Source code for pytext.models.representations.pure_doc_attention

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from pytext.config import ConfigBase
from pytext.models.decoders.mlp_decoder import MLPDecoder
from pytext.models.module import create_module

from .pooling import BoundaryPool, MaxPool, MeanPool, NoPool, SelfAttention
from .representation_base import RepresentationBase

[docs]class PureDocAttention(RepresentationBase): """pooling (e.g. max pooling or self attention) followed by optional MLP"""
[docs] class Config(RepresentationBase.Config): dropout: float = 0.4 pooling: Union[ SelfAttention.Config, MaxPool.Config, MeanPool.Config, NoPool.Config, BoundaryPool.Config, ] = SelfAttention.Config() mlp_decoder: Optional[MLPDecoder.Config] = None
def __init__(self, config: Config, embed_dim: int) -> None: """embed_dim is the dimension of embedded_tokens """ super().__init__(config) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.dropout) # Document attention. self.attention = ( create_module(config.pooling, n_input=embed_dim) if config.pooling is not None else None ) # Non-linear projection over attended representation. self.dense = None if ( isinstance(config.pooling, BoundaryPool.Config) and config.pooling.boundary_type == "firstlast" ): # the dimension double because of concatenating bos and eos self.representation_dim = embed_dim * 2 else: self.representation_dim = embed_dim if config.mlp_decoder: self.dense = MLPDecoder(config.mlp_decoder, in_dim=embed_dim) self.representation_dim = self.dense.out_dim
[docs] def forward( self, embedded_tokens: torch.Tensor, seq_lengths: torch.Tensor = None, *args ) -> Any: rep = self.dropout(embedded_tokens) # Attention if self.attention: rep = self.attention(rep, seq_lengths) # Non-linear projection if self.dense: rep = self.dense(rep) return rep