Source code for pytext.main

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

import json
import pprint
import sys
import tempfile
from importlib import import_module
from pydoc import locate
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import click
import torch
from pytext import create_predictor
from pytext.builtin_task import add_include
from pytext.common.utils import eprint
from pytext.config import LATEST_VERSION, ExportConfig, PyTextConfig
from pytext.config.component import register_tasks
from pytext.config.config_adapter import upgrade_to_latest
from pytext.config.serialize import (
from pytext.config.utils import find_param, replace_param
from import CommonMetadata
from import Channel, TensorBoardChannel
from pytext.PreprocessingMap.ttypes import ModelType
from pytext.task import load
from pytext.utils.documentation import (
from pytext.utils.file_io import PathManager
from pytext.workflow import (
    get_logits as workflow_get_logits,
    save_pytext_snapshot as workflow_save_pytext_snapshot,
from torch.multiprocessing.spawn import spawn

[docs]class Attrs: def __repr__(self): return f"Attrs({', '.join(f'{k}={v}' for k, v in vars(self).items())})"
def _validate_export_json_config(export_json_config): """Validate if the input export_json_config (PyTextConfig in JSON object) only has export section config and a version number. """ assert (export_json_config.keys() <= {"export", "version", "read_chunk_size"}) or ( export_json_config.keys() <= {"export_list", "version", "read_chunk_size"} ), ( "The export-json config should only contain fields (export or export_list), version and read_chunk_size. Got " f"{export_json_config.keys()}" ) if "export" in export_json_config.keys(): for key in export_json_config["export"]: assert ( key in ExportConfig.__annotations__.keys() ), f"Field {key} in the export json is not found in the ExportConfig class." else: # export_list instead of export assert "export_list" in export_json_config.keys() found_model_type = None export_cfgs = export_json_config["export_list"] for export_config in export_cfgs: for key in export_config: assert ( key in ExportConfig.__annotations__.keys() ), f"Field {key} in the export json is not found in the ExportConfig class." this_model_type = ( ModelType.PYTORCH if "export_pytorch_path" in export_config else ModelType.CAFFE2 ) assert (found_model_type is None) or (found_model_type == this_model_type) if found_model_type is None: found_model_type = this_model_type def _load_and_validate_export_json_config(export_json): with as fp: export_json_config = json.load(fp) if "config" in export_json_config: export_json_config = export_json_config["config"] export_json_config = upgrade_to_latest(export_json_config) _validate_export_json_config(export_json_config) return export_json_config
[docs]def train_model_distributed(config, metric_channels: Optional[List[Channel]]): assert ( config.use_cuda_if_available and torch.cuda.is_available() ) or config.distributed_world_size == 1, ( "distributed training is only available for GPU training" ) assert ( config.distributed_world_size == 1 or config.distributed_world_size <= torch.cuda.device_count() ), ( f"Only {torch.cuda.device_count()} GPUs are available, " f"{config.distributed_world_size} GPUs were requested" ) print(f"\n=== Starting training, World size is {config.distributed_world_size}") if not config.use_cuda_if_available or not torch.cuda.is_available(): run_single( rank=0, config_json=config_to_json(PyTextConfig, config), world_size=1, dist_init_method=None, metadata=None, metric_channels=metric_channels, ) else: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( delete=False, suffix=".dist_sync" ) as sync_file: dist_init_method = "file://" + metadata = prepare_task_metadata(config) spawn( run_single, ( config_to_json(PyTextConfig, config), config.distributed_world_size, dist_init_method, metadata, [], ), config.distributed_world_size, )
[docs]def run_single( rank: int, config_json: str, world_size: int, dist_init_method: Optional[str], metadata: Optional[Union[Dict[str, CommonMetadata], CommonMetadata]], metric_channels: Optional[List[Channel]], ): config = pytext_config_from_json(config_json) if rank != 0: metric_channels = [] train_model( config=config, dist_init_url=dist_init_method, device_id=rank, rank=rank, world_size=world_size, metric_channels=metric_channels, metadata=metadata, )
