pytext.models.seq_models package


pytext.models.seq_models.contextual_intent_slot module

class pytext.models.seq_models.contextual_intent_slot.ContextualIntentSlotModel(default_doc_loss_weight, default_word_loss_weight, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pytext.models.joint_model.IntentSlotModel

Joint Model for Intent classification and slot tagging with inputs of contextual information (sequence of utterances) and dictionary feature of the last utterance.

Training data should include: doc_label (string): intent classification label of either the sequence of utterances or just the last sentence word_label (string): slot tagging label of the last utterance in the format of start_idx:end_idx:slot_label, multiple slots are separated by a comma text (list of string): sequence of utterances for training dict_feat (dict): a dict of features that contains the feature of each word in the last utterance

Following is an example of raw columns from training data:

doc_label reply-where
word_label 10:20:restaurant_name
text [“dinner at 6?”, “wanna try Tomi Sushi?”]
{“tokenFeatList”: [{“tokenIdx”: 2, “features”: {“poi:eatery”: 0.66}},
{“tokenIdx”: 3, “features”: {“poi:eatery”: 0.66}}]}
classmethod create_embedding(config, tensorizers)[source]

pytext.models.seq_models.seqnn module

class pytext.models.seq_models.seqnn.SeqNNModel(embedding: pytext.models.embeddings.embedding_base.EmbeddingBase, representation: pytext.models.representations.representation_base.RepresentationBase, decoder: pytext.models.decoders.decoder_base.DecoderBase, output_layer: pytext.models.output_layers.output_layer_base.OutputLayerBase)[source]

Bases: pytext.models.doc_model.DocModel

Classification model with sequence of utterances as input. It uses a docnn model (CNN or LSTM) to generate vector representation for each sequence, and then use an LSTM or BLSTM to capture the dynamics and produce labels for each sequence.

class pytext.models.seq_models.seqnn.SeqNNModel_Deprecated(embedding: pytext.models.embeddings.embedding_base.EmbeddingBase, representation: pytext.models.representations.representation_base.RepresentationBase, decoder: pytext.models.decoders.decoder_base.DecoderBase, output_layer: pytext.models.output_layers.output_layer_base.OutputLayerBase)[source]

Bases: pytext.models.model.Model

Classification model with sequence of utterances as input. It uses a docnn model (CNN or LSTM) to generate vector representation for each sequence, and then use an LSTM or BLSTM to capture the dynamics and produce labels for each sequence.


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