if state: if model_context is None: model_context = {"stage": state.stage, "epoch": state.epoch} else: model_context["stage"] = state.stage model_context["epoch"] = state.epoch # Compute loss and predictions. loss = maybe_float(model.get_loss(model_outputs, targets, model_context)) # add R3F loss term loss = loss + predictions, scores = model.get_pred(model_outputs, context=model_context) # Pack results and return them. metric_data = (predictions, targets, scores, loss, model_inputs) return loss, metric_data