Source code for pytext.models.crf

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
from typing import List

import torch
import torch.jit as jit
import torch.nn as nn
from caffe2.python.crf_predict import apply_crf

[docs]class CRF(nn.Module): """ Compute the log-likelihood of the input assuming a conditional random field model. Args: num_tags: The number of tags """ def __init__( self, num_tags: int, ignore_index: int, default_label_pad_index: int ) -> None: if num_tags <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Invalid number of tags: {num_tags}") super().__init__() self.num_tags = num_tags # Add two states at the end to accommodate start and end states # (i,j) element represents the probability of transitioning from state i to j self.transitions = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_tags + 2, num_tags + 2)) self.start_tag = num_tags self.end_tag = num_tags + 1 self.reset_parameters() self.ignore_index = ignore_index self.default_label_pad_index = default_label_pad_index
[docs] def reset_parameters(self) -> None: nn.init.uniform_(self.transitions, -0.1, 0.1)[:, self.start_tag] = -10000[self.end_tag, :] = -10000
[docs] def get_transitions(self): return
[docs] def set_transitions(self, transitions: torch.Tensor = None): = transitions
[docs] def forward( self, emissions: torch.Tensor, tags: torch.Tensor, reduce: bool = True ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Compute log-likelihood of input. Args: emissions: Emission values for different tags for each input. The expected shape is batch_size * seq_len * num_labels. Padding is should be on the right side of the input. tags: Actual tags for each token in the input. Expected shape is batch_size * seq_len """ mask = self._make_mask_from_targets(tags) numerator = self._compute_joint_llh(emissions, tags, mask) denominator = self._compute_log_partition_function(emissions, mask) llh = numerator - denominator return llh if not reduce else torch.mean(llh)
[docs] @jit.export def decode(self, emissions: torch.Tensor, seq_lens: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Given a set of emission probabilities, return the predicted tags. Args: emissions: Emission probabilities with expected shape of batch_size * seq_len * num_labels seq_lens: Length of each input. """ mask = self._make_mask_from_seq_lens(seq_lens) result = self._viterbi_decode(emissions, mask) return result
def _compute_joint_llh( self, emissions: torch.Tensor, tags: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: seq_len = emissions.shape[1] # Log-likelihood for a given input is calculated by using the known # correct tag for each timestep and its respective emission value. # Since actual tags for each time step is also known, sum of transition # probabilities is also calculated. # Sum of emission and transition probabilities gives the final score for # the input. llh = self.transitions[self.start_tag, tags[:, 0]].unsqueeze(1) llh += emissions[:, 0, :].gather(1, tags[:, 0].view(-1, 1)) * mask[ :, 0 ].unsqueeze(1) for idx in range(1, seq_len): old_state, new_state = ( tags[:, idx - 1].view(-1, 1), tags[:, idx].view(-1, 1), ) emission_scores = emissions[:, idx, :].gather(1, new_state) transition_scores = self.transitions[old_state, new_state] llh += (emission_scores + transition_scores) * mask[:, idx].unsqueeze(1) # Index of the last tag is calculated by taking the sum of mask matrix # for each input row and subtracting 1 from the sum. last_tag_indices = mask.sum(1, dtype=torch.long) - 1 last_tags = tags.gather(1, last_tag_indices.view(-1, 1)) llh += self.transitions[last_tags.squeeze(1), self.end_tag].unsqueeze(1) return llh.squeeze(1) def _compute_log_partition_function( self, emissions: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: seq_len = emissions.shape[1] log_prob = emissions[:, 0].clone() log_prob += self.transitions[self.start_tag, : self.start_tag].unsqueeze(0) for idx in range(1, seq_len): broadcast_emissions = emissions[:, idx].unsqueeze(1) broadcast_transitions = self.transitions[ : self.start_tag, : self.start_tag ].unsqueeze(0) broadcast_logprob = log_prob.unsqueeze(2) score = broadcast_logprob + broadcast_emissions + broadcast_transitions score = torch.logsumexp(score, 1) log_prob = score * mask[:, idx].unsqueeze(1) + log_prob.squeeze(1) * ( 1 - mask[:, idx].unsqueeze(1) ) log_prob += self.transitions[: self.start_tag, self.end_tag].unsqueeze(0) return torch.logsumexp(log_prob.squeeze(1), 1) def _viterbi_decode( self, emissions: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: tensor_device = emissions.device seq_len = emissions.shape[1] mask = log_prob = emissions[:, 0].clone() log_prob += self.transitions[self.start_tag, : self.start_tag].unsqueeze(0) # At each step, we need to keep track of the total score, as if this step # was the last valid step. end_scores = log_prob + self.transitions[ : self.start_tag, self.end_tag ].unsqueeze(0) best_scores_list: List[torch.Tensor] = [] # Needed for Torchscript as empty list is assumed to be list of tensors empty_data: List[int] = [] # If the element has only token, empty tensor in best_paths helps # from crashing best_paths_list = [torch.tensor(empty_data, device=tensor_device).long()] best_scores_list.append(end_scores.unsqueeze(1)) for idx in range(1, seq_len): broadcast_emissions = emissions[:, idx].unsqueeze(1) broadcast_transmissions = self.transitions[ : self.start_tag, : self.start_tag ].unsqueeze(0) broadcast_log_prob = log_prob.unsqueeze(2) score = broadcast_emissions + broadcast_transmissions + broadcast_log_prob max_scores, max_score_indices = torch.max(score, 1) best_paths_list.append(max_score_indices.unsqueeze(1)) # Storing the scores incase this was the last step. end_scores = max_scores + self.transitions[ : self.start_tag, self.end_tag ].unsqueeze(0) best_scores_list.append(end_scores.unsqueeze(1)) log_prob = max_scores best_scores =, 1).float() best_paths =, 1) _, max_indices_from_scores = torch.max(best_scores, 2) valid_index_tensor = torch.tensor(0, device=tensor_device).long() if self.ignore_index == self.default_label_pad_index: # No label for padding, so use 0 index. padding_tensor = valid_index_tensor else: padding_tensor = torch.tensor( self.ignore_index, device=tensor_device ).long() # Label for the last position is always based on the index with max score # For illegal timesteps, we set as ignore_index labels = max_indices_from_scores[:, seq_len - 1] labels = self._mask_tensor(labels, 1 - mask[:, seq_len - 1], padding_tensor) all_labels = labels.unsqueeze(1).long() # For Viterbi decoding, we start at the last position and go towards first for idx in range(seq_len - 2, -1, -1): # There are two ways to obtain labels for tokens at a particular position. # Option 1: Use the labels obtained from the previous position to index # the path in present position. This is used for all positions except # last position in the sequence. # Option 2: Find the indices with maximum scores obtained during # viterbi decoding. This is used for the token at the last position # For option 1 need to convert invalid indices to 0 so that lookups # dont fail. indices_for_lookup = all_labels[:, -1].clone() indices_for_lookup = self._mask_tensor( indices_for_lookup, indices_for_lookup == self.ignore_index, valid_index_tensor, ) # Option 1 is used here when previous timestep (idx+1) was valid. indices_from_prev_pos = ( best_paths[:, idx, :] .gather(1, indices_for_lookup.view(-1, 1).long()) .squeeze(1) ) indices_from_prev_pos = self._mask_tensor( indices_from_prev_pos, (1 - mask[:, idx + 1]), padding_tensor ) # Option 2 is used when last timestep was not valid which means idx+1 # is the last position in the sequence. indices_from_max_scores = max_indices_from_scores[:, idx] indices_from_max_scores = self._mask_tensor( indices_from_max_scores, mask[:, idx + 1], padding_tensor ) # We need to combine results from 1 and 2 as rows in a batch can have # sequences of varying lengths labels = torch.where( indices_from_max_scores == self.ignore_index, indices_from_prev_pos, indices_from_max_scores, ) # Set to ignore_index if present state is not valid. labels = self._mask_tensor(labels, (1 - mask[:, idx]), padding_tensor) all_labels =, labels.view(-1, 1).long()), 1) return torch.flip(all_labels, [1]) def _make_mask_from_targets(self, targets): mask = return mask def _make_mask_from_seq_lens(self, seq_lens): seq_lens = seq_lens.view(-1, 1) max_len = torch.max(seq_lens) range_tensor = torch.arange(max_len, device=seq_lens.device).unsqueeze(0) range_tensor = range_tensor.expand(seq_lens.size(0), range_tensor.size(1)) mask = (range_tensor < seq_lens).float() return mask def _mask_tensor(self, score_tensor, mask_condition, mask_value): masked_tensor = torch.where(mask_condition, mask_value, score_tensor) return masked_tensor
[docs] def export_to_caffe2(self, workspace, init_net, predict_net, logits_output_name): """ Exports the crf layer to caffe2 by manually adding the necessary operators to the init_net and predict net. Args: init_net: caffe2 init net created by the current graph predict_net: caffe2 net created by the current graph workspace: caffe2 current workspace output_names: current output names of the caffe2 net py_model: original pytorch model object Returns: string: The updated predictions blob name """ crf_transitions = init_net.AddExternalInput(init_net.NextName()) workspace.FeedBlob(str(crf_transitions), self.get_transitions().numpy()) logits_squeezed = predict_net.Squeeze(logits_output_name, dims=[0]) new_logits = apply_crf( init_net, predict_net, crf_transitions, logits_squeezed, self.num_tags ) new_logits = predict_net.ExpandDims(new_logits, dims=[0]) predict_net.Copy(new_logits, logits_output_name) return logits_output_name