Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import torch
from import Dictionary
from import BertDictionary
from pytext import resources
from pytext.common.constants import Token
from pytext.config.component import ComponentType, create_component
from import Tensorizer, TensorizerScriptImpl
from import Tokenizer, WordPieceTokenizer
from import BOS, EOS, MASK, PAD, UNK, Vocabulary
from pytext.torchscript.tensorizer.tensorizer import VocabLookup
from pytext.torchscript.utils import ScriptBatchInput, pad_2d, pad_2d_mask
from pytext.torchscript.vocab import ScriptVocabulary
from pytext.utils.file_io import PathManager
from pytext.utils.lazy import lazy_property

[docs]def build_fairseq_vocab( vocab_file: str, dictionary_class: Dictionary = Dictionary, special_token_replacements: Dict[str, Token] = None, max_vocab: int = -1, min_count: int = -1, tokens_to_add: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Vocabulary: """ Function builds a PyText vocabulary for models pre-trained using Fairseq modules. The dictionary class can take any Fairseq Dictionary class and is used to load the vocab file. """ dictionary = dictionary_class.load(vocab_file) # finalize will sort the dict based on frequency so only do this if # a min_count or max_vocab size is specified if min_count > 0 or max_vocab > 0: dictionary.finalize(threshold=min_count, nwords=max_vocab, padding_factor=1) if tokens_to_add: for token in tokens_to_add: dictionary.add_symbol(token) return Vocabulary( dictionary.symbols, dictionary.count, replacements=special_token_replacements )
[docs]class BERTTensorizerBaseScriptImpl(TensorizerScriptImpl): def __init__(self, tokenizer: Tokenizer, vocab: Vocabulary, max_seq_len: int): super().__init__() self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.vocab = ScriptVocabulary( list(vocab), pad_idx=vocab.get_pad_index(), bos_idx=vocab.get_bos_index(-1), eos_idx=vocab.get_eos_index(-1), unk_idx=vocab.get_unk_index(), ) self.vocab_lookup = VocabLookup(self.vocab) self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len def _lookup_tokens( self, tokens: List[Tuple[str, int, int]], max_seq_len: Optional[int] = None ) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int], List[int]]: """ This function knows how to call lookup_tokens with the correct settings for this model. The default behavior is to wrap the numberized text with distinct BOS and EOS tokens. The resulting vector would look something like this: [BOS, token1_id, . . . tokenN_id, EOS] The function also takes an optional seq_len parameter which is used to customize truncation in case we have multiple text fields. By default max_seq_len is used. It's upto the numberize function of the class to decide how to use the seq_len param. For example: - In the case of sentence pair classification, we might want both pieces of text have the same length which is half of the max_seq_len supported by the model. - In the case of QA, we might want to truncate the context by a seq_len which is longer than what we use for the question. Args: tokens: a list of tokens represent a sentence, each token represented by token string, start and end indices. Returns: tokens_ids: List[int], a list of token ids represent a sentence. start_indices: List[int], each token start indice in the sentence. end_indices: List[int], each token end indice in the sentence. """ if max_seq_len is None: max_seq_len = self.max_seq_len return self.vocab_lookup( tokens, bos_idx=self.vocab.bos_idx, eos_idx=self.vocab.eos_idx, use_eos_token_for_bos=False, max_seq_len=max_seq_len, ) def _wrap_numberized_tokens( self, numberized_tokens: List[int], idx: int ) -> List[int]: """ If a class has a non-standard way of generating the final numberized text (eg: BERT) then a class specific version of wrap_numberized_text function should be implemented. This allows us to share the numberize function across classes without having to copy paste code. The default implementation doesnt do anything. """ return numberized_tokens
