Source code for pytext.metric_reporters.classification_metric_reporter

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

from enum import Enum
from itertools import tee, zip_longest
from typing import Generator, List, Optional

import torch
from pytext.common.constants import Stage
from import CommonMetadata
from pytext.metrics import (

from .channel import Channel, ConsoleChannel, FileChannel
from .metric_reporter import MetricReporter

META_LABEL_NAMES = "label_names"

[docs]class ComparableClassificationMetric(Enum): ACCURACY = "accuracy" ROC_AUC = "roc_auc" MCC = "mcc" MACRO_F1 = "macro_f1" LABEL_F1 = "label_f1" LABEL_AVG_PRECISION = "label_avg_precision" LABEL_ROC_AUC = "label_roc_auc" # use negative because the reporter's lower_is_better value is False NEGATIVE_LOSS = "negative_loss"
[docs]class ClassificationMetricReporter(MetricReporter): __EXPANSIBLE__ = True
[docs] class Config(MetricReporter.Config): model_select_metric: ComparableClassificationMetric = ( ComparableClassificationMetric.ACCURACY ) target_label: Optional[str] = None #: These column names correspond to raw input data columns. Text in these #: columns (usually just 1 column) will be concatenated and output in #: the IntentModelChannel as an evaluation tsv. text_column_names: List[str] = ["text"] #: These column names correspond to raw input data columns, that #: will be read by data_source into context, and included in the #: run_model output file along with other saving results. additional_column_names: List[str] = [] recall_at_precision_thresholds: List[float] = RECALL_AT_PRECISION_THRESHOLDS # Boolean which is used to run a more memory efficient version of the # metric reporter. This involves storing as little information as possible # in memory and as a result, we don't compute metrics other than accuracy # and F1. This is useful when the label space is huge and we don't want to # keep around the score for every label for every example in memory. # This also means that the output debug file in the Test operator will have # only predictions and no label scores. is_memory_efficient: bool = False
def __init__( self, label_names: List[str], channels: List[Channel], model_select_metric: ComparableClassificationMetric = ( ComparableClassificationMetric.ACCURACY ), target_label: Optional[str] = None, text_column_names: List[str] = Config.text_column_names, additional_column_names: List[str] = Config.additional_column_names, recall_at_precision_thresholds: List[float] = ( Config.recall_at_precision_thresholds ), is_memory_efficient: bool = Config.is_memory_efficient, ) -> None: super().__init__(channels) self.label_names = label_names self.model_select_metric = model_select_metric self.target_label = target_label self.text_column_names = text_column_names self.additional_column_names = additional_column_names self.recall_at_precision_thresholds = recall_at_precision_thresholds self.is_memory_efficient = is_memory_efficient
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config, meta: CommonMetadata = None, tensorizers=None): # TODO: refactor metric reporting and remove this hack if tensorizers: labels = list(tensorizers["labels"].vocab) else: labels = config.text_column_names = [] return cls.from_config_and_label_names(config, labels)
[docs] @classmethod def from_config_and_label_names(cls, config, label_names: List[str]): if config.model_select_metric in ( ComparableClassificationMetric.LABEL_F1, ComparableClassificationMetric.LABEL_AVG_PRECISION, ComparableClassificationMetric.LABEL_ROC_AUC, ): assert ( config.target_label is not None ), "target_label must be set for selected metric" assert config.target_label in label_names if config.model_select_metric in ( ComparableClassificationMetric.ROC_AUC, ComparableClassificationMetric.MCC, ): assert ( len(label_names) == 2 ), "selected metric is valid for binary labels only" return cls( label_names, [ConsoleChannel(), FileChannel((Stage.TEST,), config.output_path)], config.model_select_metric, config.target_label, config.text_column_names, config.additional_column_names, config.recall_at_precision_thresholds, config.is_memory_efficient, )
[docs] def batch_context(self, raw_batch, batch): context = super().batch_context(raw_batch, batch) context["text"] = [ " | ".join(str(row[column_name]) for column_name in self.text_column_names) for row in raw_batch ] # if there are additional colnames, read their contexts into batch if len(self.additional_column_names) > 0: for additional_colname in self.additional_column_names: context[additional_colname] = [ row[additional_colname] for row in raw_batch ] return context