[docs]def gen_config_impl(task_name, *args, **kwargs): # import the classes required by parameters requested_classes = [locate(opt) for opt in args] + [locate(task_name)] register_tasks(requested_classes) task_class_set = find_config_class(task_name) if not task_class_set: raise Exception( f"Unknown task class: {task_name} " "(try fully qualified class name?)" ) elif len(task_class_set) > 1: raise Exception(f"Multiple tasks named {task_name}: {task_class_set}") task_class = next(iter(task_class_set)) task_config = getattr(task_class, "example_config", task_class.Config) root = PyTextConfig(task=task_config(), version=LATEST_VERSION) eprint("INFO - Applying task option:", task_class.__name__) # Use components in args instead of defaults for opt in args: if "=" in opt: param_path, value = opt.split("=", 1) kwargs[param_path] = value continue replace_class_set = find_config_class(opt) if not replace_class_set: raise Exception(f"Not a component class: {opt}") elif len(replace_class_set) > 1: raise Exception(f"Multiple component named {opt}: {replace_class_set}") replace_class = next(iter(replace_class_set)) found = replace_components(root, opt, get_subclasses(replace_class)) if found: eprint("INFO - Applying class option:", ".".join(reversed(found)), "=", opt) obj = root for k in reversed(found[1:]): obj = getattr(obj, k) if hasattr(replace_class, "Config"): setattr(obj, found[0], replace_class.Config()) else: setattr(obj, found[0], replace_class()) else: raise Exception(f"Unknown class option: {opt}") # Use parameters in kwargs instead of defaults for param_path, value in kwargs.items(): found = find_param(root, "." + param_path) if len(found) == 1: eprint("INFO - Applying parameter option to", found[0], "=", value) replace_param(root, found[0].split("."), value) elif not found: raise Exception(f"Unknown parameter option: {param_path}") else: raise Exception( f"Multiple possibilities for {param_path}: {', '.join(found)}" ) return root @click.option( "--include", multiple=True, help="directory containing custom python classes" ) @click.option("--config-file", default="") @click.option("--config-json", default="") @click.option( "--config-module", default="", help="python module that contains the config object" ) @click.pass_context def main(context, config_file, config_json, config_module, include): """Configs can be passed by file or directly from json. If neither --config-file or --config-json is passed, attempts to read the file from stdin. Example: pytext train < demo/configs/docnn.json """ for path in include or []: # remove possible trailing / from autocomplete in --include add_include(path.rstrip("/")) context.obj = Attrs() context.obj.include = include def load_config(): # Cache the config object so it can be accessed multiple times if not hasattr(context.obj, "config"): if config_module: context.obj.config = import_module(config_module).config else: if config_file: with as fp: config = json.load(fp) elif config_json: config = json.loads(config_json) else: eprint("No config file specified, reading from stdin") config = json.load(sys.stdin) # before parsing the config, include the custom components for path in config.get("include_dirs", None) or []: add_include(path.rstrip("/")) context.obj.config = parse_config(config) return context.obj.config context.obj.load_config = load_config @main.command(help="Print help information on a config parameter") @click.argument("class_name", default=ROOT_CONFIG) @click.pass_context def help_config(context, class_name): """ Find all the classes matching `class_name`, and pretty-print each matching class field members (non-recursively). """ found_classes = find_config_class(class_name) if found_classes: for obj in found_classes: pretty_print_config_class(obj) print() else: raise Exception(f"Unknown component name: {class_name}") @main.command(help="Generate a config JSON file with default values.") @click.argument("task_name") @click.argument("options", nargs=-1) @click.pass_context def gen_default_config(context, task_name, options): """ Generate a config for `task_name` with default values. Optionally, override the defaults by passing your desired components as `options`. """ try: cfg = gen_config_impl(task_name, *options) except TypeError as ex: eprint( "ERROR - Cannot create this config", "because some fields don't have a default value:", ex, ) sys.exit(-1) # add the --include to the config generated if context.obj.include: if cfg.include_dirs is None: cfg.include_dirs = [] for path in context.obj.include: cfg.include_dirs.append(path.rstrip("/")) cfg_json = config_to_json(PyTextConfig, cfg) print(json.dumps(cfg_json, sort_keys=True, indent=2)) @main.command(help="Update a config JSON file to lastest version.") @click.pass_context def update_config(context): """ Load a config file, update to latest version and prints the result. """ config = context.obj.load_config() config_json = config_to_json(PyTextConfig, config) print(json.dumps(config_json, sort_keys=True, indent=2)) @main.command() @click.option( "--model-snapshot", default="", help="load model snapshot and test configuration from this file", ) @click.option("--test-path", default="", help="path to test data") @click.option( "--use-cuda/--no-cuda", default=None, help="Run supported parts of the model on GPU if available.", ) @click.option( "--use-tensorboard/--no-tensorboard", default=True, help="Whether to visualize test metrics using TensorBoard.", ) @click.option( "--field_names", default=None, help="""Field names for the test-path. If this is not