[docs] def numberize( self, per_sentence_tokens: List[List[Tuple[str, int, int]]] ) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int], int, List[int]]: """ This function contains logic for converting tokens into ids based on the specified vocab. It also outputs, for each instance, the vectors needed to run the actual model. Args: per_sentence_tokens: list of tokens per sentence level in one row, each token represented by token string, start and end indices. Returns: tokens: List[int], a list of token ids, concatenate all sentences token ids. segment_labels: List[int], denotes each token belong to which sentence. seq_len: int, tokens length positions: List[int], token positions """ tokens: List[int] = [] segment_labels: List[int] = [] seq_len: int = 0 positions: List[int] = [] for idx, single_sentence_tokens in enumerate(per_sentence_tokens): lookup_ids: List[int] = self._lookup_tokens(single_sentence_tokens)[0] lookup_ids = self._wrap_numberized_tokens(lookup_ids, idx) tokens.extend(lookup_ids) segment_labels.extend([idx] * len(lookup_ids)) seq_len = len(tokens) positions = [i for i in range(seq_len)] return tokens, segment_labels, seq_len, positions
[docs] def tensorize( self, tokens_2d: List[List[int]], segment_labels_2d: List[List[int]], seq_lens_1d: List[int], positions_2d: List[List[int]], ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Convert instance level vectors into batch level tensors. """ tokens, pad_mask = pad_2d_mask( tokens_2d, pad_value=self.vocab.pad_idx, seq_padding_control=self.seq_padding_control, max_seq_pad_len=self.max_seq_len, batch_padding_control=self.batch_padding_control, ) segment_labels = torch.tensor( pad_2d( segment_labels_2d, seq_lens=seq_lens_1d, pad_idx=0, max_len=self.max_seq_len, ), dtype=torch.long, ) positions = torch.tensor( pad_2d( positions_2d, seq_lens=seq_lens_1d, pad_idx=0, max_len=self.max_seq_len ), dtype=torch.long, ) if self.device == "": return tokens, pad_mask, segment_labels, positions else: return (,,,, )
[docs] def tokenize( self, row_text: Optional[List[str]], row_pre_tokenized: Optional[List[List[str]]], ) -> List[List[Tuple[str, int, int]]]: """ This function convert raw inputs into tokens, each token is represented by token(str), start and end indices in the raw inputs. There are two possible inputs to this function depends if the tokenized in implemented in TorchScript or not. Case 1: Tokenizer has a full TorchScript implementation, the input will be a list of sentences (in most case it is single sentence or a pair). Case 2: Tokenizer have partial or no TorchScript implementation, in most case, the tokenizer will be host in Yoda, the input will be a list of pre-processed tokens. Returns: per_sentence_tokens: tokens per sentence level, each token is represented by token(str), start and end indices. """ per_sentence_tokens: List[List[Tuple[str, int, int]]] = [] if row_text is not None: for text in row_text: per_sentence_tokens.append(self.tokenizer.tokenize(text)) elif row_pre_tokenized is not None: for sentence_pre_tokenized in row_pre_tokenized: sentence_tokens: List[Tuple[str, int, int]] = [] for token in sentence_pre_tokenized: sentence_tokens.extend(self.tokenizer.tokenize(token)) per_sentence_tokens.append(sentence_tokens) return per_sentence_tokens
[docs] def forward( self, inputs: ScriptBatchInput ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Wire up tokenize(), numberize() and tensorize() functions for data processing. When export to TorchScript, the wrapper module should choose to use texts or pre_tokenized based on the TorchScript tokenizer implementation (e.g use external tokenizer such as Yoda or not). """ tokens_2d: List[List[int]] = [] segment_labels_2d: List[List[int]] = [] seq_lens_1d: List[int] = [] positions_2d: List[List[int]] = [] for idx in range(self.batch_size(inputs)): tokens: List[List[Tuple[str, int, int]]] = self.tokenize( self.get_texts_by_index(inputs.texts, idx), self.get_tokens_by_index(inputs.tokens, idx), ) numberized: Tuple[List[int], List[int], int, List[int]] = self.numberize( tokens ) tokens_2d.append(numberized[0]) segment_labels_2d.append(numberized[1]) seq_lens_1d.append(numberized[2]) positions_2d.append(numberized[3]) return self.tensorize(tokens_2d, segment_labels_2d, seq_lens_1d, positions_2d)
[docs] def torchscriptify(self): # tokenizer will only be used in Inference, so we hold its torchscriptify # by end of the training. if not isinstance(self.tokenizer, torch.jit.ScriptModule): self.tokenizer = self.tokenizer.torchscriptify() return super().torchscriptify()
[docs]class BERTTensorizerBase(Tensorizer): """ Base Tensorizer class for all BERT style models including XLM, RoBERTa and XLM-R. """ __EXPANSIBLE__ = True
