Source code for pytext.config.serialize

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Type, Union

from pytext.common.utils import eprint

from .component import Registry
from .config_adapter import upgrade_to_latest
from .pytext_config import PyTextConfig

[docs]class ConfigParseError(Exception): pass
[docs]class UnionTypeError(ConfigParseError): pass
[docs]class EnumTypeError(ConfigParseError): pass
[docs]class MissingValueError(ConfigParseError): pass
[docs]class IncorrectTypeError(Exception): pass
[docs]class ValueSerializationError(Exception): pass
def _canonical_typename(cls): if "_name" in dir(cls): name = cls._name else: name = cls.__name__ if name.endswith(".Config"): return name[: -len(".Config")] return name def _extend_tuple_type(cls, value): sub_cls_list = list(cls.__args__) if len(sub_cls_list) != len(value): if len(sub_cls_list) != 2 or sub_cls_list[1] is not Ellipsis: raise ConfigParseError( f"{len(value)} values found which is more than number of types in tuple {cls}" ) del sub_cls_list[1] sub_cls_list.extend((cls.__args__[0],) * (len(value) - len(sub_cls_list))) return sub_cls_list
[docs]def build_subclass_dict(subclasses): subclasses_dict = {} for subclass in subclasses: if type(None) != subclass: if getattr(subclass, "__EXPANSIBLE__", False): children = Registry.subconfigs(subclass) for child in children: subclasses_dict[_canonical_typename(child).lower()] = child else: subclasses_dict[_canonical_typename(subclass).lower()] = subclass return subclasses_dict
def _any_from_json(json_obj): if _is_dict(json_obj): # convert to vanilla python dict # call _any_from_json recursively on values # Example: fancy_dict(a_key, fancy_dict(another_key, value)) # will get converted into plain dict {a_key: {another_key: value}} return {key: _any_from_json(value) for key, value in json_obj.items()} return json_obj def _union_from_json(subclasses, json_obj): if not _is_dict(json_obj): raise IncorrectTypeError( f"incorrect Union value {json_obj} for union {subclasses}" ) subclasses_dict = build_subclass_dict(subclasses) type_name = list(json_obj)[0].lower() if len(json_obj) == 1 and type_name in subclasses_dict: json_obj = next(iter(json_obj.values())) else: type_name = next(iter(subclasses_dict)) eprint( "WARNING - Can not find class type in json: " f"trying with first class {type_name} in the union." ) try: return _value_from_json(subclasses_dict[type_name], json_obj) except Exception as e: raise UnionTypeError( ( f"failed to parse union {subclasses} from" f"json payload {json_obj} \n" f"Reason: {e}" ) ) from e def _is_optional(cls): return _get_class_type(cls) == Union and type(None) in cls.__args__ def _enum_from_json(enum_cls, json_obj): for e in enum_cls: if e.value == json_obj: return e raise EnumTypeError(f"invalid enum value {json_obj} for {enum_cls}") def _value_from_json(cls, value): cls_type = _get_class_type(cls) if value is None: return value # Unions must be first because Union explicitly doesn't # support __subclasscheck__. # optional with more than 2 classes is treated as Union elif _is_optional(cls) and len(cls.__args__) == 2: sub_cls = cls.__args__[0] if type(None) != cls.__args__[0] else cls.__args__[1] return _value_from_json(sub_cls, value) # nested config elif hasattr(cls, "_fields"): return config_from_json(cls, value) elif cls_type == Any: return _any_from_json(value) elif cls_type == Union: return _union_from_json(cls.__args__, value) elif issubclass(cls_type, Enum): return _enum_from_json(cls, value) elif issubclass(cls_type, List): sub_cls = cls.__args__[0] return [_value_from_json(sub_cls, v) for v in value] elif issubclass(cls_type, Tuple): return tuple( _value_from_json(c, v) for c, v in zip(_extend_tuple_type(cls, value), value) ) elif issubclass(cls_type, Dict): sub_cls = cls.__args__[1] return {key: _value_from_json(sub_cls, v) for key, v in value.items()} # built in types return cls(value) def _is_type_specifier(value): if not _is_dict(value) or len(value) != 1: return False name = next(iter(value)) return name[0] == name[0].upper() def _try_component_config_from_json(cls, value): if _is_type_specifier(value): type_name = list(value)[0] component_config_type = component_config_type_from_type_name(cls, type_name) return _value_from_json(component_config_type, value[type_name]) return None
[docs]def component_config_type_from_type_name(cls, type_name: str) -> Type: options = Registry.subconfigs(cls) for option in options: if type_name.lower() == _canonical_typename(option).lower(): return option else: raise Exception(f"could not find specified component class {type_name}")