set, the first line of each file will be assumed to be a header containing the field names.""", ) @click.pass_context def test(context, model_snapshot, test_path, use_cuda, use_tensorboard, field_names): """Test a trained model snapshot. If model-snapshot is provided, the models and configuration will then be loaded from the snapshot rather than any passed config file. Otherwise, a config file will be loaded. """ model_snapshot, use_cuda, use_tensorboard = _get_model_snapshot( context, model_snapshot, use_cuda, use_tensorboard ) print("\n=== Starting testing...") metric_channels = [] if use_tensorboard: metric_channels.append(TensorBoardChannel()) try: test_model_from_snapshot_path( model_snapshot, use_cuda, test_path, metric_channels, field_names=field_names, ) finally: for mc in metric_channels: mc.close() def _get_model_snapshot(context, model_snapshot, use_cuda, use_tensorboard): if model_snapshot: print(f"Loading model snapshot and config from {model_snapshot}") if use_cuda is None: raise Exception( "if --model-snapshot is set --use-cuda/--no-cuda must be set" ) else: print(f"No model snapshot provided, loading from config") config = context.obj.load_config() model_snapshot = config.save_snapshot_path use_cuda = config.use_cuda_if_available and getattr( config, "use_cuda_for_testing", True ) use_tensorboard = config.use_tensorboard print(f"Configured model snapshot {model_snapshot}") return model_snapshot, use_cuda, use_tensorboard @main.command() @click.pass_context def train(context): """Train a model and save the best snapshot.""" config = context.obj.load_config() print("\n===Starting training...") metric_channels = [] if config.use_tensorboard: metric_channels.append(TensorBoardChannel()) try: if config.distributed_world_size == 1: train_model(config, metric_channels=metric_channels) else: train_model_distributed(config, metric_channels) print("\n=== Starting testing...") test_model_from_snapshot_path( config.save_snapshot_path, config.use_cuda_if_available, test_path=None, metric_channels=metric_channels, ) finally: for mc in metric_channels: mc.close() @main.command() @click.option("--export-json", help="the path to the export options in JSON format.") @click.option("--model", help="the pytext snapshot model file to load") @click.option("--output-path", help="where to save the exported caffe2 model") @click.option("--output-onnx-path", help="where to save the exported onnx model") @click.pass_context def export(context, export_json, model, output_path, output_onnx_path): """Convert a pytext model snapshot to a caffe2 model.""" # only populate from export_json if no export option is configured from the command line. if export_json: if not output_path and not output_onnx_path: export_json_config = _load_and_validate_export_json_config(export_json) export_section_config = export_json_config["export"] if "export_caffe2_path" in export_section_config: output_path = export_section_config["export_caffe2_path"] if "export_onnx_path" in export_section_config: output_onnx_path = export_section_config["export_onnx_path"] else: print( "the export-json config is ignored because export options are found the command line" ) config = context.obj.load_config() model = model or config.save_snapshot_path if config.export: output_path = output_path or config.export_caffe2_path output_onnx_path = output_onnx_path or config.export_onnx_path print( f"Exporting {model} to caffe2 file: {output_path} and onnx file: {output_onnx_path}" ) export_saved_model_to_caffe2(model, output_path, output_onnx_path) else: for idx in range(0, len(config.export_list)): output_path = output_path or config.get_export_caffe2_path(idx) output_onnx_path = output_onnx_path or config.get_export_onnx_path(idx) print( f"Exporting {model} to caffe2 file: {output_path} and onnx file: {output_onnx_path}" ) export_saved_model_to_caffe2(model, output_path, output_onnx_path) @main.command() @click.option("--export-json", help="the path to the export options in JSON format.") @click.option("--model", help="the pytext snapshot model file to load") @click.option("--output-path", help="where to save the exported torchscript model") @click.option("--quantize", help="whether to quantize the model") @click.option("--target", help="specify the name of a single model to export") @click.pass_context def torchscript_export(context, export_json, model, output_path, quantize, target): """Convert a pytext model snapshot to a torchscript model.""" export_cfg = ExportConfig() # only populate from export_json if no export option is configured from the command line. if export_json: export_json_config = _load_and_validate_export_json_config(export_json) read_chunk_size = export_json_config.pop("read_chunk_size", None) if read_chunk_size is not None: print("Warning: Ignoring read_chunk_size.") if export_json_config.get("read_chunk_size", None) is not None: print("Error: Do not know what to do with read_chunk_size. Ignoring.") if "export" in