Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

import csv
import math
import multiprocessing
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import (

import torch
from pytext.common.constants import BatchContext, DatasetFieldName, DFColumn, VocabMeta
from pytext.config.component import Component, ComponentType
from pytext.config.field_config import Target
from pytext.config.pytext_config import ConfigBase
from import Featurizer
from pytext.fields import Field, FieldMeta, RawField, VocabUsingField
from pytext.utils import cuda, distributed, embeddings as embeddings_utils
from import parse_json_array
from pytext.utils.file_io import PathManager
from pytext.utils.path import get_absolute_path
from pytext.utils.usage import log_class_usage

    from torchtext.legacy import data as textdata
except ImportError:
    from torchtext import data as textdata

from .utils import align_target_labels

[docs]class CommonMetadata: features: Dict[str, FieldMeta] target: FieldMeta dataset_sizes: Dict[str, int]
[docs]class BatchIterator: """ BatchIterator is a wrapper of TorchText. Iterator that provide flexibility to map batched data to a tuple of (input, target, context) and other additional steps such as dealing with distributed training. Args: batches (Iterator[TorchText.Batch]): iterator of TorchText.Batch, which shuffles/batches the data in __iter__ and return a batch of data in __next__ processor: function to run after getting batched data from TorchText.Iterator, the function should define a way to map to data into (input, target, context) include_input (bool): if input data should be returned, default is true include_target (bool): if target data should be returned, default is true include_context (bool): if context data should be returned, default is true is_train (bool): if the batch data is for training num_batches (int): total batches to generate, this param if for distributed training due to a limitation in PyTorch's distributed training backend that enforces all the parallel workers to have the same number of batches we workaround it by adding dummy batches at the end """ def __init__( self, batches, processor, include_input=True, include_target=True, include_context=True, is_train=True, num_batches=0, ): self.processor = processor self.batches = batches self.include_input = include_input self.include_target = include_target self.include_context = include_context self.is_train = is_train self.total_num_batches = num_batches def __iter__(self): """ Iterate Torchtext.Iterator, map batch data into (input, target, context) tuple and generate dummy batches for distributed training Returns: input: tuple of tensors that can be fed directly into model forward function target: tensor or tuple of tensors as the model target for computing loss context: any extra info to be used in downstream steps, can be any data type """ num_batches = len(self.batches) for i, batch in enumerate(self.batches): input, target, context = self.processor( batch, self.include_input, self.include_target, self.include_context, self.is_train, ) yield (input, target, context) # Due to a limitation in PyTorch's distributed training backend that # enforces that all the parallel workers to have the same number of # batches we keep yielding the last batch until the requested total # number of batches is fullfilled if i == num_batches - 1: context = deepcopy(context) context.update({BatchContext.IGNORE_LOSS: True}) for _j in range(num_batches, len(self)): yield (input, target, context) def __len__(self): return self.total_num_batches
[docs]class DataHandler(Component): """ DataHandler is the central place to prepare data for model training/testing. The class is responsible of: * Define pipeline to process data and generate batch of tensors to be consumed by model. Each batch is a (input, target, extra_data) tuple, in which input can be feed directly into model. * Initialize global context, such as build vocab, load pretrained embeddings. Store the context as metadata, and provide function to serialize/deserialize the metadata The data processing pipeline contains the following steps: * Read data from file into a list of raw data examples * Convert each row of row data to a TorchText Example. This logic happens in process_row function and will: * Invoke featurizer, which contains data processing steps to apply for both training and inference time, e.g: tokenization * Use the raw data and results from featurizer to do any preprocessing * Generate a TorchText.Dataset that contains the list of Example, the Dataset also has a list of TorchText.Field, which defines how to do padding and numericalization while batching data. * Return a BatchIterator which will give a tuple of (input, target, context) tensors for each iteration. By default the tensors have a 1:1 mapping to the TorchText.Field fields, but this behavior can be