Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
import re
from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Union

OPEN = "["
CLOSE = "]"
ESCAPE = "\\"
OOD_TOKEN = "outOfDomain"


[docs]def is_valid_nonterminal(node_label: str) -> bool: return node_label.startswith(INTENT_PREFIX) or node_label.startswith(SLOT_PREFIX)
[docs]def is_intent_nonterminal(node_label: str) -> bool: return node_label.startswith(INTENT_PREFIX)
[docs]def is_slot_nonterminal(node_label: str) -> bool: return node_label.startswith(SLOT_PREFIX)
[docs]def is_unsupported(node_label: str) -> bool: return ( is_intent_nonterminal(node_label) and node_label.lower().find("unsupported", 0) > 0 )
[docs]def escape_brackets(string: str) -> str: return re.sub(rf"([\{OPEN}\{CLOSE}\{ESCAPE}])", rf"\{ESCAPE}\1", string)
""" A data structure for an Intents and Slots annotation: Each Node has type (Root, Intent, or Token), a pointer to its parent, and a list of its children. Token's children == None Annotation.validate_tree() will check for valid nesting. However, this class is intended not for validation but for annotator agreement calculations. """
[docs]class Annotation: def __init__( self, annotation_string: str, utterance: str = "", brackets: str = OPEN + CLOSE, combination_labels: bool = True, add_dict_feat: bool = False, accept_flat_intents_slots: bool = False, ) -> None: super(Annotation, self).__init__() self.OPEN = brackets[0] self.CLOSE = brackets[1] self.combination_labels = combination_labels # Expected annotation_string (tab-separated): # intent, slots, utterance, sparse_feat, seqlogical # OR only seqlogical parts = annotation_string.rstrip().split("\t") if len(parts) == 5: [_, _, utterance, sparse_feat, self.seqlogical] = parts elif len(parts) == 1: [self.seqlogical] = parts else: raise ValueError("Cannot parse annotation_string") self.tree = Tree( self.build_tree(accept_flat_intents_slots), combination_labels, utterance ) self.root: Root = self.tree.root
[docs] def build_tree(self, accept_flat_intents_slots: bool = False): root = Root() node_stack: List[Any] = [root] curr_chars: List[str] = [] token_count = 0 expecting_label = False it = iter(self.seqlogical) while True: char = next(it, None) if char is None: break if char.isspace() or char in (OPEN, CLOSE): if curr_chars: word = "".join(curr_chars) curr_chars = [] parent = node_stack[-1] if expecting_label: if word.startswith(INTENT_PREFIX): node: Union[Intent, Slot, Token] = Intent(word) elif word.startswith(SLOT_PREFIX): node = Slot(word) elif word == OOD_TOKEN: node = Intent(word) elif accept_flat_intents_slots: # Temporary, for compatibility with flat annotations that # does not contain IN:, SL: prefixes. This assumes any child # of ROOT or SLOT must be INTENT, and any child of INTENT # must be SLOT. if isinstance(parent, (Root, Slot)): node = Intent(word) elif isinstance(parent, Intent): node = Slot(word) else: raise ValueError( "The previous node in node_stack is not of type " "Root, Intent or Slot." ) else: raise ValueError(f"Label {word} must start with IN: or SL:") node_stack.append(node) expecting_label = False else: if isinstance(parent, Root): raise ValueError("Root cannot have a Token as child.") node = Token(word, token_count) token_count += 1 parent.children.append(node) node.parent = parent if char in (OPEN, CLOSE): if expecting_label: raise ValueError("Invalid tree. No label found after '['.") if char == OPEN: expecting_label = True else: node_stack.pop() else: if char == ESCAPE: char = next(it, None) if char not in (OPEN, CLOSE, ESCAPE): raise ValueError( f"Escape '{ESCAPE}' followed by none of '{OPEN}', " f"'{CLOSE}', or '{ESCAPE}'." ) curr_chars.append(char) if len(node_stack) != 1: raise ValueError("Invalid tree.") if len(root.children) > 1 and self.combination_labels: comb_intent = Intent(COMBINATION_INTENT_LABEL) node_stack.insert(1, comb_intent) for child in root.children: if type(child) == Intent: comb_slot = Slot(COMBINATION_SLOT_LABEL) comb_slot.parent = comb_intent comb_slot.children.append(child) comb_intent.children.append(comb_slot) child.parent = comb_slot else: child.parent = comb_intent comb_intent.children.append(child) comb_intent.parent = root root.children = [comb_intent] return root
