Source code for pytext.metric_reporters.metric_reporter

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
from typing import Dict, List

import numpy as np
import torch
from pytext.common.constants import (
from pytext.config.component import Component, ComponentType
from pytext.config.pytext_config import ConfigBase
from pytext.metrics import RealtimeMetrics
from pytext.utils import cuda
from pytext.utils.meter import TimeMeter

from .channel import ConsoleChannel

[docs]class MetricReporter(Component): """ MetricReporter is responsible of three things: #. Aggregate output from trainer, which includes model inputs, predictions, targets, scores, and loss. #. Calculate metrics using the aggregated output, and define how the metric is used to find best model #. Optionally report the metrics and aggregated output to various channels Attributes: lower_is_better (bool): Whether a lower metric indicates better performance. Set to True for e.g. perplexity, and False for e.g. accuracy. Default is False channels (List[Channel]): A list of Channel that will receive metrics and the aggregated trainer output then format and report them in any customized way. MetricReporter is tightly-coupled with metric aggregation and computation which makes inheritance hard to reuse the parent functionalities and attributes. Next step is to decouple the metric aggregation and computation vs metric reporting. """ __COMPONENT_TYPE__ = ComponentType.METRIC_REPORTER lower_is_better: bool = False log_gradient: bool = False
[docs] class Config(ConfigBase): output_path: str = "/tmp/test_out.txt" pep_format: bool = False #: Useful for KD training, column names that used by student but not teacher. student_column_names: List[str] = [] log_gradient: bool = False
def __init__(self, channels, log_gradient=False, pep_format=False) -> None: self.log_gradient = log_gradient self._reset() self.channels = channels self.pep_format = pep_format self._reset_realtime() def _reset(self): self.all_preds: List = [] self.all_targets: List = [] self.all_context: Dict = {} self.all_loss: List = [] self.all_scores: List = [] self.n_batches = 0 self.batch_size: List = [] self.all_gradients: Dict[str, List[List]] = {} def _reset_realtime(self): self.realtime_meters: Dict = {} self.realtime_meters["tps"] = TimeMeter() # tokens per second self.realtime_meters["ups"] = TimeMeter() # updates per second
[docs] def add_batch_stats( self, n_batches, preds, targets, scores, loss, m_input, **context ): """ Aggregates a batch of output data (predictions, scores, targets/true labels and loss). Args: n_batches (int): number of current batch preds (torch.Tensor): predictions of current batch targets (torch.Tensor): targets of current batch scores (torch.Tensor): scores of current batch loss (double): average loss of current batch m_input (Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]): model inputs of current batch context (Dict[str, Any]): any additional context data, it could be either a list of data which maps to each example, or a single value for the batch """ self.n_batches = n_batches self.aggregate_preds(preds, context) self.aggregate_targets(targets, context) self.aggregate_scores(scores) for key, val in context.items(): if not (isinstance(val, torch.Tensor) or isinstance(val, List)): continue if key not in self.all_context: self.all_context[key] = [] self.aggregate_data(self.all_context[key], val) # some loss functions (eg: in NewBertRegressionTask) return a tensor # convert tensor to float if loss is not None: self.all_loss.append(float(loss)) self.batch_size.append(len(m_input[0])) # realtime stats if DatasetFieldName.NUM_TOKENS in context: self.realtime_meters["tps"].update(context[DatasetFieldName.NUM_TOKENS]) self.realtime_meters["ups"].update(1)
[docs] def add_gradients(self, model): if self.log_gradient: for key, value in model.named_parameters(): grad = value.grad if grad is not None and len(grad) > 0 and not (grad == 0).all(): if key in self.all_gradients: self.all_gradients[key].append(grad.cpu().numpy()) else: self.all_gradients[key] = [grad.cpu().numpy()]
[docs] def aggregate_preds(self, batch_preds, batch_context=None): self.aggregate_data(self.all_preds, batch_preds)
[docs] def aggregate_targets(self, batch_targets, batch_context=None): self.aggregate_data(self.all_targets, batch_targets)
[docs] def aggregate_scores(self, batch_scores): self.aggregate_data(self.all_scores, batch_scores)
[docs] @classmethod def aggregate_data(cls, all_data, new_batch): """ Aggregate a batch of data, basically just convert tensors to list of native python data """ if new_batch is None: return simple_list = cls._make_simple_list(new_batch) all_data.extend(simple_list)
