
Component: Trainer

class Trainer.Config[source]

Bases: ConfigBase

All Attributes (including base classes)

epochs: int = 10
Training epochs
early_stop_after: int = 0
Stop after how many epochs when the eval metric is not improving
max_clip_norm: Optional[float] = None
Clip gradient norm if set
report_train_metrics: bool = True
Whether metrics on training data should be computed and reported.
target_time_limit_seconds: Optional[int] = None
Target time limit for training, default (None) to no time limit.
do_eval: bool = True
Whether to do evaluation and model selection based on it.
load_best_model_after_train: bool = True
num_samples_to_log_progress: int = 1000
Number of samples for logging training progress.
num_accumulated_batches: int = 1
Number of forward & backward per batch before update gradients, the actual_batch_size = batch_size x num_accumulated_batches
num_batches_per_epoch: Optional[int] = None
Define epoch as a fixed number of batches. Subsequent epochs will continue to iterate through the data, cycling through it when they reach the end. If not set, use exactly one pass through the dataset as one epoch. This configuration only affects the train epochs, test and eval will always test their entire datasets.
optimizer: Optimizer.Config = Adam.Config()
config for optimizer, used in parameter update
scheduler: Optional[Scheduler.Config] = None
sparsifier: Optional[Sparsifier.Config] = None
fp16_args: FP16Optimizer.Config = FP16OptimizerFairseq.Config()
Define arguments for fp16 training. A fp16_optimizer will be created and wraps the original optimizer, which will scale loss during backward and master weight will be maintained on original optimizer.
  • TaskTrainer.Config

Default JSON

    "epochs": 10,
    "early_stop_after": 0,
    "max_clip_norm": null,
    "report_train_metrics": true,
    "target_time_limit_seconds": null,
    "do_eval": true,
    "load_best_model_after_train": true,
    "num_samples_to_log_progress": 1000,
    "num_accumulated_batches": 1,
    "num_batches_per_epoch": null,
    "optimizer": {
        "Adam": {
            "lr": 0.001,
            "weight_decay": 1e-05,
            "eps": 1e-08
    "scheduler": null,
    "sparsifier": null,
    "fp16_args": {
        "FP16OptimizerFairseq": {
            "init_loss_scale": 128,
            "scale_window": null,
            "scale_tolerance": 0.0,
            "threshold_loss_scale": null,
            "min_loss_scale": 0.0001