Source code for pytext.config.component

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
import collections
import enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Type, Union

import torch

from .pytext_config import ConfigBase, PyTextConfig

[docs]class ComponentType(enum.Enum): TASK = "task" COLUMN = "column" DATA_TYPE = "data_type" DATA_HANDLER = "data_handler" DATA_SOURCE = "data_source" TOKENIZER = "tokenizer" TENSORIZER = "tensorizer" BATCHER = "batcher" BATCH_SAMPLER = "batch_sampler" FEATURIZER = "featurizer" TRAINER = "trainer" LOSS = "loss" OPTIMIZER = "optimizer" SCHEDULER = "scheduler" MODEL = "model" MODEL2 = "model2" MODULE = "module" PREDICTOR = "predictor" EXPORTER = "exporter" METRIC_REPORTER = "metric_reporter" SPARSIFIER = "sparsifier" MASKING_FUNCTION = "masking_function" PRIVACY_ENGINE = "privacy_engine"
[docs]class RegistryError(Exception): pass
[docs]class Registry: _registered_components: Dict[ ComponentType, Dict[Type, Type] ] = collections.defaultdict(dict)
[docs] @classmethod def add(cls, component_type: ComponentType, cls_to_add: Type, config_cls: Type): component = cls._registered_components[component_type] if config_cls in component: raise RegistryError( f"Cannot add {cls_to_add} to {component_type} " f"for task_config type {config_cls}; " f"it's already registered for {component[config_cls]}" ) component[config_cls] = cls_to_add
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, component_type: ComponentType, config_cls: Type) -> Type: if component_type not in cls._registered_components: raise RegistryError(f"type {component_type} doesn't exist") if config_cls not in cls._registered_components[component_type]: raise RegistryError( f"unregistered config class {config_cls.__name__} for {component_type}" ) return cls._registered_components[component_type][config_cls]
[docs] @classmethod def values(cls, component_type: ComponentType) -> Tuple[Type, ...]: if component_type not in cls._registered_components: raise RegistryError(f"type {component_type} doesn't exist") return tuple(cls._registered_components[component_type].values())
[docs] @classmethod def configs(cls, component_type: ComponentType) -> Tuple[Type, ...]: if component_type not in cls._registered_components: raise RegistryError(f"type {component_type} doesn't exist") return tuple(cls._registered_components[component_type].keys())
[docs] @classmethod def subconfigs(cls, config_cls: Type) -> Tuple[Type, ...]: return tuple( sub_cls for sub_cls in cls.configs(config_cls.__COMPONENT_TYPE__) if issubclass(sub_cls.__COMPONENT__, config_cls.__COMPONENT__) )
[docs]class ComponentMeta(type): def __new__(metacls, typename, bases, namespace): if "Config" not in namespace: # We need to dynamically create a new Config class per # instance rather than inheriting a single empty config class # because components are registered uniquely by config class. # If a parent class specifies a config class, inherit from it. parent_config = next( (base.Config for base in bases if hasattr(base, "Config")), None ) if parent_config is not None: class Config(parent_config): pass else: class Config(ConfigBase): pass namespace["Config"] = Config component_type = next( ( base.__COMPONENT_TYPE__ for base in bases if hasattr(base, "__COMPONENT_TYPE__") ), namespace.get("__COMPONENT_TYPE__"), ) new_cls = super().__new__(metacls, typename, bases, namespace) new_cls.Config.__COMPONENT_TYPE__ = component_type new_cls.Config.__name__ = f"{typename}.Config" new_cls.Config.__COMPONENT__ = new_cls new_cls.Config.__EXPANSIBLE__ = namespace.get("__EXPANSIBLE__") if component_type: Registry.add(component_type, new_cls, new_cls.Config) return new_cls def __dir__(cls): """Jit doesnt allow scripting of attributes whose classname includes "." Example Repro: class OldModule(Module): class Config(ConfigBase): a: int = 5 @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Config): return cls(config.a) def __init__(self, a): super().__init__() self.a = a def forward(self, b: int) -> int: return b + self.a m = OldModule.from_config(OldModule.Config()) jit.script(m) > RuntimeError: Could not get qualified name for class 'OldModule.Config': 'OldModule.Config' is not a valid identifier print(m.Config.__name__) > OldModule.Config At the sametime, we dont need to script the config classes because they are not needed during inference time. Hence in this workaround we skip the config classes. Ideal solution is that when building models they should be inheriting from nn.Module only and not Component. This requires significant changes to the way models are created in PyText. """ result = super().__dir__() return [ r for r in result if not ( isinstance(getattr(cls, r, None), type) and issubclass(getattr(cls, r, None), ConfigBase) ) ]