export_json_config.keys(): export_cfgs = [export_json_config["export"]] else: export_cfgs = export_json_config["export_list"] if target: print( "A single export was specified in the command line. Filtering out all other export options" ) export_cfgs = [cfg for cfg in export_cfgs if cfg["target"] == target] if export_cfgs == []: print( "No ExportConfig matches the target name specified in the command line." ) for partial_export_cfg in export_cfgs: if not quantize and not output_path: export_cfg = config_from_json(ExportConfig, partial_export_cfg) else: print( "the export-json config is ignored because export options are found the command line" ) export_cfg = config_from_json( ExportConfig, partial_export_cfg, ("export_caffe2_path", "export_onnx_path"), ) export_cfg.torchscript_quantize = quantize # if config has export_torchscript_path, use export_torchscript_path from config, otherwise keep the default from CLI if export_cfg.export_torchscript_path is not None: output_path = export_cfg.export_torchscript_path if not model or not output_path: config = context.obj.load_config() model = model or config.save_snapshot_path output_path = output_path or f"{config.save_snapshot_path}.torchscript" print(f"Exporting {model} to torchscript file: {output_path}") print(export_cfg) export_saved_model_to_torchscript(model, output_path, export_cfg) @main.command() @click.option("--exported-model", help="where to load the exported model") @click.pass_context def predict(context, exported_model): """Start a repl executing examples against a caffe2 model.""" config = context.obj.load_config() print(f"Loading model from {exported_model or config.export_caffe2_path}") predictor = create_predictor(config, exported_model) print(f"Model loaded, reading example JSON from stdin") for line in sys.stdin.readlines(): input = json.loads(line) predictions = predictor(input) pprint.pprint(predictions) @main.command() @click.option("--model-file", help="where to load the pytorch model") @click.pass_context def predict_py(context, model_file): """ Start a repl executing examples against a PyTorch model. Example is in json format with names being the same with column_to_read in model training config """ task, train_config, _training_state = load(model_file) while True: try: line = input( "please input a json example, the names should be the same with " + "column_to_read in model training config: \n" ) if line: pprint.pprint(task.predict([json.loads(line)])[0]) except EOFError: break @main.command() @click.option( "--model-snapshot", default="", help="load model snapshot and test configuration from this file", ) @click.option("--test-path", default="", help="path to test data") @click.option("--output-path", default="", help="path to save logits") @click.option( "--use-cuda/--no-cuda", default=None, help="Run supported parts of the model on GPU if available.", ) @click.option( "--field_names", default=None, help="""Field names for the test-path. If this is not set, the first line of each file will be assumed to be a header containing the field names.""", ) @click.option( "--dump-raw-input/--no-dump-raw-input", default=False, help="Store the input data as a column in the output file.", ) @click.option( "--batch-size", default=16, show_default=True, help="The batch size. Bigger batch sizes lead to better GPU utlization", ) @click.option( "--ndigits-precision", default=0, show_default=True, help="""The digists precision of serialized floats. The default 0 means don't round float and results a larger output file.""", ) @click.option( "--output-columns", type=str, default=None, help="""If the model returns mutliple outputs, only the output-columns will be kept. Takes a comma separated list of integers. By default all outputs are written.""", ) @click.option( "--use-gzip/--no-gzip", default=False, help="Using gzip significantly reduces the output size by 3-4x", ) @click.option("--device-id", default=0, show_default=True, help="""CUDA device id.""") @click.pass_context def get_logits( context, model_snapshot, test_path, use_cuda, output_path, field_names, dump_raw_input, batch_size, ndigits_precision, output_columns, use_gzip, device_id, ): """print logits from a trained model snapshot to output_path""" model_snapshot, use_cuda, _ = _get_model_snapshot( context, model_snapshot, use_cuda, False ) if output_columns: output_columns = [int(x) for x in output_columns.split(",")] print("\n=== Starting get_logits...") workflow_get_logits( model_snapshot, use_cuda, output_path, test_path, field_names, dump_raw_input, batch_size, ndigits_precision, output_columns, use_gzip, device_id, ) @main.command() @click.pass_context def save_pytext_snapshot(context): """Load a PyText task and save snapshot for later use. This is helpful when you want to plug in a pretrained encoder in a PyText task and either test or generate logits using the task. """ config = context.obj.load_config() workflow_save_pytext_snapshot(config) if __name__ == "__main__": main()