def __str__(self): """ A tab-indented version of the tree. strip() removes an extra final newline added during recursion """ return self.tree.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): return self.tree == other.tree
[docs]class Node: def __init__(self, label): self.label = label # The name of the intent, slot, or token self.children = [] # the children of this node (Intent, Slot, or Token) self.parent = None
[docs] def list_ancestors(self): ancestors = [] if self.parent: if type(self.parent) != Root: ancestors.append(self.parent) ancestors += self.parent.list_ancestors() return ancestors
[docs] def validate_node(self, *args): if self.children: for child in self.children: child.validate_node(*args)
# Returns all tokens in the span covered by this node
[docs] def list_tokens(self): tokens = [] if self.children: for child in self.children: if type(child) == Token: tokens.append(child.label) else: tokens += child.list_tokens() return tokens
[docs] def get_token_span(self): """ 0 indexed Like array slicing: For the first 3 tokens, returns 0, 3 """ indices = self.get_token_indices() if len(indices) > 0: return min(indices), max(indices) + 1 else: return None
[docs] def get_token_indices(self): indices = [] if self.children: for child in self.children: if type(child) == Token: indices.append(child.index) else: indices += child.get_token_indices() return indices
[docs] def list_nonTerminals(self): """ Returns all Intent and Slot nodes subordinate to this node """ non_terminals = [] for child in self.children: if type(child) != Root and type(child) != Token: non_terminals.append(child) non_terminals += child.list_nonTerminals() return non_terminals
[docs] def list_terminals(self): """ Returns all Token nodes """ terminals = [] for child in self.children: if type(child) == Token: terminals.append(child) else: terminals += child.list_terminals() return terminals
[docs] def get_info(self): if type(self) == Token: return Token_Info(self) return Node_Info(self)
[docs] def flat_str(self): string = "" if type(self) == Intent or type(self) == Slot: string = OPEN if type(self) != Root: string += escape_brackets(str(self.label)) + " " if self.children: for child in self.children: string += child.flat_str() if type(self) == Intent or type(self) == Slot: string += CLOSE + " " return string
[docs] def children_flat_str_spans(self): string = str(self.get_token_span()) + ":" if self.children: for child in self.children: string += child.flat_str() return string
def __str__(self): string = self._recursive_str("", "") return string def _recursive_str(self, string, spacer): string = spacer + str(self.label) + "\n" spacer += "\t" if self.children: for child in self.children: string += child._recursive_str(string, spacer) return string def __eq__(self, other): return self.label == other.label and self.children == other.children
[docs]class Root(Node): def __init__(self): super().__init__("ROOT")
[docs] def validate_node(self, *args): super().validate_node(*args) for child in self.children: if type(child) == Slot or type(child) == Root: raise TypeError( "A root child must be an intent or token: " + self.label ) elif self.parent is not None: raise TypeError("A root should not have a parent: " + self.label)
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.children == other.children
[docs]class Intent(Node): def __init__(self, label): super().__init__(label)
[docs] def validate_node(self, *args): super().validate_node(*args) for child in self.children: if type(child) == Intent or type(child) == Root: raise TypeError( "An intent child must be a slot or token: " + self.label )
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.label == other.label and self.children == other.children
[docs]class Slot(Node): def __init__(self, label): super().__init__(label)