[docs]class Component(metaclass=ComponentMeta): class Config(ConfigBase): pass
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config, *args, **kwargs): return cls(config, *args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, config=None, *args, **kwargs): self.config = config
[docs]def register_tasks(task_cls: Union[Type, List[Type]]): """ Task classes are already added to registry during declaration, pass them as parameters here just to make sure they're imported """ vars(PyTextConfig)["__annotations__"]["task"].__args__ = Registry.configs( ComponentType.TASK )
[docs]def create_component(component_type: ComponentType, config: Any, *args, **kwargs): config_cls = type(config) cls = Registry.get(component_type, config_cls) try: return cls.from_config(config, *args, **kwargs) except TypeError as e: raise Exception(f"Can't create component {cls}: {str(e)}")
[docs]def create_data_handler(data_handler_config, *args, **kwargs): return create_component( ComponentType.DATA_HANDLER, data_handler_config, *args, **kwargs )
[docs]def create_featurizer(featurizer_config, *args, **kwargs): return create_component( ComponentType.FEATURIZER, featurizer_config, *args, **kwargs )
[docs]def create_trainer(trainer_config, model: torch.nn.Module, *args, **kwargs): return create_component( ComponentType.TRAINER, trainer_config, model, *args, **kwargs )
[docs]def create_model(model_config, *args, **kwargs): return create_component(ComponentType.MODEL, model_config, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def create_optimizer(optimizer_config, model: torch.nn.Module, *args, **kwargs): return create_component( ComponentType.OPTIMIZER, optimizer_config, model, *args, **kwargs )
[docs]def create_scheduler(scheduler_config, optimizer, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(optimizer, "fp32_optimizer"): optimizer = optimizer.fp32_optimizer return create_component( ComponentType.SCHEDULER, scheduler_config, optimizer, *args, **kwargs )
[docs]def create_sparsifier(sparsifier_config, *args, **kwargs): return create_component( ComponentType.SPARSIFIER, sparsifier_config, *args, **kwargs )
[docs]def create_privacy_engine(privacy_engine_config, *args, **kwargs): return create_component( ComponentType.PRIVACY_ENGINE, privacy_engine_config, *args, **kwargs )
[docs]def create_predictor(predictor_config, *args, **kwargs): return create_component(ComponentType.PREDICTOR, predictor_config, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def create_exporter(exporter_config, *args, **kwargs): return create_component(ComponentType.EXPORTER, exporter_config, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def create_loss(loss_config, *args, **kwargs): return create_component(ComponentType.LOSS, loss_config, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def create_metric_reporter(module_config, *args, **kwargs): return create_component( ComponentType.METRIC_REPORTER, module_config, *args, **kwargs )
[docs]def get_component_name(obj): """ Return the human-readable name of the class of `obj`. Document the type of a config field and can be used as a Union value in a json config. """ if obj is type(None): return None if not hasattr(obj, "__module__"): # builtins return obj.__class__.__name__ if obj.__module__ == "typing": return str(obj)[7:] if hasattr(obj, "__qualname__"): # Class name unaltered by meta ret = obj.__qualname__ elif hasattr(obj, "__name__"): ret = obj.__name__ else: ret = obj.__class__.__name__ if ret.endswith(".Config"): return obj.__COMPONENT__.__name__ return ret