[docs] class Config(Tensorizer.Config): # BERT style models support multiple text inputs columns: List[str] = ["text"] tokenizer: Tokenizer.Config = Tokenizer.Config() # base token-level tokenizer for sequence labeling tasks base_tokenizer: Optional[Tokenizer.Config] = None vocab_file: str = "" max_seq_len: int = 256
def __init__( self, columns: List[str] = Config.columns, vocab: Vocabulary = None, tokenizer: Tokenizer = None, max_seq_len: int = Config.max_seq_len, base_tokenizer: Tokenizer = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.columns = columns self.vocab = vocab self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.base_tokenizer = base_tokenizer self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len # Needed to ensure that we're not masking special tokens. By default # we use the BOS token from the vocab. If a class has different # behavior (eg: XLM), it needs to override this. self.bos_token = self.vocab.bos_token @property def column_schema(self): return [(column, str) for column in self.columns] @lazy_property def tensorizer_script_impl(self): return self.__TENSORIZER_SCRIPT_IMPL__( tokenizer=self.tokenizer, vocab=self.vocab, max_seq_len=self.max_seq_len )
[docs] def numberize(self, row: Dict) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: """ This function contains logic for converting tokens into ids based on the specified vocab. It also outputs, for each instance, the vectors needed to run the actual model. """ per_sentence_tokens = [ self.tokenizer.tokenize(row[column]) for column in self.columns ] return self.tensorizer_script_impl.numberize(per_sentence_tokens)
[docs] def tensorize(self, batch) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]: """ Convert instance level vectors into batch level tensors. """ return self.tensorizer_script_impl.tensorize_wrapper(*zip(*batch))
[docs] def initialize(self, vocab_builder=None, from_scratch=True): # vocab for BERT is already set return # we need yield here to make this function a generator yield
[docs] def sort_key(self, row): return row[2]
[docs]class BERTTensorizerScriptImpl(BERTTensorizerBaseScriptImpl): def _lookup_tokens( self, tokens: List[Tuple[str, int, int]], max_seq_len: Optional[int] = None ) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int], List[int]]: if max_seq_len is None: max_seq_len = self.max_seq_len max_seq_len -= 1 # because _wrap_numberized_tokens adds a token return self.vocab_lookup( tokens, bos_idx=None, eos_idx=self.vocab.eos_idx, use_eos_token_for_bos=False, max_seq_len=max_seq_len, ) def _wrap_numberized_tokens( self, numberized_tokens: List[int], idx: int ) -> List[int]: if idx == 0: numberized_tokens = [self.vocab.bos_idx] + numberized_tokens return numberized_tokens
[docs]class BERTTensorizer(BERTTensorizerBase): """ Tensorizer for BERT tasks. Works for single sentence, sentence pair, triples etc. """ __EXPANSIBLE__ = True __TENSORIZER_SCRIPT_IMPL__ = BERTTensorizerScriptImpl
[docs] class Config(BERTTensorizerBase.Config): tokenizer: Tokenizer.Config = WordPieceTokenizer.Config() vocab_file: str = WordPieceTokenizer.Config().wordpiece_vocab_path
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Config, **kwargs): """ from_config parses the config associated with the tensorizer and creates both the tokenizer and the Vocabulary object. The extra arguments passed as kwargs allow us to reuse thie function with variable number of arguments (eg: for classes which derive from this class). """ tokenizer = create_component(ComponentType.TOKENIZER, config.tokenizer) special_token_replacements = { "[UNK]": UNK, "[PAD]": PAD, "[CLS]": BOS, "[MASK]": MASK, "[SEP]": EOS, } if isinstance(tokenizer, WordPieceTokenizer): vocab = Vocabulary( [token for token, _ in tokenizer.vocab.items()], replacements=special_token_replacements, ) else: config.vocab_file = ( resources.roberta.RESOURCE_MAP[config.vocab_file] if config.vocab_file in resources.roberta.RESOURCE_MAP else config.vocab_file ) with as file_path: vocab = build_fairseq_vocab( dictionary_class=BertDictionary, vocab_file=file_path, special_token_replacements=special_token_replacements, ) return cls( columns=config.columns, vocab=vocab, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_len=config.max_seq_len, **kwargs, )
def __init__( self, columns: List[str] = Config.columns, vocab: Vocabulary = None, tokenizer: Tokenizer = None, max_seq_len: int = Config.max_seq_len, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__( columns=columns, vocab=vocab, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_len=max_seq_len )