
class pytext.config.pytext_config.PyTextConfig[source]

Bases: ConfigBase

All Attributes (including base classes)

task: Union[TaskBase.Config, Task_Deprecated.Config, _NewTask.Config, NewTask.Config, DisjointMultitask.Config, NewDisjointMultitask.Config, QueryDocumentPairwiseRankingTask.Config, EnsembleTask.Config, DocumentClassificationTask.Config, DocumentRegressionTask.Config, NewBertClassificationTask.Config, NewBertPairClassificationTask.Config, BertPairRegressionTask.Config, WordTaggingTask.Config, IntentSlotTask.Config, LMTask.Config, MaskedLMTask.Config, PairwiseClassificationTask.Config, RoBERTaNERTask.Config, SeqNNTask.Config, SquadQATask.Config, SemanticParsingTask.Config]
use_cuda_if_available: bool = True
use_fp16: bool = False
distributed_world_size: int = 1
gpu_streams_for_distributed_training: int = 1
load_snapshot_path: str = ''
save_snapshot_path: str = '/tmp/'
use_config_from_snapshot: bool = True
auto_resume_from_snapshot: bool = False
export_caffe2_path: Optional[str] = None
export_onnx_path: str = '/tmp/model.onnx'
export_torchscript_path: Optional[str] = None
torchscript_quantize: Optional[bool] = False
modules_save_dir: str = ''
save_module_checkpoints: bool = False
save_all_checkpoints: bool = False
use_tensorboard: bool = True
random_seed: Optional[int] = None
Seed value to seed torch, python, and numpy random generators.
use_deterministic_cudnn: bool = False
Whether to allow CuDNN to behave deterministically.
report_eval_results: bool = False
include_dirs: Optional[list[str]] = None
version: int
use_cuda_for_testing: bool = True
test_out_path: str = '/tmp/test_out.txt'
debug_path: str = '/tmp/model.debug'


This config has parameters with no default values. We aren’t yet able to generate functional JSON for it.