Source code for pytext.workflow

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

import json
import os
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, get_type_hints

import torch
from pytext.common.constants import Stage
from pytext.config import PyTextConfig, TestConfig
from pytext.config.component import ComponentType, create_component, create_exporter
from import Batcher
from import CommonMetadata
from import Channel
from pytext.task import (
from pytext.task.disjoint_multitask import NewDisjointMultitask
from pytext.trainers import TrainingState
from pytext.utils import cuda, distributed, precision, set_random_seeds, timing
from pytext.utils.file_io import PathManager

def _set_cuda(
    use_cuda_if_available: bool, device_id: int = 0, world_size: int = 1
) -> None:
    cuda.CUDA_ENABLED = use_cuda_if_available and torch.cuda.is_available()
    cuda.DISTRIBUTED_WORLD_SIZE = world_size

    if use_cuda_if_available and not cuda.CUDA_ENABLED:
        print("Cuda is not available, running on CPU...")
    elif cuda.CUDA_ENABLED:

    if device_id == 0:
        # for debug of GPU
        use_cuda_if_available: {}
        device_id: {}
        world_size: {}
        torch.cuda.is_available(): {}
        cuda.CUDA_ENABLED: {}

def _set_fp16(use_fp16: bool, rank: int) -> None:
    # only support single GPU training at this moment.
    if rank == 0:
        print(f"# for debug of FP16: fp16_enabled={precision.FP16_ENABLED}")

def _set_distributed(
    rank: int, world_size: int, dist_init_url: str, device_id: int, gpu_streams: int = 1
) -> None:
    if dist_init_url and world_size > 1:
            rank, world_size, dist_init_url, device_id, gpu_streams=gpu_streams