overwritten by _input_from_batch, _target_from_batch, _context_from_batch functions. Attributes: raw_columns (List[str]): columns to read from data source. The order should match the data stored in that file. featurizer (Featurizer): perform data preprocessing that should be shared between training and inference features (Dict[str, Field]): a dict of name -> field that used to process data as model input labels (Dict[str, Field]): a dict of name -> field that used to process data as training target extra_fields (Dict[str, Field]): fields that process any extra data used neither as model input nor target. This is None by default text_feature_name (str): name of the text field, used to define the default sort key of data shuffle (bool): if the dataset should be shuffled, true by default sort_within_batch (bool): if data within same batch should be sorted, true by default train_path (str): path of training data file eval_path (str): path of evaluation data file test_path (str): path of test data file train_batch_size (int): training batch size, 128 by default eval_batch_size (int): evaluation batch size, 128 by default test_batch_size (int): test batch size, 128 by default max_seq_len (int): maximum length of tokens to keep in sequence pass_index (bool): if the original index of data in the batch should be passed along to downstream steps, default is true """
[docs] class Config(ConfigBase): columns_to_read: List[str] = [] shuffle: bool = True sort_within_batch: bool = True train_path: str = "train.tsv" eval_path: str = "eval.tsv" test_path: str = "test.tsv" train_batch_size: int = 128 eval_batch_size: int = 128 test_batch_size: int = 128 column_mapping: Dict[str, str] = {}
__COMPONENT_TYPE__ = ComponentType.DATA_HANDLER def __init__( self, raw_columns: List[str], labels: Dict[str, Field], features: Dict[str, Field], featurizer: Featurizer, extra_fields: Dict[str, Field] = None, text_feature_name: str = DatasetFieldName.TEXT_FIELD, shuffle: bool = True, sort_within_batch: bool = True, train_path: str = "train.tsv", eval_path: str = "eval.tsv", test_path: str = "test.tsv", train_batch_size: int = 128, eval_batch_size: int = 128, test_batch_size: int = 128, max_seq_len: int = -1, pass_index: bool = True, column_mapping: Dict[str, str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: self.raw_columns: List[str] = raw_columns or [] self.labels: Dict[str, Field] = labels or {} self.features: Dict[str, Field] = features or {} self.featurizer = featurizer self.extra_fields: Dict[str, Field] = extra_fields or {} if pass_index: self.extra_fields[BatchContext.INDEX] = RawField() self.text_feature_name: str = text_feature_name self.metadata_cls: Type = CommonMetadata self.metadata: CommonMetadata = CommonMetadata() self._data_cache: MutableMapping[str, Any] = {} self.shuffle = shuffle self.sort_within_batch = sort_within_batch self.num_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len self.train_path = train_path self.eval_path = eval_path self.test_path = test_path self.train_batch_size = train_batch_size self.eval_batch_size = eval_batch_size self.test_batch_size = test_batch_size self.column_mapping = column_mapping log_class_usage(__class__)
[docs] def load_vocab(self, vocab_file, vocab_size, lowercase_tokens: bool = False): """ Loads items into a set from a file containing one item per line. Items are added to the set from top of the file to bottom. So, the items in the file should be ordered by a preference (if any), e.g., it makes sense to order tokens in descending order of frequency in corpus. Args: vocab_file (str): vocab file to load vocab_size (int): maximum tokens to load, will only load the first n if the actual vocab size is larger than this parameter lowercase_tokens (bool): if the tokens should be lowercased """ vocab: Set[str] = set() vocab_file = get_absolute_path(vocab_file) if PathManager.isfile(vocab_file): with, "r") as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): if vocab_size > 0 and len(vocab) == vocab_size: print( f"Read {i+1} items from {vocab_file} " f"to load vocab of size {vocab_size}. " f"Skipping rest of the file" ) break line = line.strip() vocab.add(line.lower() if lowercase_tokens else line) elif not vocab_file: print(f"{vocab_file} doesn't exist. Cannot load vocabulary from it") return vocab
[docs] def sort_key(self, example: textdata.Example) -> Any: """ How to sort data in every batch, default behavior is by the length of input text Args: example (Example): one torchtext example """ return len(getattr(example, self.text_feature_name))
[docs] def metadata_to_save(self): """ Save metadata, pretrained_embeds_weight should be excluded """ # make a copy metadata = deepcopy(self.metadata) # pretrained_embeds_weight takes a lot space and is not needed in inference time for feature_meta in metadata.features.values(): feature_meta.pretrained_embeds_weight = None if isinstance(, list): for target_meta in target_meta.pretrained_embeds_weight = None else: = None return metadata
