Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

import unittest

from import RoundRobinBatchIterator

[docs]class RoundRobinBatchIteratorTest(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_batch_iterator(self): iteratorA = [(input, None, {}) for input in ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]] iteratorB = [(input, None, {}) for input in ["a", "b", "c"]] # upsample = True, no iter_to_set_epoch round_robin_iterator = RoundRobinBatchIterator( {"A": iteratorA, "B": iteratorB}, upsample=True ) expected_items = ["1", "a", "2", "b", "3", "c"] self._check_iterator(round_robin_iterator, expected_items) # upsample = True, iter_to_set_epoch = "A" round_robin_iterator = RoundRobinBatchIterator( {"A": iteratorA, "B": iteratorB}, upsample=True, iter_to_set_epoch="A" ) expected_items = ["1", "a", "2", "b", "3", "c", "4", "a", "5", "b"] self._check_iterator(round_robin_iterator, expected_items) # upsample = False round_robin_iterator = RoundRobinBatchIterator( {"A": iteratorA, "B": iteratorB}, upsample=False ) expected_items = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "a", "b", "c"] self._check_iterator(round_robin_iterator, expected_items, fixed_order=False)
def _check_iterator(self, iterator, expected_items, fixed_order=True): actual_items = [item for item, _, _ in iterator] if not fixed_order: # Order is random, just check that the sorted arrays are equal actual_items = sorted(actual_items) expected_items = sorted(expected_items) self.assertListEqual(actual_items, expected_items)