[docs] def add_batch_stats( self, n_batches, preds, targets, scores, loss, m_input, **context ): """ Aggregates a batch of output data (predictions, scores, targets/true labels and loss). Args: n_batches (int): number of current batch preds (torch.Tensor): predictions of current batch targets (torch.Tensor): targets of current batch scores (torch.Tensor): scores of current batch loss (double): average loss of current batch m_input (Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]): model inputs of current batch context (Dict[str, Any]): any additional context data, it could be either a list of data which maps to each example, or a single value for the batch """ self.n_batches = n_batches self.aggregate_preds(preds, context) self.aggregate_targets(targets, context) # if we are running in memory efficient mode, then don't store all the scores # This list in general is the most memory hungry of all the data structures. # For a problem with 10K classes, we store 10K floats for every instance in # the epoch. This is bad. if not self.is_memory_efficient: self.aggregate_scores(scores) for key, val in context.items(): if not (isinstance(val, torch.Tensor) or isinstance(val, List)): continue if key not in self.all_context: self.all_context[key] = [] self.aggregate_data(self.all_context[key], val) # some loss functions (eg: in NewBertRegressionTask) return a tensor # convert tensor to float if loss is not None: self.all_loss.append(float(loss)) # append the size of the first tensor (should be the batch size) if isinstance(m_input, Generator): # first element without updating the initial iterator first = tee(m_input, 1) self.batch_size.append(len(first)) else: self.batch_size.append(len(m_input[0]))
[docs] def calculate_metric(self): # If we are running in memory efficient mode, then scores in # LabelPrediction should be an empty list label_predictions = [ LabelPrediction(scores, pred, expect) for scores, pred, expect in zip_longest( self.all_scores, self.all_preds, self.all_targets, fillvalue=[] ) ] return compute_classification_metrics( label_predictions, self.label_names, self.calculate_loss(), # Compute soft-metrics only if self.is_memory_efficient is False average_precisions=(not self.is_memory_efficient), recall_at_precision_thresholds=self.recall_at_precision_thresholds, )
[docs] def predictions_to_report(self): """ Generate human readable predictions """ return [self.label_names[pred] for pred in self.all_preds]
[docs] def targets_to_report(self): """ Generate human readable targets """ return [self.label_names[target] for target in self.all_targets]
[docs] def get_meta(self): return {META_LABEL_NAMES: self.label_names}
[docs] def get_model_select_metric(self, metrics): if self.model_select_metric == ComparableClassificationMetric.ACCURACY: metric = metrics.accuracy elif self.model_select_metric == ComparableClassificationMetric.ROC_AUC: metric = metrics.roc_auc elif self.model_select_metric == ComparableClassificationMetric.MCC: metric = metrics.mcc elif self.model_select_metric == ComparableClassificationMetric.MACRO_F1: metric = metrics.macro_prf1_metrics.macro_scores.f1 elif self.model_select_metric == ComparableClassificationMetric.LABEL_F1: metric = metrics.macro_prf1_metrics.per_label_scores[self.target_label].f1 elif ( self.model_select_metric == ComparableClassificationMetric.LABEL_AVG_PRECISION ): metric = metrics.per_label_soft_scores[self.target_label].average_precision elif self.model_select_metric == ComparableClassificationMetric.LABEL_ROC_AUC: metric = metrics.per_label_soft_scores[self.target_label].roc_auc elif self.model_select_metric == ComparableClassificationMetric.NEGATIVE_LOSS: metric = -metrics.loss else: raise ValueError(f"unknown metric: {self.model_select_metric}") assert metric is not None return metric
[docs]class MultiLabelClassificationMetricReporter(ClassificationMetricReporter):
[docs] class Config(ClassificationMetricReporter.Config): pass
[docs] def calculate_metric(self): return compute_multi_label_classification_metrics( [ LabelListPrediction(scores, pred, expect) for scores, pred, expect in zip( self.all_scores, self.all_preds, self.all_targets ) ], self.label_names, self.calculate_loss(), recall_at_precision_thresholds=self.recall_at_precision_thresholds, )
[docs] def predictions_to_report(self): """ Generate human readable predictions """ return [ [ self.label_names[pred_idx] for pred_idx, pred in enumerate(predictions) if pred == 1 ] for predictions in self.all_preds ]
[docs] def targets_to_report(self): """ Generate human readable targets """ return [ [self.label_names[target] for target in targets if target != -1] for targets in self.all_targets ]