Source code for pytext.models.embeddings.embedding_list

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Tuple, Union

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from pytext.utils.usage import log_class_usage
from torch.nn import ModuleList
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter

from .embedding_base import EmbeddingBase

[docs]class EmbeddingList(EmbeddingBase, ModuleList): """ There are more than one way to embed a token and this module provides a way to generate a list of sub-embeddings, concat embedding tensors into a single Tensor or return a tuple of Tensors that can be used by downstream modules. Args: embeddings (Iterable[EmbeddingBase]): A sequence of embedding modules to embed a token. concat (bool): Whether to concatenate the embedding vectors emitted from `embeddings` modules. Attributes: num_emb_modules (int): Number of flattened embeddings in `embeddings`, e.g: ((e1, e2), e3) has 3 in total input_start_indices (List[int]): List of indices of the sub-embeddings in the embedding list. concat (bool): Whether to concatenate the embedding vectors emitted from `embeddings` modules. embedding_dim: Total embedding size, can be a single int or tuple of int depending on concat setting """ def __init__(self, embeddings: Iterable[EmbeddingBase], concat: bool) -> None: EmbeddingBase.__init__(self, 0) embeddings = list(filter(None, embeddings)) self.num_emb_modules = sum(emb.num_emb_modules for emb in embeddings) embeddings_list, input_start_indices = [], [] start = 0 for emb in embeddings: if emb.embedding_dim > 0: embeddings_list.append(emb) input_start_indices.append(start) start += emb.num_emb_modules ModuleList.__init__(self, embeddings_list) self.input_start_indices = input_start_indices self.concat = concat assert len(self) > 0, "must have at least 1 sub embedding" embedding_dims = tuple(emb.embedding_dim for emb in self) self.embedding_dim = sum(embedding_dims) if concat else embedding_dims log_class_usage(__class__)
[docs] def forward(self, *emb_input) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor]]: """ Get embeddings from all sub-embeddings and either concatenate them into one Tensor or return them in a tuple. Args: *emb_input (type): Sequence of token level embeddings to combine. The inputs should match the size of configured embeddings. Each of them is either a Tensor or a tuple of Tensors. Returns: Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor]]: If `concat` is True then a Tensor is returned by concatenating all embeddings. Otherwise all embeddings are returned in a tuple. """ # tokens dim: (bsz, max_seq_len) -> (bsz, max_seq_len, dim) OR # (bsz, max_num_sen, max_seq_len) -> (bsz, max_num_sen, max_seq_len, dim) # for seqnn if self.num_emb_modules != len(emb_input): raise Exception( f"expecting {self.num_emb_modules} embeddings, " + f"but got {len(emb_input)} input" ) tensors = [] for emb, start in zip(self, self.input_start_indices): end = start + emb.num_emb_modules input = emb_input[start:end] # single embedding if len(input) == 1: # the input for the single embedding is a tuple or list of tensors if isinstance(input[0], list) or isinstance(input[0], tuple): [input] = input emb_tensor = emb(*input) tensors.append(emb_tensor) if self.concat: return, -1) else: return tuple(tensors) if len(tensors) > 1 else tensors[0]
[docs] def visualize(self, summary_writer: SummaryWriter): for child in self: child.visualize(summary_writer)