@classmethod def _make_simple_list(cls, data): if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): return data.tolist() elif isinstance(data, List) and all( isinstance(elem, torch.Tensor) for elem in data ): return [elem.tolist() for elem in data] elif ( isinstance(data, List) and all(isinstance(elem, List) for elem in data) and all( isinstance(elem, torch.Tensor) for elemlist in data for elem in elemlist ) ): return [[elem.tolist() for elem in elemlist] for elemlist in data] elif isinstance(data, List): return data elif isinstance(data, tuple): return data[0].tolist() else: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def add_channel(self, channel): self.channels.append(channel)
[docs] def batch_context(self, raw_batch, batch): context = { BatchContext.INDEX: [ row[RawExampleFieldName.ROW_INDEX] for row in raw_batch ] } if DatasetFieldName.NUM_TOKENS in batch: context.update( {DatasetFieldName.NUM_TOKENS: batch[DatasetFieldName.NUM_TOKENS]} ) return context
[docs] def calculate_loss(self): """ Calculate the average loss for all aggregated batch """ return np.average(self.all_loss, weights=self.batch_size)
[docs] def calculate_metric(self): """ Calculate metrics, each sub class should implement it """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def predictions_to_report(self): """ Generate human readable predictions """ return self.all_preds
[docs] def targets_to_report(self): """ Generate human readable targets """ return self.all_targets
# TODO this function can be merged with batch_context once data migration is done
[docs] def gen_extra_context(self, *args): """ Generate any extra intermediate context data for metric calculation """ pass
# TODO this method can be removed by moving Channel construction to Task
[docs] def get_meta(self): """ Get global meta data that is not specific to any batch, the data will be pass along to channels """ return {}
[docs] def report_metric( self, model, stage, epoch, reset=True, print_to_channels=True, optimizer=None ): """ Calculate metrics and average loss, report all statistic data to channels Args: model (nn.Module): the PyTorch neural network model. stage (Stage): training, evaluation or test epoch (int): current epoch reset (bool): if all data should be reset after report, default is True print_to_channels (bool): if report data to channels, default is True """ self.gen_extra_context(model) self.total_loss = self.calculate_loss() metrics = self.calculate_metric() model_select_metric = self.get_model_select_metric(metrics) # print_to_channels is true only on gpu 0, but we need all gpus to sync # metric self.report_realtime_metric(stage) if print_to_channels: for channel in self.channels: if stage in channel.stages: stage, epoch, metrics, model_select_metric, self.total_loss, self.predictions_to_report(), self.targets_to_report(), self.all_scores, self.all_context, self.get_meta(), model, optimizer, self.log_gradient, self.get_gradients(), ) if reset: self._reset() self._reset_realtime() return metrics
[docs] def report_realtime_metric(self, stage): if stage != Stage.TRAIN: return samples_total = self.n_batches + 1 tps_total = self.realtime_meters["tps"].n ups_total = self.realtime_meters["ups"].n elapsed_time = self.realtime_meters["tps"].elapsed_time if cuda.DISTRIBUTED_WORLD_SIZE > 1: tensor = torch.cuda.IntTensor([samples_total, tps_total, ups_total]) torch.distributed.all_reduce(tensor) [samples_total, tps_total, ups_total] =[:] tps = tps_total / elapsed_time ups = ups_total / elapsed_time if not tps or not ups: return metrics = RealtimeMetrics(samples=samples_total, tps=tps, ups=ups) print(metrics, flush=True)
[docs] def get_model_select_metric(self, metrics): """ Return a single numeric metric value that is used for model selection, returns the metric itself by default, but usually metrics will be more complicated data structures """ return metrics
[docs] def compare_metric(self, new_metric, old_metric): """ Check if new metric indicates better model performance Returns: bool, true if model with new_metric performs better """ if not old_metric: return True new = self.get_model_select_metric(new_metric) old = self.get_model_select_metric(old_metric) if new == old: return False return (new < old) == self.lower_is_better
[docs] def get_gradients(self): return self.all_gradients
[docs]class PureLossMetricReporter(MetricReporter): lower_is_better = True
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config, *args, **kwargs): return cls([ConsoleChannel()], config.pep_format)
[docs] def calculate_metric(self): return self.calculate_loss()