[docs]def prepare_task_metadata(config: PyTextConfig) -> CommonMetadata: """ Loading the whole dataset into cpu memory on every single processes could cause OOMs for data parallel distributed training. To avoid such practice, we move the operations that required loading the whole dataset out of spawn, and pass the context to every single process. """ return ( create_task(config.task).data_handler.metadata if hasattr(config.task, "data_handler") else {} )
[docs]def train_model( config: PyTextConfig, dist_init_url: str = None, device_id: int = 0, rank: int = 0, world_size: int = 1, metric_channels: Optional[List[Channel]] = None, metadata: CommonMetadata = None, ) -> Tuple: task, training_state = prepare_task( config, dist_init_url, device_id, rank, world_size, metric_channels, metadata ) trained_model, best_metric = task.train(config, rank, world_size, training_state) # Only rank 0 gets to finalize the job and export the model if rank == 0: save_and_export(config, task, metric_channels) print("Training timings") return trained_model, best_metric
[docs]def prepare_task( config: PyTextConfig, dist_init_url: str = None, device_id: int = 0, rank: int = 0, world_size: int = 1, metric_channels: Optional[List[Channel]] = None, metadata: CommonMetadata = None, ) -> Tuple[Task_Deprecated, TrainingState]: if rank == 0: print("\nParameters: {}\n".format(config), flush=True) _set_cuda(config.use_cuda_if_available, device_id, world_size) _set_fp16(config.use_fp16, rank) _set_distributed( rank, world_size, dist_init_url, device_id, config.gpu_streams_for_distributed_training, ) if config.random_seed is not None: set_random_seeds(config.random_seed, config.use_deterministic_cudnn) training_state = None if config.auto_resume_from_snapshot: # if there are existing checkpoints, resume from the latest one latest_snapshot_path = get_latest_checkpoint_path( os.path.dirname(config.save_snapshot_path) ) if latest_snapshot_path: config.load_snapshot_path = latest_snapshot_path if config.load_snapshot_path and PathManager.isfile(config.load_snapshot_path): if config.use_config_from_snapshot: task, _, training_state = load(config.load_snapshot_path) else: task, _, training_state = load( config.load_snapshot_path, overwrite_config=config ) if training_state: training_state.rank = rank else: task = create_task( config.task, metadata=metadata, rank=rank, world_size=world_size ) for mc in metric_channels or []: task.metric_reporter.add_channel(mc) return task, training_state
[docs]def save_and_export( config: PyTextConfig, task: Task_Deprecated, metric_channels: Optional[List[Channel]] = None, ) -> None: print("\n=== Saving model to: " + config.save_snapshot_path) meta = None tensorizers = None if hasattr(task, "data_handler"): meta = task.data_handler.metadata_to_save() else: tensorizers = save(config, task.model, meta, tensorizers=tensorizers) if config.export_caffe2_path: task.export( task.model, config.export_caffe2_path, metric_channels, config.export_onnx_path, ) if config.export_torchscript_path: task.torchscript_export( task.model, config.export_torchscript_path, config.torchscript_quantize )
[docs]def export_saved_model_to_caffe2( saved_model_path: str, export_caffe2_path: str, output_onnx_path: str = None ) -> None: task, train_config, _training_state = load(saved_model_path) if hasattr(task, "exporter") and task.exporter is None: TaskType = type(train_config.task) ExporterConfigType = get_type_hints(TaskType)["exporter"].__args__[0] task.exporter = create_exporter( ExporterConfigType(), train_config.task.features, train_config.task.labels, task.data_handler.metadata, ) task.export(task.model, export_caffe2_path, export_onnx_path=output_onnx_path)
[docs]def export_saved_model_to_torchscript( saved_model_path: str, path: str, quantize: bool = False ) -> None: task, train_config, _training_state = load(saved_model_path) task.torchscript_export(task.model, path, quantize)
[docs]def test_model( test_config: TestConfig, metric_channels: Optional[List[Channel]], test_out_path: str, ) -> Any: return test_model_from_snapshot_path( test_config.load_snapshot_path, test_config.use_cuda_if_available, test_config.test_path, metric_channels, test_out_path, test_config.field_names, )
[docs]def test_model_from_snapshot_path( snapshot_path: str, use_cuda_if_available: bool, test_path: Optional[str] = None, metric_channels: Optional[List[Channel]] = None, test_out_path: str = "", field_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): _set_cuda(use_cuda_if_available) task, train_config, _training_state = load(snapshot_path) for mc in metric_channels or []: task.metric_reporter.add_channel(mc) # Overwrite the test output path because you might not have permission to # write to the original test output path that was created when model was trained. if test_out_path: if hasattr(task.metric_reporter, "output_path"): task.metric_reporter.output_path = test_out_path for channel in task.metric_reporter.channels: if hasattr(channel, "file_path"): channel.file_path = test_out_path else: test_out_path = train_config.task.metric_reporter.output_path if isinstance(task, (NewTask, NewDisjointMultitask)): data_source = _get_data_source( test_path,, field_names, task ) test_results = task.test(data_source) else: if not test_path: test_path = train_config.task.data_handler.test_path test_results = task.test(test_path) return test_results, test_out_path, metric_channels
def _get_data_source(test_path, data_config, field_names, task): if hasattr(data_config, "data_dict_config"): # it's multiple data if data_config.test_key: source_config = data_config.data_dict_config[data_config.test_key].source else: source_config = next(iter(data_config.data_dict_config.values())).source else: source_config = getattr(data_config, "source", None) if isinstance(task, NewDisjointMultitask): # Cannot easily specify a single data source for multitask assert not test_path data_source = None elif test_path and ( hasattr(source_config, "test_filename") or hasattr(source_config, "test_path") ): if hasattr(source_config, "test_filename"): source_config.test_filename = test_path elif hasattr(source_config, "test_path"): source_config.test_path = test_path if field_names and hasattr(source_config, "field_names"): source_config.field_names = field_names data_source = create_component( ComponentType.DATA_SOURCE, source_config, ) else: data_source = return data_source
[docs]def get_logits( snapshot_path: str, use_cuda_if_available: bool, output_path: Optional[str] = None, test_path: Optional[str] = None, field_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, dump_raw_input: bool = False, ): _set_cuda(use_cuda_if_available) task, train_config, _traing_state = load(snapshot_path) print(f"Successfully loaded model from {snapshot_path}") print(f"Model on GPU? {next(task.model.parameters()).is_cuda}") if isinstance(task, NewTask): task.model.eval() data_source = _get_data_source( test_path,, field_names, task ) = Batcher() = None batches =, data_source=data_source) with output_path, "w", encoding="utf-8" ) as fout, torch.no_grad(): for (raw_batch, tensor_dict) in batches: raw_input_tuple = ( dict_zip(*raw_batch, value_only=True) if dump_raw_input else () ) model_inputs = task.model.arrange_model_inputs(tensor_dict) model_outputs = task.model(*model_inputs) if isinstance(model_outputs, tuple): model_outputs_tuple = tuple(m.tolist() for m in model_outputs) for row in zip(*raw_input_tuple, *model_outputs_tuple): dump_row = "\t".join(json.dumps(r) for r in row) fout.write(f"{dump_row}\n") elif isinstance(model_outputs, torch.Tensor): model_outputs_list = model_outputs.tolist() for row in zip(*raw_input_tuple, model_outputs_list): dump_row = "\t".join(json.dumps(r) for r in row) fout.write(f"{dump_row}\n") else: raise Exception( "Expecting tuple or torchTensor types for model_outputs" )
[docs]def dict_zip(*dicts, value_only=False): dict_keys = dicts[0].keys() return ( tuple([d[k] for d in dicts] for k in dict_keys) if value_only else {k: [d[k] for d in dicts] for k in dict_keys} )
[docs]def batch_predict(model_file: str, examples: List[Dict[str, Any]]): task, train_config, _training_state = load(model_file) return task.predict(examples)