[docs] def load_metadata(self, metadata: CommonMetadata): """ Load previously saved metadata """ self.metadata = metadata for name, field in self.features.items(): if field.use_vocab and name in metadata.features: field.load_meta(metadata.features[name]) target_meta = if not isinstance(, list): target_meta = [target_meta] for field, meta in zip(self.labels.values(), target_meta): field.load_meta(meta)
[docs] def gen_dataset_from_path( self, path: str, rank: int = 0, world_size: int = 1, include_label_fields: bool = True, use_cache: bool = True, ) -> textdata.Dataset: """ Generate a dataset from file Returns: dataset (TorchText.Dataset) """ if use_cache and path in self._data_cache and rank == 0 and world_size == 1: return self._data_cache[path] shard_range = ( distributed.get_shard_range( self.metadata.dataset_sizes[path], rank, world_size ) if world_size > 1 else None ) res = self.gen_dataset( self.read_from_file(path, self.raw_columns), include_label_fields, shard_range, ) if rank == 0 and world_size == 1: self._data_cache[path] = res return res
[docs] def gen_dataset( self, data: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], include_label_fields: bool = True, shard_range: Tuple[int, int] = None, ) -> textdata.Dataset: """ Generate torchtext Dataset from raw in memory data. Returns: dataset (TorchText.Dataset) """ to_process = {} to_process.update(self.features) to_process.update(self.extra_fields) if include_label_fields: to_process.update(self.labels) else: to_process.pop(Target.TARGET_LABEL_FIELD, None) fields = {name: (name, field) for name, field in to_process.items()} # generate example from dataframe examples = [ textdata.Example.fromdict(row, fields) for idx, row in enumerate(self.preprocess(data)) if not shard_range or shard_range[0] <= idx <= shard_range[1] ] return textdata.Dataset(examples, to_process)
[docs] def preprocess(self, data: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]): """ preprocess the raw data to create TorchText.Example, this is the second step in whole processing pipeline Returns: data (Generator[Dict[str, Any]]) """ for idx, row in enumerate(data): preprocessed_row = self.preprocess_row(row) if preprocessed_row: preprocessed_row[BatchContext.INDEX] = idx yield preprocessed_row
[docs] def preprocess_row(self, row_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ preprocess steps for a single input row, sub class should override it """ return row_data
[docs] def init_metadata_from_path(self, train_path, eval_path, test_path): """ Initialize metadata using data from file """ # get data sets pathes = [train_path, eval_path, test_path] datasets = [self.gen_dataset_from_path(path) for path in pathes] self._init_metadata(*datasets) self.metadata.dataset_sizes = { path: len(dataset) for (path, dataset) in zip(pathes, datasets) }
[docs] def init_metadata(self): """ Initialize metadata using data from configured path """ self.init_metadata_from_path(self.train_path, self.eval_path, self.test_path)
[docs] def init_metadata_from_raw_data(self, *data): """ Initialize metadata using in memory data """ self._init_metadata(*[self.gen_dataset(d) for d in data])
def _init_metadata( self, train_data: textdata.Dataset, eval_data: textdata.Dataset, test_data: textdata.Dataset, ): self.init_feature_metadata(train_data, eval_data, test_data) self.init_target_metadata(train_data, eval_data, test_data) self._gen_extra_metadata()
[docs] def init_feature_metadata( self, train_data: textdata.Dataset, eval_data: textdata.Dataset, test_data: textdata.Dataset, ): # field metadata self.metadata.features = {} # build vocabs for features for name, feat in self.features.items(): weights = None if feat.use_vocab: pretrained_embeddings = None pretrained_embeddings_path = getattr( feat, "pretrained_embeddings_path", None ) if pretrained_embeddings_path: print( "load pretrained embeddings from {}".format( pretrained_embeddings_path ) ) pretrained_embeddings = embeddings_utils.PretrainedEmbedding( pretrained_embeddings_path, feat.lower ) if hasattr(feat, "vocab"): # Don't rebuild vocab print(f"Vocab for feature {name} has been built. Not rebuilding.") else: print(f"Building vocab for feature {name}.") vocab_data = self._get_data_to_build_vocab( feat, train_data, eval_data, test_data, pretrained_embeddings ) feat.build_vocab(*vocab_data, min_freq=feat.min_freq) print("{} field's vocabulary size is {}".format(name, len(feat.vocab))) # Initialize pretrained embedding weights. if pretrained_embeddings: weights = pretrained_embeddings.initialize_embeddings_weights( feat.vocab.stoi, VocabMeta.UNK_TOKEN, feat.embed_dim, feat.embedding_init_strategy, ) # this is of type torch.Tensor meta = feat.get_meta() meta.pretrained_embeds_weight = weights self.metadata.features[name] = meta