[docs]def pytext_config_from_json(json_obj, ignore_fields=(), auto_upgrade=True): if auto_upgrade: json_obj = upgrade_to_latest(json_obj) pytext_config = config_from_json(PyTextConfig, json_obj, ignore_fields) if pytext_config.export: pytext_config.export_list = [pytext_config.export] return pytext_config
[docs]def config_from_json(cls, json_obj, ignore_fields=()): if getattr(cls, "__EXPANSIBLE__", False): component_config = _try_component_config_from_json(cls, json_obj) if component_config: return component_config parsed_dict = {} if not hasattr(cls, "_fields"): raise IncorrectTypeError(f"{cls} is not a valid config class") cls_name = getattr(cls, "__name__", cls) # Non-EXPANSIBLE classes can be found in configs cls_name_wo_config = cls_name.split(".")[0] unknown_fields = ( set(json_obj) - {f[0] for f in cls.__annotations__.items()} - {cls_name_wo_config} ) if unknown_fields: cls_fields = {f[0] for f in cls.__annotations__.items()} raise ConfigParseError( f"Unknown fields for class {cls_name} with fields {cls_fields} \ detected in config json: {unknown_fields}" ) for field, f_cls in cls.__annotations__.items(): if field in ignore_fields: eprint( f"Info - field: {field} in class: {cls_name} is skipped in", "config_from_json because it's found in the ignore_fields.", ) continue value = None is_optional = _is_optional(f_cls) if field not in json_obj: if field in cls._field_defaults: # if using default value, no conversion is needed value = cls._field_defaults.get(field) else: try: value = _value_from_json(f_cls, json_obj[field]) except ConfigParseError: raise except Exception as e: raise ConfigParseError( f"failed to parse {field} to {f_cls} with json payload \ {json_obj[field]}" ) from e # validate value if value is None and not is_optional: raise MissingValueError( f"missing value for {field} in class {cls_name} with json {json_obj}" ) parsed_dict[field] = value return cls(**parsed_dict)
def _value_to_json(cls, value): cls_type = _get_class_type(cls) assert _is_optional(cls) or value is not None if value is None: return value # optional with more than 2 classes is treated as Union elif _is_optional(cls) and len(cls.__args__) == 2: sub_cls = cls.__args__[0] if type(None) != cls.__args__[0] else cls.__args__[1] return _value_to_json(sub_cls, value) elif cls_type == Union or getattr(cls, "__EXPANSIBLE__", False): real_cls = type(value) if hasattr(real_cls, "_fields"): value = config_to_json(real_cls, value) return {_canonical_typename(real_cls): value} elif cls_type == Any: return value # nested config elif hasattr(cls, "_fields"): return config_to_json(cls, value) elif issubclass(cls_type, Enum): return value.value elif issubclass(cls_type, List): sub_cls = cls.__args__[0] return [_value_to_json(sub_cls, v) for v in value] elif issubclass(cls_type, Tuple): return tuple( _value_to_json(c, v) for c, v in zip(_extend_tuple_type(cls, value), value) ) elif issubclass(cls_type, Dict): sub_cls = cls.__args__[1] return {key: _value_to_json(sub_cls, v) for key, v in value.items()} return value
[docs]def config_to_json(cls, config_obj): json_result = {} if not hasattr(cls, "_fields"): raise IncorrectTypeError(f"{cls} is not a valid config class") for field, f_cls in cls.__annotations__.items(): value = getattr(config_obj, field) try: json_result[field] = _value_to_json(f_cls, value) except Exception as e: cls_name = getattr(cls, "__name__", cls) raise ValueSerializationError( f"Failed to serialise the config field '{field}' of class {cls_name}" ) from e return json_result
def _get_class_type(cls): """ type(cls) has an inconsistent behavior between 3.6 and 3.7 because of changes in the typing module. We therefore rely on __extra (3.6) and __origin__ (3.7), present only in classes from typing to extract the origin of the class for comparison, otherwise default to the type sent directly :param cls: class to infer :return: class or in the case of classes from typing module, the real type (Union, List) of the created object """ return getattr(cls, "__extra__", getattr(cls, "__origin__", cls)) def _is_dict(obj): """support all dict-like types""" return hasattr(obj, "__contains__") and hasattr(obj, "items")
[docs]def parse_config(config_json): """ Parse PyTextConfig object from parameter string or parameter file """ if "config" in config_json: config_json = config_json["config"] return pytext_config_from_json(config_json)