Source code for pytext.loss.regularizer

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from pytext.config import ConfigBase

from .loss import Loss

[docs]class Regularizer(Loss): """Generic regularization function to be added to a surrogate loss (e.g., cross-entropy).""" def __init__(self, config, ignore_index=1): self.ignore_index = ignore_index def __call__(self, logits, targets, reduce=True): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class UniformRegularizer(Regularizer): """ Negative KL between the uniform and predicted distribution. Defined as: - KL(U || P(Y|X)) = - sum_i U_i * log (P(Y_i | X) / U_i) = - sum_i U_i * log P(Y_i|X) + H[U] = - (1/n) * sum_i log P(Y_i | X) + H[U] H[U] does not depend on X, thus it is omitted during optimization. """ def __call__(self, logits, targets, reduce=True): mask = loss = -logits.mean(dim=1) if reduce: return ( loss[mask].mean() if mask.any() else torch.tensor(0.0, device=logits.device) ) return loss
[docs]class EntropyRegularizer(Regularizer): """ Entropy of the predicted distribution. Defined as: H[P(Y|X)] = - sum_i P(Y_i|X) * log P(Y_i|X) """ def __call__(self, logits, targets, reduce=True): mask = loss = -torch.sum(logits * logits.exp(), dim=1) if reduce: return ( loss[mask].mean() if mask.any() else torch.tensor(0.0, device=logits.device) ) return loss
[docs]class AdaptiveRegularizer(Regularizer): """ Adaptive variant of `UniformRegularizer` which learns the mix-in noise distribution. Learning Better Structured Representations using Low-Rank Adaptive Label Smoothing (Ghoshal+ 2021; """
[docs] class Config(ConfigBase): # Controls the shape of the noise distribution. Larger values of `eta` result # in a sharper, low-entropy distribution. Must be >= 0. eta: float = 0.1 # `label_embedding_dim` and `label_embedding_dropout` control the dimension # and regularization, respectively, of the adaptive label embedding matrix. label_embedding_dim: int = 20 label_embedding_dropout: float = 0.4
def __init__(self, config, ignore_index=1): super().__init__(config, ignore_index) if config.eta < 0: raise ValueError("eta must be >= 0") if config.label_embedding_dropout < 0 or config.label_embedding_dropout >= 1: raise ValueError("label_embedding_dropout must be [0, 1)") self.eta = config.eta self.label_embedding_dim = config.label_embedding_dim self.label_embedding_dropout = config.label_embedding_dropout self.label_embedding = None
[docs] def compute_adaptive_loss(self, logits, targets, label_embedding): """ Using Equation 3 and 4, computes several terms of the adaptive penalty. Specifically, we implement adaptive smoothing (`smooth_term`) and an entropy constraint (`eta_term`). """ if targets.dim() == logits.dim() - 1: targets = targets.unsqueeze(-1) U = torch.index_select(label_embedding, 0, targets.squeeze(-1)), label_embedding.T, ) V = F.softmax(U.float(), dim=-1).to(logits.dtype) smooth_term = -torch.bmm(V.unsqueeze(1), logits.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2) eta_term = -self.eta * ( -torch.bmm(U.unsqueeze(1), V.unsqueeze(2)).mean() + torch.logsumexp(U, axis=-1).mean() ) loss = smooth_term + eta_term return loss
def __call__(self, logits, targets, reduce=True): mask = if self.label_embedding is None: # Initialize label embedding matrix to ones. num_labels = logits.shape[1] self.label_embedding = nn.Parameter( torch.ones(num_labels, self.label_embedding_dim), requires_grad=True, ).to(device=logits.device, dtype=logits.dtype) loss = self.compute_adaptive_loss( logits, targets, F.dropout(self.label_embedding, self.label_embedding_dropout), ) if reduce: return ( loss[mask].mean() if mask.any() else torch.tensor(0.0, device=logits.device) ) return loss