[docs] def init_target_metadata( self, train_data: textdata.Dataset, eval_data: textdata.Dataset, test_data: textdata.Dataset, ): = [] # build vocabs for label fields for name, label in self.labels.items(): if name in [Target.TARGET_PROB_FIELD, Target.TARGET_LOGITS_FIELD]: continue # Need test data to make sure we cover all of the labels in it # It is particularly important when BIO is enabled as a B-[Label] can # appear in train and eval but test can have B-[Label] and I-[Label] weights = None if label.use_vocab: if not hasattr(label, "vocab"): # Don't rebuild vocab print("Building vocab for label {}".format(name)) label.build_vocab( train_data, eval_data, test_data, min_freq=getattr(label, "min_freq", 1), ) else: print(f"Vocab for label {name} has been built. Not rebuilding.") print( "{} field's vocabulary size is {}".format( name, len(label.vocab.itos) ) ) pretrained_embeddings = None pretrained_embeddings_path = getattr( label, "pretrained_embeddings_path", None ) if pretrained_embeddings_path: pretrained_embeddings = embeddings_utils.PretrainedEmbedding( pretrained_embeddings_path ) if pretrained_embeddings: weights = pretrained_embeddings.initialize_embeddings_weights( label.vocab.stoi, label.unk_token, label.embed_dim, label.embedding_init_strategy, ) # this is of type torch.Tensor meta = label.get_meta() meta.pretrained_embeds_weight = weights if len( == 1: [] =
def _get_data_to_build_vocab( self, feat: Field, train_data: textdata.Dataset, eval_data: textdata.Dataset, test_data: textdata.Dataset, pretrained_embeddings: embeddings_utils.PretrainedEmbedding, ) -> List[Any]: """ This method prepares the list of data sources that Field.build_vocab() accepts to build vocab from. Based on the specifications from `feat`, the data can come from - train data - eval + test data - specified vocab file - pretrained embeddings dictionary """ data = [] if isinstance(feat, VocabUsingField): if feat.vocab_from_all_data: print("Adding tokens from train, eval, and test data to vocab.") data.extend([train_data, eval_data, test_data]) elif feat.vocab_from_train_data: print("Adding tokens from train data to vocab.") data.append(train_data) if hasattr(feat, "vocab_file") and feat.vocab_file: print(f"Adding tokens from {feat.vocab_file} to vocab.") lowercase_tokens = feat.lower if hasattr(feat, "lower") else False assert feat.min_freq == 1 vocab_set = self.load_vocab( feat.vocab_file, feat.vocab_size, lowercase_tokens ) if vocab_set: data.append([vocab_set]) if getattr(feat, "vocab_from_pretrained_embeddings", False): print("Adding tokens from pretrained embeddings to vocab.") assert pretrained_embeddings assert feat.min_freq == 1 pretrained_vocab = { token for token, i in pretrained_embeddings.stoi.items() if feat.vocab_size <= 0 or i < feat.vocab_size } data.append([pretrained_vocab]) return data def _gen_extra_metadata(self) -> None: """Subclass can overwrite to add more necessary metadata.""" pass
[docs] def get_train_iter_from_path( self, train_path: str, batch_size: int, rank: int = 0, world_size: int = 1 ) -> BatchIterator: """ Generate data batch iterator for training data. See `_get_train_iter()` for details Args: train_path (str): file path of training data batch_size (int): batch size rank (int): used for distributed training, the rank of current Gpu, don't set it to anything but 0 for non-distributed training world_size (int): used for distributed training, total number of Gpu """ return self._get_train_iter( self.gen_dataset_from_path(train_path, rank=rank, world_size=world_size), batch_size, world_size, )
[docs] def get_test_iter_from_path(self, test_path: str, batch_size: int) -> BatchIterator: return self._get_test_iter(self.gen_dataset_from_path(test_path), batch_size)
[docs] def get_train_iter(self, rank: int = 0, world_size: int = 1): return self.get_train_iter_from_path( self.train_path, self.train_batch_size, rank, world_size )
[docs] def get_eval_iter(self): return self.get_train_iter_from_path(self.eval_path, self.eval_batch_size)
[docs] def get_test_iter(self): return self.get_test_iter_from_path(self.test_path, self.test_batch_size)
[docs] def get_train_iter_from_raw_data( self, train_data: List[Dict[str, Any]], batch_size: int, rank: int = 0, world_size: int = 1, ) -> BatchIterator: shard_range = distributed.get_shard_range(len(train_data), rank, world_size) return self._get_train_iter( self.gen_dataset(train_data, shard_range=shard_range), batch_size, world_size, )
[docs] def get_test_iter_from_raw_data( self, test_data: List[Dict[str, Any]], batch_size: int ) -> BatchIterator: return self._get_test_iter(self.gen_dataset(test_data), batch_size)