[docs] def validate_node(self, allow_empty_slots=True, *args): super().validate_node(*args) if not allow_empty_slots: if len(self.children) == 0: raise TypeError("Empty slot found: " + self.label) for child in self.children: if type(child) == Slot or type(child) == Root: raise TypeError( "An slot child must be an intent or token: " + self.label )
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.label == other.label and self.children == other.children
[docs]class Token(Node): def __init__(self, label, index): super().__init__(label) self.index = index self.children = None
[docs] def validate_node(self, *args): if self.children is not None: raise TypeError( "A token node is terminal and should not \ have children: " + self.label + " " + str(self.children) )
[docs] def remove(self): """ Removes this token from the tree """ self.parent.children.remove(self) self.parent = None
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.label == other.label and self.index == other.index
[docs]class Token_Info: """ This class extracts the essential information for a token for use in rules. """ def __init__(self, node): self.token_word = node.label self.parent_label = self.get_parent(node) self.ancestors = [a.label for a in node.list_ancestors()] self.prior_token = None prior = node.get_prior_token() if prior: self.prior_token = prior.label self.next_token = None next_token = node.get_next_token() if next_token: self.next_token = next_token.label
[docs] def get_parent(self, node): if node.parent and type(node.parent) != Root: return node.parent.label return None
def __str__(self): result = [] result.append("Token Info:") result.append("Token Word: " + self.token_word) result.append("Previous Token: " + str(self.prior_token)) result.append("Next Token: " + str(self.next_token)) result.append("Parent: " + str(self.parent_label)) result.append("Ancestors: " + ", ".join(self.ancestors)) return "\n".join(result)
[docs]class Node_Info: """ This class extracts the essential information for a mode, for use in rules. """ def __init__(self, node): self.label = node.label # This is all descendent tokens, not just immediate children tokens self.tokens = node.list_tokens() # If no parent, None self.parent_label = self.get_parent(node) # only look at slot or intent children self.children = [] for a in node.children: if (type(a) == Slot) or (type(a) == Intent): self.children.append(a.label) self.token_indices = node.get_token_indices() self.ancestors = [a.label for a in node.list_ancestors()] # This is only non-temrinal descendents. Did you want tokens too? self.descendents = [d.label for d in node.list_nonTerminals()] self.prior_token = None prior = node.get_prior_token() if prior: self.prior_token = prior.label if type(node) == Token: self.label_type = "TOKEN" elif type(node) == Intent: self.label_type = "INTENT" elif type(node) == Slot: self.label_type = "SLOT" # same span as parent self.same_span = self.get_same_span(node)
[docs] def get_same_span(self, node): if node.parent: if set(node.parent.list_tokens()) == set(node.list_tokens()): return True return False
[docs] def get_parent(self, node): if node.parent and type(node.parent) != Root: return node.parent.label return None
def __str__(self): result = [] result.append("Info:") result.append("Label: " + self.label) result.append("Tokens: " + " ".join(self.tokens)) result.append( "Token Indicies: " + ", ".join([str(i) for i in self.token_indices]) ) result.append("Prior Token: " + str(self.prior_token)) result.append("Parent: " + str(self.parent_label)) result.append("Children: " + ", ".join(self.children)) result.append("Ancestors: " + ", ".join(self.ancestors)) result.append("Descendents: " + ", ".join(self.descendents)) result.append("Label Type: " + str(self.label_type)) result.append("Same Span: " + str(self.same_span)) return "\n".join(result)
[docs]class Tree: def __init__( self, root: Root, combination_labels: bool, utterance: str = "", validate_tree: bool = True, ) -> None: self.root = root self.combination_labels = combination_labels if validate_tree: try: self.validate_tree() except ValueError as v: raise ValueError( "Tree validation failed: {}. \n".format(v) + "Utterance is: {}".format(utterance) )
