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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

from import Iterator
from typing import Dict, Optional

import numpy as np
from pytext.config.component import Component, ComponentType

[docs]class BaseBatchSampler(Component): __COMPONENT_TYPE__ = ComponentType.BATCH_SAMPLER __EXPANSIBLE__ = True
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Component.Config): return cls()
def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def batchify(self, iterators: Dict[str, Iterator]): pass
[docs]class EvalBatchSampler(BaseBatchSampler): """ This sampler takes in a dictionary of Iterators and returns batches associated with each key in the dictionary. It guarentees that we will see each batch associated with each key exactly once in the epoch. Example: Iterator 1: [A, B, C, D], Iterator 2: [a, b] Output: [A, B, C, D, a, b] """
[docs] def batchify(self, iterators: Dict[str, Iterator]): """ Loop through each key in the input dict and generate batches from the iterator associated with that key. Args: iterators: Dictionary of iterators """ iter_dict = {name: iter(iterator) for name, iterator in iterators.items()} for name, it in iter_dict.items(): for item in it: yield name, item
[docs]class RoundRobinBatchSampler(BaseBatchSampler): """ This sampler takes a dictionary of Iterators and returns batches in a round robin fashion till a the end of one of the iterators is reached. The end is specified by `iter_to_set_epoch`. If `iter_to_set_epoch` is set, cycle batches from each iterator until one epoch of the target iterator is fulfilled. Iterators with fewer batches than the target iterator are repeated, so they never run out. If `iter_to_set_epoch` is None, cycle over batches from each iterator until the shortest iterator completes one epoch. Example: Iterator 1: [A, B, C, D], Iterator 2: [a, b] iter_to_set_epoch = "Iterator 1" Output: [A, a, B, b, C, a, D, b] iter_to_set_epoch = None Output: [A, a, B, b] Args: iter_to_set_epoch (Optional[str]): Name of iterator to define epoch size. If this is not set, epoch size defaults to the length of the shortest iterator. """ __COMPONENT_TYPE__ = ComponentType.BATCH_SAMPLER
[docs] class Config(Component.Config): iter_to_set_epoch: str = ""
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Config): return cls(config.iter_to_set_epoch)
def __init__(self, iter_to_set_epoch: Optional[str] = None) -> None: self.iter_to_set_epoch = iter_to_set_epoch
[docs] def batchify(self, iterators: Dict[str, Iterator]): """ Loop through each key in the input dict and generate batches from the iterator associated with that key until the target iterator reaches its end. Args: iterators: Dictionary of iterators """ iter_dict = {name: iter(iterator) for name, iterator in iterators.items()} while True: for name, it in iter_dict.items(): try: yield name, next(it) except StopIteration: new_iter = iter(iterators[name]) iter_dict[name] = new_iter if (not self.iter_to_set_epoch) or name == self.iter_to_set_epoch: self.iter_to_set_epoch = name # end of epoch return else: yield name, next(new_iter)
[docs]def select_key_and_batch( iterator_names: Dict[str, str], iterator_probs: Dict[str, float], iter_dict: Dict[str, Iterator], iterators: Dict[str, Iterator], ): """ Helper function for RandomizedBatchSampler and AlternatingRandomizedBatchSampler to select a key from iterator_names using iterator_probs and return a batch for the selected key using iter_dict and iterators. """ # Select a candidate iterator using the uniform distribtion selected_key = np.random.choice(iterator_names, p=iterator_probs) try: batch = next(iter_dict[selected_key]) except StopIteration: iter_dict[selected_key] = iter(iterators[selected_key]) batch = next(iter_dict[selected_key]) return selected_key, batch
[docs]def extract_iterator_properties(input_iterator_probs: Dict[str, float]): """ Helper function for RandomizedBatchSampler and AlternatingRandomizedBatchSampler to generate iterator properties: iterator_names and iterator_probs. """ iterator_names = list(input_iterator_probs) iterator_probs = np.array( [float(input_iterator_probs[name]) for name in iterator_names] ) iterator_probs /= iterator_probs.sum() return iterator_names, iterator_probs
[docs]class RandomizedBatchSampler(BaseBatchSampler): """ This sampler takes in a dictionary of iterators and returns batches according to the specified probabilities by `unnormalized_iterator_probs`. We cycle through the iterators (restarting any that "run out") indefinitely. Set batches_per_epoch in Trainer.Config. Example: Iterator A: [A, B, C, D], Iterator B: [a, b] batches_per_epoch = 3, unnormalized_iterator_probs = {"A": 0, "B": 1} Epoch 1 = [a, b, a] Epoch 2 = [b, a, b] Args: unnormalized_iterator_probs (Dict[str, float]): Iterator sampling probabilities. The keys should be the same as the keys of the underlying iterators, and the values will be normalized to sum to 1. """ __COMPONENT_TYPE__ = ComponentType.BATCH_SAMPLER
[docs] class Config(Component.Config): unnormalized_iterator_probs: Dict[str, float]
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Config): return cls(config.unnormalized_iterator_probs)
def __init__(self, unnormalized_iterator_probs: Dict[str, float]) -> None: self.iterator_names, self.iterator_probs = extract_iterator_properties( unnormalized_iterator_probs ) # Note: we need to make `iter_dict` an instance attribute so that it persists # across calls to `batchify()`. This way subsequent epochs will continue from # previous states of the iterators (instead of recreating them). self.iter_dict = None
[docs] def batchify(self, iterators: Dict[str, Iterator]): assert set(iterators) == set(self.iterator_names) if self.iter_dict is None: self.iter_dict = { name: iter(iterator) for name, iterator in iterators.items() } num_batches = 0 while True: selected_key, batch = select_key_and_batch( self.iterator_names, self.iterator_probs, self.iter_dict, iterators ) num_batches += 1 yield selected_key, batch
[docs]class AlternatingRandomizedBatchSampler(RandomizedBatchSampler): """ This sampler takes in a dictionary of iterators and returns batches alternating between keys and probabilities specified by `unnormalized_iterator_probs` and 'second_unnormalized_iterator_probs', This is used for example in XLM pre-training where we alternate between MLM and TLM batches. """ __COMPONENT_TYPE__ = ComponentType.BATCH_SAMPLER
[docs] class Config(Component.Config): unnormalized_iterator_probs: Dict[str, float] second_unnormalized_iterator_probs: Dict[str, float]
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Config): assert ( len(config.unnormalized_iterator_probs) > 0 and len(config.second_unnormalized_iterator_probs) > 0 ) return cls( unnormalized_iterator_probs=config.unnormalized_iterator_probs, second_unnormalized_iterator_probs=( config.second_unnormalized_iterator_probs ), )
def __init__( self, unnormalized_iterator_probs: Dict[str, float], second_unnormalized_iterator_probs: Dict[str, float], ) -> None: super().__init__(unnormalized_iterator_probs) ( self.second_iterator_names, self.second_iterator_probs, ) = extract_iterator_properties(second_unnormalized_iterator_probs) self.is_secondary_turn = False
[docs] def batchify(self, iterators: Dict[str, Iterator]): assert set(iterators) == set(self.iterator_names).union( set(self.second_iterator_names) ) if self.iter_dict is None: self.iter_dict = { name: iter(iterator) for name, iterator in iterators.items() } while True: curr_iter = ( self.second_iterator_names if self.is_secondary_turn else self.iterator_names ) curr_probs = ( self.second_iterator_probs if self.is_secondary_turn else self.iterator_probs ) selected_key, batch = select_key_and_batch( curr_iter, curr_probs, self.iter_dict, iterators ) self.is_secondary_turn = not self.is_secondary_turn yield selected_key, batch