def _get_train_iter( self, shard_dataset: textdata.Dataset, batch_size: int, world_size: int = 1 ) -> BatchIterator: """ Generate data batch iterator for training data. If distributed training is enabled, the dataset will be partitioned first. We use BucketIterator here to pool together examples with a similar size length to reduce the padding required for each batch. Args: shard_dataset (str): sharded training or evaluation dataset batch_size (int): batch size rank (int): used for distributed training, the rank of current Gpu, don't set it to anything but 0 for non-distributed training world_size (int): used for distributed training, total number of Gpu """ # Compute the per-worker batch size batch_size = batch_size // world_size or batch_size return BatchIterator( textdata.BucketIterator( shard_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, device="cuda:{}".format(torch.cuda.current_device()) if cuda.CUDA_ENABLED else "cpu", sort_within_batch=self.sort_within_batch, repeat=False, sort_key=self.sort_key, shuffle=self.shuffle, ), self._postprocess_batch, num_batches=math.ceil(len(shard_dataset) / float(batch_size)), ) def _get_test_iter( self, test_dataset: textdata.Dataset, batch_size: int ) -> BatchIterator: return BatchIterator( textdata.Iterator( test_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, device="cuda:{}".format(torch.cuda.current_device()) if cuda.CUDA_ENABLED else "cpu", sort=True, repeat=False, train=False, sort_key=self.sort_key, ), self._postprocess_batch, is_train=False, num_batches=math.ceil(len(test_dataset) / float(batch_size)), )
[docs] def get_predict_iter( self, data: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], batch_size: Optional[int] = None ): ds = self.gen_dataset(data, include_label_fields=False) num_batches = ( 1 if batch_size is None else math.ceil(len(ds) / float(batch_size)) ) it = BatchIterator( textdata.Iterator( ds, batch_size=len(ds) if batch_size is None else batch_size, device="cuda:{}".format(torch.cuda.current_device()) if cuda.CUDA_ENABLED else "cpu", sort=True, repeat=False, train=False, sort_key=self.sort_key, sort_within_batch=self.sort_within_batch, shuffle=self.shuffle, ), self._postprocess_batch, include_target=False, is_train=False, num_batches=num_batches, ) if batch_size is not None: return it else: for input, _, context in it: # only return the first batch since there is only one return input, context
[docs] def read_from_file( self, file_name: str, columns_to_use: Union[Dict[str, int], List[str]] ) -> Generator[Dict, None, None]: """ Read data from csv file. Input file format is required to be tab-separated columns Args: file_name (str): csv file name columns_to_use (Union[Dict[str, int], List[str]]): either a list of column names or a dict of column name -> column index in the file """ file_name = get_absolute_path(file_name) print("reading data from {}".format(file_name)) if isinstance(columns_to_use, list): columns_to_use = { name: idx for name, idx in zip(columns_to_use, range(len(columns_to_use))) } with file_name, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="replace" ) as f_handle: csv_reader = csv.reader(f_handle, delimiter="\t", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) i = 0 while True: i += 1 try: row = next(csv_reader) except csv.Error: print("ignoring line {}".format(i)) continue except StopIteration: break yield { name: row[index] if index < len(row) else "" for name, index in columns_to_use.items() }
def _postprocess_batch( self, batch, include_input=True, include_target=True, include_context=True, is_train=True, ) -> Tuple: return ( self._input_from_batch(batch, is_train) if include_input else None, self._target_from_batch(batch) if include_target else None, self._context_from_batch(batch) if include_context else None, ) def _add_target_prob_to_res(self, res, row_data): if DFColumn.TARGET_PROBS in row_data: res[Target.TARGET_PROB_FIELD] = parse_json_array( row_data[DFColumn.TARGET_PROBS] ) if DFColumn.TARGET_LABELS in row_data: res[Target.TARGET_LABEL_FIELD] = parse_json_array( row_data[DFColumn.TARGET_LABELS] ) if DFColumn.TARGET_LOGITS in row_data: res[Target.TARGET_LOGITS_FIELD] = parse_json_array( row_data[DFColumn.TARGET_LOGITS] ) def _target_from_batch(self, batch): targets = [] for name in self.labels: target = getattr(batch, name) if name in [Target.TARGET_PROB_FIELD, Target.TARGET_LOGITS_FIELD]: label_vocab = batch_label_list = getattr(batch, Target.TARGET_LABEL_FIELD) target = align_target_labels(target, batch_label_list, label_vocab) targets.append(target) if len(targets) == 1: return targets[0] return tuple(targets) def _input_from_batch(self, batch, is_train=True): return ( self._train_input_from_batch(batch) if is_train else self._test_input_from_batch(batch) ) def _train_input_from_batch(self, batch): return tuple(getattr(batch, name) for name in self.features) def _test_input_from_batch(self, batch): return self._train_input_from_batch(batch) def _context_from_batch(self, batch): return { name: getattr(batch, name) for name in self.extra_fields if hasattr(batch, name) }