[docs] def validate_tree(self, allow_empty_slots=True): """ This is a method for checking that roots/intents/slots are nested correctly. Root( Intent( Slot( Intent( Slot, etc.) ) ) ) """ try: if self.combination_labels and not len(self.root.children) == 1: raise ValueError( """Root should always have one child and not {}. Look into {} and {}""".format( len(self.root.children), COMBINATION_INTENT_LABEL, COMBINATION_SLOT_LABEL, ) ) self.recursive_validation(self.root, allow_empty_slots) except TypeError as t: raise ValueError( "Failed validation for {}".format(self.root) + "\n" + str(t) )
[docs] def recursive_validation(self, node, *args): node.validate_node(*args) for child in node.children: child.validate_node(*args)
[docs] def print_tree(self): print(self.flat_str())
[docs] def flat_str(self): return self.root.flat_str()
[docs] def lotv_str(self): """ LOTV -- Limited Output Token Vocabulary We map the terminal tokens in the input to a constant output (SEQLOGICAL_LOTV_TOKEN) to make the parsing task easier for models where the decoding is decoupled from the input (e.g. seq2seq). This way, the model can focus on learning to predict the parse tree, rather than waste effort learning to replicate terminal tokens. """ flat_str = self.root.flat_str().split(" ") all_tokens = self.list_tokens() return " ".join( [ token if token not in all_tokens else SEQLOGICAL_LOTV_TOKEN for token in flat_str ] )
[docs] def list_tokens(self): return self.root.list_tokens()
[docs] def depth(self): # note that this calculation includes Root as part of the tree return self._depth(self.root)
def _depth(self, n): if n.children: depths = [] for c in n.children: depths.append(self._depth(c)) return max(depths) + 1 else: return 0
[docs] def to_actions(self): actions = [] self._to_actions(self.root, actions) return actions
def _to_actions(self, node: Node, actions: List[str]): if type(node) == Token: actions.append(SHIFT) return for child in node.children: if not type(child) is Token: actions.append(child.label) self._to_actions(child, actions) actions.append(REDUCE) else: self._to_actions(child, actions) def __str__(self): """ A tab-indented version of the tree. strip() removes an extra final newline added during recursion """ return self.root.__str__().strip() def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.root == other.root
[docs]class TreeBuilder: def __init__(self, combination_labels: bool = True) -> None: self.combination_labels = combination_labels self.root = Root() self.node_stack = [self.root] self.token_count = 0 self.finalzed = False
[docs] def update_tree(self, action, label): assert not self.finalzed, "Cannot update tree since it's finalized" if action == REDUCE: self.node_stack.pop() elif is_valid_nonterminal(action): if is_intent_nonterminal(action): self.node_stack.append(Intent(label)) elif is_slot_nonterminal(action): self.node_stack.append(Slot(label)) else: raise ValueError("Don't understand action %s" % (action)) self.node_stack[-1].parent = self.node_stack[-2] self.node_stack[-2].children.append(self.node_stack[-1]) elif action == SHIFT: token = Token(label, self.token_count) self.token_count += 1 token.parent = self.node_stack[-1] self.node_stack[-1].children.append(token) else: raise ValueError("Don't understand action %s" % (action))
[docs] def finalize_tree(self, validate_tree=True): return Tree(self.root, self.combination_labels, validate_tree=validate_tree)
[docs]def list_from_actions( tokens_str: List[str], actions_vocab: List[str], actions_indices: List[int] ): actions_list: List[Tuple[str, Any]] = [] i = 0 for action_idx in actions_indices: action = actions_vocab[action_idx] if action == SHIFT: actions_list.append((action, tokens_str[i])) i += 1 elif is_intent_nonterminal(action): actions_list.append((INTENT_PREFIX, action.split(INTENT_PREFIX)[1])) elif is_slot_nonterminal(action): actions_list.append((SLOT_PREFIX, action.split(SLOT_PREFIX)[1])) else: actions_list.append((action, "")) return actions_list