Source code for pytext.models.roberta

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

import torch
from pytext.common.constants import Stage
from pytext.config import ConfigBase
from import (
from import LabelTensorizer, Tensorizer
from pytext.models.bert_classification_models import NewBertModel
from pytext.models.decoders.mlp_decoder import MLPDecoder
from pytext.models.model import BaseModel
from pytext.models.module import Module, create_module
from pytext.models.output_layers import WordTaggingOutputLayer
from pytext.models.representations.transformer import (
from pytext.models.representations.transformer_sentence_encoder_base import (
from pytext.torchscript.module import get_script_module_cls
from pytext.utils.file_io import PathManager
from torch.serialization import default_restore_location

[docs]def init_params(module): """Initialize the RoBERTa weights for pre-training from scratch.""" if isinstance(module, torch.nn.Linear):, std=0.02) if module.bias is not None: if isinstance(module, torch.nn.Embedding):, std=0.02) if module.padding_idx is not None:[module.padding_idx].zero_()
[docs]class RoBERTaEncoderBase(TransformerSentenceEncoderBase): __EXPANSIBLE__ = True
[docs] class Config(TransformerSentenceEncoderBase.Config): pass
def _encoder(self, inputs): # NewBertModel expects the output as a tuple and grabs the first element tokens, _, _, _ = inputs full_representation = self.encoder(tokens) sentence_rep = full_representation[:, 0, :] return [full_representation], sentence_rep
[docs]class RoBERTaEncoderJit(RoBERTaEncoderBase): """A TorchScript RoBERTa implementation"""
[docs] class Config(RoBERTaEncoderBase.Config): pretrained_encoder: Module.Config = Module.Config( load_path=( "manifold://pytext_training/tree/static/models/roberta_public.pt1" ) )
def __init__(self, config: Config, output_encoded_layers: bool, **kwarg) -> None: super().__init__(config, output_encoded_layers=output_encoded_layers) assert config.pretrained_encoder.load_path, "Load path cannot be empty." self.encoder = create_module(config.pretrained_encoder) self.representation_dim = self.encoder.encoder.token_embedding.weight.size(-1) def _embedding(self): # used to tie weights in MaskedLM model return self.encoder.encoder.token_embedding
[docs]class RoBERTaEncoder(RoBERTaEncoderBase): """A PyTorch RoBERTa implementation"""
[docs] class Config(RoBERTaEncoderBase.Config): embedding_dim: int = 768 vocab_size: int = 50265 num_encoder_layers: int = 12 num_attention_heads: int = 12 model_path: str = ( "manifold://pytext_training/tree/static/models/" ) # Loading the state dict of the model depends on whether the model was # previously finetuned in PyText or not. If it was finetuned then we # dont need to translate the state dict and can just load it` # directly. is_finetuned: bool = False
def __init__(self, config: Config, output_encoded_layers: bool, **kwarg) -> None: super().__init__(config, output_encoded_layers=output_encoded_layers) # assert config.pretrained_encoder.load_path, "Load path cannot be empty." self.encoder = SentenceEncoder( transformer=Transformer( vocab_size=config.vocab_size, embedding_dim=config.embedding_dim, layers=[ TransformerLayer( embedding_dim=config.embedding_dim, attention=MultiheadSelfAttention( config.embedding_dim, config.num_attention_heads ), ) for _ in range(config.num_encoder_layers) ], ) ) self.apply(init_params) if config.model_path: with, "rb") as f: roberta_state = torch.load( f, map_location=lambda s, l: default_restore_location(s, "cpu") ) # In case the model has previously been loaded in PyText and finetuned, # then we dont need to do the special state dict translation. Load # it directly if not config.is_finetuned: self.encoder.load_roberta_state_dict(roberta_state["model"]) else: self.load_state_dict(roberta_state) self.representation_dim = self._embedding().weight.size(-1) def _embedding(self): # used to tie weights in MaskedLM model return self.encoder.transformer.token_embedding
[docs]class RoBERTa(NewBertModel):
[docs] class Config(NewBertModel.Config): class InputConfig(ConfigBase): tokens: RoBERTaTensorizer.Config = RoBERTaTensorizer.Config() labels: LabelTensorizer.Config = LabelTensorizer.Config() inputs: InputConfig = InputConfig() encoder: RoBERTaEncoderBase.Config = RoBERTaEncoderJit.Config()
[docs] def torchscriptify(self, tensorizers, traced_model): """Using the traced model, create a ScriptModule which has a nicer API that includes generating tensors from simple data types, and returns classified values according to the output layer (eg. as a dict mapping class name to score) """ script_tensorizer = tensorizers["tokens"].torchscriptify() script_module_cls = get_script_module_cls( script_tensorizer.tokenizer.input_type() ) return script_module_cls( model=traced_model, output_layer=self.output_layer.torchscript_predictions(), tensorizer=script_tensorizer, )
[docs]class RoBERTaWordTaggingModel(BaseModel): """ Single Sentence Token-level Classification Model using XLM. """
[docs] class Config(BaseModel.Config): class WordTaggingInputConfig(ConfigBase): tokens: RoBERTaTokenLevelTensorizer.Config = ( RoBERTaTokenLevelTensorizer.Config() ) inputs: WordTaggingInputConfig = WordTaggingInputConfig() encoder: RoBERTaEncoderBase.Config = RoBERTaEncoderJit.Config() decoder: MLPDecoder.Config = MLPDecoder.Config() output_layer: WordTaggingOutputLayer.Config = WordTaggingOutputLayer.Config()
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Config, tensorizers: Dict[str, Tensorizer]): label_vocab = tensorizers["tokens"].labels_vocab vocab = tensorizers["tokens"].vocab encoder = create_module( config.encoder, output_encoded_layers=True, padding_idx=vocab.get_pad_index(), vocab_size=vocab.__len__(), ) decoder = create_module( config.decoder, in_dim=encoder.representation_dim, out_dim=len(label_vocab) ) output_layer = create_module(config.output_layer, labels=label_vocab) return cls(encoder, decoder, output_layer)
def __init__(self, encoder, decoder, output_layer, stage=Stage.TRAIN) -> None: super().__init__(stage=stage) self.encoder = encoder self.decoder = decoder self.module_list = [encoder, decoder] self.output_layer = output_layer self.stage = stage
[docs] def arrange_model_inputs(self, tensor_dict): tokens, pad_mask, segment_labels, positions, _ = tensor_dict["tokens"] model_inputs = (tokens, pad_mask, segment_labels, positions) return (model_inputs,)
[docs] def arrange_targets(self, tensor_dict): _, _, _, _, labels = tensor_dict["tokens"] return labels
[docs] def forward(self, encoder_inputs: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], *args) -> torch.Tensor: # The encoder outputs a list of representations for each token where # every element of the list corresponds to a layer in the transformer. # We extract and pass the representations associated with the last layer # of the transformer. representation = self.encoder(encoder_inputs)[0][-1] return self.decoder(representation, *args)